Thursday, December 31, 2015

Major Projects if cleared will boost Indian Economy to 15% in 10 years

  1. Please implement the trucks being transferred through railways already successfully done by konkan railways details below it is not implemented in full vigor. The existing tracks after last passenger train the trucks must be loaded in one stations and the truck can reach the other end point by morning and the saving in cost and fuel and reduced pollution. The truck after existing the railway station at other end can then directly go to spot of sale. Hence will help save time and also reduce pollution. During available windows in major golden quadrilateral freight corridor routes, major cargo centers the lorry movement with consignment with railways will boost railways. It will be successful and also discuss with major lorry groups, major logistics, major ports for this plan and then go ahead in full steam to implement. Since if all logistics firm avoid railways and use roads since it has facilities will lead to loss to railways in long run. Hence railways freight should gain importance over any scheme.
  2. Article with details:
  3. Dedicated Golden Quadrilateral freight corridor needs clearance for all routes pending once feasibility done
  4. Please build 600Kmph high speed railway between Delhi and Mumbai as 300kmph is slow compared to current technologies available. Cost is high but in long run it is better and faster travel as 300kmph will become easily available in near future by all countries. that time india cannot boast of high speed rail corridor
  5. Existing golden quadrilateral highways needs expansion of lanes to increase volume of goods and traffic. Currently it is impossible to travel easily for passengers itself so you cant expect the goods to travel easily
  6. The road side facilities of Highways are very poor in global standards. The companies which have taken toll have failed to provide facilities similar to malaysia. The integrated facilities every 50 kms have complete facilities like restaurants, bus and car parking, hotels to take rest, religious places for prayer, water, toilets, bathroom to take bath, etc,. Hospitals. The facilities are needed every 50 kms in golden quadrilateral roads for now and all future projects must include the facilities. The fuelling centre must be also integrated. Mechanics to repair cars, lorries, tow vehicles in case of any vehicle to be towed. Free space to major car companies to have their facilites
  7. All fuel stations along highways must have proper facilities of shopping like food, water, etc,. for refreshing and clothes.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Crop/Tree/Plantation Insurance (include coconut, tea, coffee, flowers, fruits, vegetables – Make it Attractive for Farmers, Take help of Ravi Shankar Prasad/Venkiah Naidu/Arun Jaitley to review the scheme its vision and final review by PM, Each line in the scheme must think will it help farmers really and will they accept it and they will buy for securing own future, Partnering with Israel for Agriculture in latest technologies

It seems crop insurance exists in various forms for all crops, plantations, trees but not much farmers took it. It needs to be streamlines into single Crop Insurance Organisation or IRDA itself to monitor and specialise in the same. 1st partner and work closely with all states on crop insurance similar to how Govt, finance and others worked day and night with committees for GST. Similar amount of energy needed for crop insurance and many ideas will come out there and make it clear that loan waivers should be avoided and ask all govt to promote crop insurance and to take loans from authorised govt agency and avoid money lenders. Draft document must be released before Jan End for state level discussion. The draft must be in all regional languages and circulated to all village panchayat's by post with or without state Govt help and intel to collect on farmers initial reactions and fine tune points. Also work with existing crop insurance companies and why they have failed to understand root cause.
Insurance distribution must not be concentrated with banks alone. Farmers have lost hope of banks to some extent. Ask post offices/individual agencies/banks to provide insurance.
A) Farmers without own lands must also be given crop insurance B) Farmers once they show proof of their land document in Xerox if in case they are going to sow on another person land also they can take but the money will be refunded to the farmer who works only to save from big money lenders who use tactics to cheat farmers, crop going to be sown, area to be sown, a same farmer may do multiple crops in same area so all must be covered no questions asked C) No land document of farmers must be taken no security from farmer must be asked D) Even for interest subvention scheme the insurance must be added by default to protect from natural calamities E) some farmers lose land due to mischief/fight/theft it must be added to insurance. Govt must be careful but for theft or fight they must get police FIR to give claim similar to loss of vehicles. So by all combinations which happen in villages should be covered by getting info from farmers F) Farmers health insurance must be equated to the amount to which the crop insurance is taken if he takes for 20,000 for 1 acre same amount his health insurance must be given for taking treat at any private hospital also to make it attractive or return 0.5% of the amount if the crop is successfully harvested or in next crop insurance deduct amount in that but keep them engaged.
Govt must interact with major farmers groups in all states. Ministers must be given freedom to take good decisions and allowed to fine tune some points based on farmers thoughts. 2nd draft post discussion with farmers or simultaneously at secretary of central and state govt level. In budget the details of the body setup with corpus of 1000 crores or amount based on recent amounts given for various states for droughts. One thing PM and govt must understand entire world thinks the current govt is against farmers and not capable of doing for farmers as MNREGA was closed but many know it had lot of corruption but you need to prove the crop insurance followed with Revised MNREGA as PM & entire India is a great fan of Gandhi. Final version of crop insurance post review of the feedback to budget and all suggestions.
Crop insurance can be made popular by making the scheme attractive by easy availability of information in all languages and app in all languages rendering and not too many forms in banks and no wait time given in less than 20 mins (a money lender gives money at 40% interest rate in 10 minutes so same way for farmers also) once farmer puts sign or fingerprint in aadhaar based device. Ads needed but should be simple and clear and covering list of crops in that. Once the farmers buys crop insurance next time it must be cake walk next time he should just buy loan which includes insurance and walks out with peace of mind. Govt should put ads in all regional newspapers in all regional languages like in Tamil, telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, marati, etc,. If you keep putting in Hindi and English around 60% farmers wont know. TV ads in regional channel's in regional language in clear tone on top TRP programmes and top TRP programmes in rural areas

