Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Swachh Bharat Cess– Waste processing centres for all state capitals, cities, big panchayat with FDI if necessary and recycle metals, plastics, big dustbins in major waste generation areas, reduce plastic generation by using age old methods of packaging using cardboards, lotus/banana leaves, paper for hotels instead of plastic/aluminium foil, carry lunch in metal boxes instead of plastic, learning methods from developed countries on waste processing.

Waste management centres in all state capitals of 3 each and for major cities in each state 2 each and 1 for district headquarters. Initially at least 5 must be sanctioned per state with entire centre funding, state must just provide space or existing dumping yards must be handed over to central Govt.
Govt should bring FDI in waste management for better services from foreign companies which are expert and have learnt over several years from countries. FDI in waste management more needed.
State Govt agencies responsibility will be to bring all waste to these centres and recycled by the centres setup.
Lack of dustbins in state highways, national highways, hotels on highways where too much dumping happens, villages.
Tenders must be placed for best recycling of waste generated and processing of human waste from sewage to generate biogas and electricity and sludge incinerated or properly disposed by world standards or even better we should setup world standards.
Govt should clean rivers by placing waste water processing centre on top of rivers on river path at a proper height example at bridge height. Consider Adyar river in Chennai which has been polluted by entire Chennai waste once upon a time during pre independence era it was used for travelling by boat from one part of city to another. Pls consider placing separate contract by having waste water processing on top of river path and taking water from path and reprocessing and then discharging to sea in form of pure water. Pallikaranai dumping yard also need to be capable of processing waste instead of destroying lake area.
Recycling of waste dumped by these agencies in centres can be used to recycle plastic, paper, metals, etc,. And in turn the agency the revenue earned can be shared as 20% to centre, 10% to state and rest they can take for processing waste and recycling or re-invested in Swachh Bharath funds.
Recycling centres must use a big running tray on which waste is dumped from lorry and the magnets will remove metals, steps by step waste are removed, plastic are recycled, degradable waste like sewage, food are used to make biogas.
Like USA and other developed countries we must not dump the waste or recycled material in other African countries but we should be human and use the recycled products for public welfare or using in products which can help in building infrastructure. The recycled metals can be put to better use, recycled plastic for roads of best quality and in highways. The amount of plastic generated must be equated to number of trees planted. 1KG of plastic generated must be equalled with one tree plantation along roads.

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