Crops of any form must be covered – rice, wheat, coconut, pulses, flowers, fruits, vegetables, turmeric anything which can be grown full list you will have you use that. Don’t say I will give only for 4 types rest all we don’t support everything must be supported no timelines on co-payment by Govt. Make a scheme which stands testimony of time and will stand for decades. Govt must create a toll free number to which if a villager calls and then complaints on any facility it must be resolved in 60 days – toilets, schools
As per RBI panel report and earlier suggestions. Make crop insurance mandatory for those farmers who take loans so that their loan amount for the period will be waived off if any damage to crop. If crop is safe then they must be returned if possible say 0.5% amount as premium paying is considered averse for money everyone expect something in return. Or you can say you will provide health cover for the same amount paid for the crops if crops are safe.
Ask university professors in all Agricultural universities in all states to submit report on their suggestions on why crop insurance has not been taken up by most farmers & avoided. Ask them for latest technologies.
  • Share with farmers through IVRS number of 4 digits maximum and register their mobile number once they call and send sms in regional languages and English and hindi based on choice or by default what mode they chose to talk, the ivrs must be configured to speak in regional language first when they call to help them understand. Local BPO must be created in all universities or near that campus to guide farmers
Steps to be taken to prevent farmers to go to private money lenders and why they are averse to go to banks. Money lenders must be arrested by police to prevent farmers from going to them. Use intel and local info. if a money lender can give money in 10 minutes cant a bank give same.
  • RBI panel was wrong about interest subvention scheme the 4% interest rates must be maintained. It was fault of big corporates who failed to repay loans and the NPA affected banks for that farmers cannot suffer by taking loans at higher rates. RBI is never worried about farmers

Monday, December 28, 2015

Parliament & Rashtrapathi Bhavan– New Committee under Speak and Vice President to look into disruption with joint committee of all parties to bring new solutions with each house separate committee – 2 hours for Question hour (11AM, 4PM), 1 hour for national importance, Separate one hour to discuss bills, Convert 50% of the Parliament & Rashtrapathi Bhavan building to use green energy(solar panels of 200MW or more as space available on top of parliament building, solar thermal power plant up to 50MW in less space, solar heaters, wind turbines to replace water pumps, Bio Fuels to run motors, heat from motor to heat parliament during winter sessions) by 2017 and make it 100% by 2020, In-Ear Headphones for MP to hear during shouting by opposition, Option in DTH to hear Rajya Sabha and lok Sabha tv in regional languages as to what MP are speaking for common man to know without help of media or news

The parliament has not functioned effectively since 2010 as always the MP’s from opposition will fight with whatever Government present at any given point of time. Please form 2 committee’s for each house under the leadership of the speaker and the vice-president respectively to arrive at a consensus on how the parliament operates by inviting all parties and fix issue it will be landmark. Guidelines needs to be created on a) How notices can be taken up a wait time of 1 day instead of opposition forcing to take up matters instantaneously as no Govt can be prepared to answer in short notice and Govt should take up notice definitely within 48 hours but Govt should definitely reply to all notices within 72 hours and allow for discussion for 1 and half hour maximum b) One hour or half hour(at 12 PM) should be allocated to matters of National importance or urgent needs mostly the agenda is set by newspapers or media to disrupt parliament indirectly as each party has some media backing c) First hour alone to Question hour has not helped as Question hour needs to be 2 hours one in the morning and one in the evening at closing time as most MP’s leave after 12 PM itself not good for country when we work for full day why MP’s leave early and there are so many issues and in 1 hour you cant ask everything d) Parliamentarians making loud noises or entering into well of the house must be sent out immediately(for 2 days first, then 2 days again), if they do next time (after 2 earlier warnings) sent out permanently for entire session. Even in state Govt's we send out why cant parliament do that also is speaker and VP not given powers e) Any bill likely to be passed Govt must start working continuously with opposition and public to get feedback and not pass in hurry f) Parliamentarians who disrupt must not be given free food in parliament canteen g) Fixed time lines for discussion on bills should be made compulsory for 1 hour daily at 3PM -4 PM and notice for bill draft must be shared to all parties well ahead of parliament not at last minute that is purely intent is to avoid discussion and pass it directly that is not fair h) MP’s will lose free flight tickets benefits if they have disrupted the parliament even once they can come by train. MP’s speaking too much out of turn or without notice can also be subjected to this treatment to bring discipline and prepare well before coming
When govt in new pay commission has stated that Govt employees will have performance based pay but what about MP’s you should have that rule to self monitor
Parliament & Rashtrapathi Bhavan need to become green buildings (solar, bio fuel, wind) and reduce electricity consumption significantly. The department of science and Technology is willing to take this up as a challenge to achieve. Please generate electricity more than peak demand at session and non session period. If both these buildings are made green buildings it will be good signal to entire India on motive of Govt and MP’s.
In-Ear headphones or noise cancellation headsets without battery for parliamentarians to hear during disruptions as current headphones wont help hear clearly. Currently used headphones in parliament are outdated and will cause outside noise to interfere and during times of translations nothing can be understood and it is difficult for MP asking and minister answering. Most noise cancellation headsets work against noise from machines but you need to test in parliament or in crowded areas if noise of public or MP’s wont be heard inside the ear.
In DTH boxes some channels like National Geographic offer the option to choose different languages for the same video like Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Hindi and English. So if the same option is available for Rajya Sabha TV and Lok Sabha TV it will help greatly to the public to understand what MP are speaking about for the public as the translation services are available only for MP in parliament what about us and the common man. The common man in a village is not able to understand what you people are talking about he wants to know whether you discuss for him or some matters of personal interest. So do translation options it is very easy ask DTH operators you can use the existing translation services in parliament to extend to all regional languages and that can be transferred over the air to all the public. Currently media takes up only one portion of the parliament activities and keeps focussing on that for full day based on its agenda if translation is there we know what to hear.
Govt should have meeting with all parties every month to discuss any issues of national importance during non parliament days so that parliament works fine when it approaches if you go and reach out to opposition only one week or few days before wont help. Leave out all egos and reach out patiently and solve issues one by one.
All MP's discuss well in news channels but not in parliament is something the way MP's have let down people of India for decades now. One mistake constitution creators forgot was they did not mention how discussion will take place other than that everything they did. Most MP’s don’t have knowledge to discuss constructively or ask Questions

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Chennai International Airport – Modernisation with feedback from International Airports & top domestic airports, Luggage Handling slowest in the world, Interior Decoration of International Arrivals and Departures needed most, Moving walkway needed between domestic and international airport, Agra new greenfield airport, Direct flights to nearest airport of top 25 tourist destinations of India from all metros, States, Centre must reduce cost when flights operate within state

Chennai Airport has been marked as the worst airport in Asia by Sky Trax a popular airport rating company. Change or transfer the current Airport directors and major staffs entirely and bring in new staff from Mumbai and Delhi if things don’t improve in next 6 months. Also warn directors if in next ranking if Chennai doesn’t move out of worst ranked airports they will be transferred to totally new location. Also what are AAI board members not publicising details of delays in flights with reasons on daily basis of both domestic and international in their website and also updated to Ministry of Civil Aviation similar to Railway Board to improve performance and solve roadblocks on daily basis and improve overall
Arrivals sections is the worst ever no changes have been done to international terminal for so many years. The airport officials want us to leave airport immediately on arrival. Poor attitude no seats near immigration area. No paintings, no designs on walls or buildings and pillars it is just plain walls. So when a tourist visits an Airport it is his first entry point to the city but the arrivals of international airport look pathetic and has not partnered with state Govt and handicrafts division to make any new designs, paintings of the local culture to impress global tourists. No TV displays news in waiting area.
Baggage handling is the worst ever. Very slow unloading, takes at least one hour all passengers will be waiting but not even one luggage comes out. In Singapore & Hong Kong by the time you complete immigration all bags would have come out and they would start loading for next airline itself. In Chennai a small airport in comparison to Changi & Hong Kong cannot handle low traffic also. So baggage contract needs complete review & changes.
Chennai Airport should be maintained by either GVK (Bangalore airport), GMR (Delhi Airport) positive reviews by giving maintenance contracts only so AAI staff need not protest about privatisation and also public don’t suffer by poor service. Ask London Heathrow & Changi airport (Singapore) feedback after complete analysis independently on features to improve for passengers – baggage, overall experience, food courts, connectivity to domestic airport, connectivity to city, airlines, runway, cargo, air traffic control, aircraft maintenance, etc,. So based on their independent reports without any influence or interference from AAI or Chennai AAI directors to give open feedback on areas to improve the Airport.
No direct connectivity between domestic and international airport by moving walkway. No bus between Airport to nearest railway stations to catch train. A person cannot carry heavy luggage from airport to main road hence bus must be available at airport once a passenger exists the airport. Security checks of the buses can be done before passengers boarding if necessary to Tambaram Railway Station, Central Railway Station, Egmore Railway Station, CMBT and OMR or based on info collected from Taxi drivers.
Customs upon arrival in international don’t scan all bags and leads to lot of smuggling by airline staff, passengers casually bringing gold as cost of airline ticket is less. Just ask all passengers to pass all bags through belt hence even if customs officials don’t note down a passenger due to some reasons(either contacts, bribes) the security cameras feed can be later on audited. Security scans of all bags not done openly before loading baggage.
The New Aviation policy must make it compulsory that flights connect from a) all metros to loss making airports on at least once in week b) state capital to other airports within state on daily basis c) once in 2 days from metros to airports marked as top 25 tourist destinations (and non metro, North east) by funding the seats with the revenue from levy so that passengers have at least one direct flight once in 2 days from their location to the other location as transit flights within India increases cost. The popularity of some airports will grow which are near tourist spots when people have more direct flights from metros regularly at least weekend. Targeting routes which are in peak demand for railways may be targeted by getting data from Railways by subsidising those air routes and pricing at very level and proper timings. Example: Mumbai – Thirupathi, Kolkata – Pondicherry, Patna – Mumbai (make it cheap), Bangalore – Bagdogra, Chennai – Bagdogra (near Darjeeling but too costly tickets), Chennai – Goa, Delhi – Port Blair, Chennai – Chandigarh (to reach Shimla), Kolkata – Thiruvananthapuram (to visit Kanyakumari also). Pls ask state Govt's also for feedback on details of tourists.
Flights within same state and neighbouring state capital must be cheap and equal to that of 3AC tickets to promote airfare to a big extend and reduce load out of railways and faster connectivity and business and economic growth quickly. Most of the times people have to come to airport and then take trains since connectivity within state by air is very poor and too costly.
Please FastTrack Taj International airport at Agra by PPP model scope for being a major revenue earner for India in tourism by direct international flights from Asia and Europe. Ministry of Defence has objections but suitably positioning airport will give lot of revenue to state, centre and AAI. Agra a major hub of Army and Tourism so choose wisely.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Swachh Bharat Cess– Waste processing centres for all state capitals, cities, big panchayat with FDI if necessary and recycle metals, plastics, big dustbins in major waste generation areas, reduce plastic generation by using age old methods of packaging using cardboards, lotus/banana leaves, paper for hotels instead of plastic/aluminium foil, carry lunch in metal boxes instead of plastic, learning methods from developed countries on waste processing.

Waste management centres in all state capitals of 3 each and for major cities in each state 2 each and 1 for district headquarters. Initially at least 5 must be sanctioned per state with entire centre funding, state must just provide space or existing dumping yards must be handed over to central Govt.
Govt should bring FDI in waste management for better services from foreign companies which are expert and have learnt over several years from countries. FDI in waste management more needed.
State Govt agencies responsibility will be to bring all waste to these centres and recycled by the centres setup.
Lack of dustbins in state highways, national highways, hotels on highways where too much dumping happens, villages.
Tenders must be placed for best recycling of waste generated and processing of human waste from sewage to generate biogas and electricity and sludge incinerated or properly disposed by world standards or even better we should setup world standards.
Govt should clean rivers by placing waste water processing centre on top of rivers on river path at a proper height example at bridge height. Consider Adyar river in Chennai which has been polluted by entire Chennai waste once upon a time during pre independence era it was used for travelling by boat from one part of city to another. Pls consider placing separate contract by having waste water processing on top of river path and taking water from path and reprocessing and then discharging to sea in form of pure water. Pallikaranai dumping yard also need to be capable of processing waste instead of destroying lake area.
Recycling of waste dumped by these agencies in centres can be used to recycle plastic, paper, metals, etc,. And in turn the agency the revenue earned can be shared as 20% to centre, 10% to state and rest they can take for processing waste and recycling or re-invested in Swachh Bharath funds.
Recycling centres must use a big running tray on which waste is dumped from lorry and the magnets will remove metals, steps by step waste are removed, plastic are recycled, degradable waste like sewage, food are used to make biogas.
Like USA and other developed countries we must not dump the waste or recycled material in other African countries but we should be human and use the recycled products for public welfare or using in products which can help in building infrastructure. The recycled metals can be put to better use, recycled plastic for roads of best quality and in highways. The amount of plastic generated must be equated to number of trees planted. 1KG of plastic generated must be equalled with one tree plantation along roads.

Monday, December 7, 2015

NDRF – Review – Move team within 2 hours of news in TV to location with approval from either PM/CM/President/Governor to save people, siren not used to indicate to public of distress, NDRF have no stock of water bottles, ready to eat food for 1 Lakh always to move with force or within 3 hours, NDRF should train state police, fire regularly every month across all districts to handle till NDRF reaches, NDRF ads to help public get aware of all states

NDRF should independently take decision to move to a state or district or country to start relief operations. They should understand they are for saving people of this country and should not wait for push from Central Govt or request from state Govt.They should start acting on their own and move to a location of distress on their own and then should wait for approval from either PM/CM/president or governor. If anyone gives approval they should start work. The current process is pathetic leads to delays of 24 hours easily. The approval time must be reduced to 2 hours and NDRF has to independent follow and track news to take decision and start moving and wait for approval at location. This is imp issue. In 1st time floods in November NDRF did not move also because PM was outside India but in December PM interfered I believe. So always NDRF, army and air force relief teams should self initiate without PM/CM request as NDRF need is to save people irrespective of govt and get approval post reaching spot from any cabinet level
States don’t have siren concept to intimate people of distress in the area to save themselves in Chennai when water was released at night it is too difficult to escape. So siren must be installed in all police stations across the country to notify of emergencies for public to prepare themselves irrespective of literacy and also avoid informing all
NDRF, Army engineers, Airforce engineers must always be formed as team to restore any transportation issues like Airport, Railways, National or state highways immediately to bring relief and to restore transportation always similar to war like scenario where transport is fixed in less than 5 hours. Both NH45, Airport, railways where not operating.
NDRF had stated it was waiting for airport to clear in future it should move with any possible means helicopter, high speed boats to reach area instead of waiting for anything.
NDRF should have own means of transportation like helicopters, small planes to prevent dependency on air force, army, aircrafts for movement to avoid delays in movement.
NDRF boats should have foldable motors to run boats wherever possible where boats hit any object below water level.
NDRF did not have stock of water bottles, ready to eat meals, biscuits, rusk, banana/strawberry, fruit pulp juices like mango, pineapple from fruity or any brand to get fruit juice into body to improve mood for at least for 50,000 people as disaster will definitely impact from 50,000 to 1 Lakh with separate helicopters or planes within 4 hours. Avoid rice as by the time it reaches it becomes stale some volunteers try to give it proves wrong. Even chapatti can help survive the hunger.
NDRF should train local police, fire, coast guard, army, air force, schools, colleges, NCC cadets  to handle such situation and share experiences with other state police regularly with monthly interactions year long for better practice and improving with global standards and also in turn learn from other agencies as issues differ with geography, level from sea level, various forms of disasters, etc,. Docs must be put online.
NDRF toll free number for entire nation must be available. NDRF must be available in twitter and Facebook to get direct response. SMS numbers to send SMS, WhatsApp, hike
NDRF ads which were shown earlier was stopped so hereafter every month to get public prepared put ads on required materials public should carry like candles, clothes for 3 days for both self and other gender to help the needy, solar led light, winter blankets/wind sheathe, water bottles, first aid kit, children food items, glucose powder, ready to eat food, biscuits, radio with batteries to know latest news to avoid rumours, mobile chargers if possible with solar/dry battery/mechanical movement, raincoats/umbrellas, milk powder, mats for sitting, metal boxes to get food, plastic bottles to hold water and accumulate later, medicines if consumed. Once they hear siren, imp docs,  they can take box and leave the place for safety separate for each person in their own hand.
Disaster relief centres must be constructed in each state in at least 3 districts which have faced issues till now or major disasters. For Example in TamilNadu – Cuddalore, Chennai and nearby Pondicherry face distress often as it is coastal area. So building separate disaster centres in best features to help public occupy these places when siren goes out to prevent further issues. The current system of making public or poor stay in schools, marriage halls will not help in proper rehabilitation. Since in 1 week no body can recover from trauma. These centres must have 50,000 sqft space with several floors with space for taking rest in floor with mats as beds are not necessary as maintenance not possible and accommodate more people, hospital in a floor to carry out operations or first aid activities with facilities during non disaster time it will work as hospital, communication with free telephones with all networks, internet, TV to get news, food hall to prepare and have food for people, communication centre to reach to people, forces, etc,. Meeting room for NDRF, SDRF to meet regularly and take actions and improve based on feedback and latest techniques. The funding of these centres will be split 70:30 with highest from state and rest from centre as land has to be given by state and centre with remaining funds and also guidance on how to build and what features based on needs of locations.

Monday, November 30, 2015

National Highways – NH45 – Southern GST Road from Perungulathur – Chengalpattu too much traffic daily obstructing GDP growth, 4 lanes to 8 lanes to handle too much traffic, flyovers at perungulathur, Vandalur, Guduvanchery junctions up to Chengalpattu to skip flyovers with ease for cars, lorries

Perungulathur is the epi centre of the issues in Southern GST road. If a proper solution is created to prevent repeated traffic jams here as the entire traffic enters and leaves Chennai through this point.
Perungulathur has a big bus depot through which major buses stop and pick passengers and drop them off. But it is done on GST main road leading to traffic and reduces speed of vehicles.
Perungulathur and Vandalur signals need to replaced with flyovers immediately to clear traffic in war footing. The problems have prevented lorries to enter places on time affecting GDP, work going are affected when returning to work, too much diesel is wasted leading to high levels of pollution as thousands of vehicles cross in one hour if entire stretch from Guduvanchery to Perungulathur takes more than 2 and half hours daily for a stretch of 9 kms due to traffic signals and non replaced with flyovers at Guduvanchery, Vandalur, Perungulathur. Anyway toll if being collected so putting flyover will fix the issue for another 10 years.
Widening of road to 8 lanes for travel will help a lot from current 4 lanes. I am aware Govt is planning to widen to 6 lanes but wont be enough. So consider 8 lanes for travel with 2 lanes for service lanes so totally 10 lanes will only solve traffic for another 20 years. A project of national significance for traffic to all southern states and southern TamilNadu. Lorries from south India have to use this road to reach other states also as it is major junction. Till widening is done through land acquisition please fund for flyovers at very important junctions.
Completion of road over bridge at railway stations near Perungulathur, Vandalur, Guduvanchery etc up to chengalpattu for public and goods to travel with ease and preventing traffic bottlenecks to enter and exit Chennai for goods and public as travel with becoming a menace by roadways.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

TN Floods – Solution – Permanent infrastructure like Dams in Cuddalore District, State Rivers - Lakes Inter linking by canals using MNREGA workers, panchayat raj funds, modern equipment, Chennai – Adyar River increase depth for free flow from lakes during flooding, Adyar river sewage processing centre on river path at a level above water to process sewage water to prevent sludge on pathway, increasing bunds or cement walls of Adyar river or cooum to prevent flooding of Chennai. Data for Cuddalore based on various sources. Pls confirm with locals, farmers for best solutions, New concept of mini dams with 10-15 feet high automatic metal sluices with cement structure to prevent wastage of water to sea

When Central Govt releases funds to TN govt it should consider dams, river interlinking as condition or clause and should start simultaneous development and widening of rivers, new dams to improve capacity and increasing depth by rolling fund. Just money to locals wont help many generations have suffered in these districts like Cuddalore, Chennai along banks of rivers, lakes hence permanent solutions like infrastructure like banks will only help. Central Govt will be remembered for years for this effort as no effort for new dams has been made in TN after kings, rulers and British.
Building of new medium sized dams in either Thenn Pennai,Kedilam, Gadilam River in Cuddalore, since every year due to rain the district is affected and the river bed depth be increased, path must be widened, bunds created with cement walls near Cuddalore areas where households are there.
No new dams were constructed in TamilNadu after Cholas, rulers and British. If Central and state have to prevent repeated damage to public and state properties and also repeated funds you can consider dams at appropriate location to save water for future usage and wastage of water to sea. The dams will also prevent further funds wastage on repeated damage. Please work for at least 2 dams with feasibility and start work by one year. Thanks.,,
The Dam should be constructed by central and state funds together to prevent any damage in future. Dam location can be built by joint consensus among farmers, locals, IAS, state and central team and water resources team. Dams in other rivers where water goes wasted to sea like in Cauvery where water is definitely received every year a dam at good location will help. TN is projected to become desert by geologists in 50 years due to lack of rainfall. Hence appropriate steps to protect water resources and plant more trees. Preservation and further improvement of western Ghats areas to get more rainfall in catchment area to rivers. Other than Dams structures to hold water up to a height of 10-15 feet high to prevent water going to sea easily can be considered at low cost. Since Govt cannot construct dams in all rivers at least 10-15 feet high metal sluices may be considered.
Thamirabarani – Vaigai – Cauvery – Kollidam – Thenn Pennai - Ponnaiyar - Palar River interlinking with major lakes in TamilNadu with necessary planning and funding for building canals. Money can be raised as debt through tax free bonds, revenue from sand mining from dry river beds legally, MNREGA workers to do the project, panchayat raj funds along which canals are built as panchayat raj funds are wasted maximum by all state govt's and subject to severe corruption, 5% of entire tax revenue of states, 5% of total cost from central govt and immediate amount of 300 crores to start work. Small rivers can be interconnected easily with small funds. Many of the rivers where done in olden days manually by hand and workers now with modern equipment it should be cake walk. In future when Cauvery river gets water from Karnataka excess can be sent to other districts also easily and during monsoon also wastage to sea can be avoided. Central Govt if can achieve this with partnership with state it will be the worlds best water project.
Chennai – Increasing depth of existing lakes to double capacity and increasing depth of Adyar river for flow of water from lakes to see in case of floods. Increasing bunds height and cement walls across entire Adyar river stretch within Chennai and Kanchipuram limits to prevent flooding. Adyar river overflowing is an issue faced every 3 years. Some sections we have walls but not throughout. Many huts and hamlets across Adyar river must be permanently moved to new location with urban housing funds and preventing occupying on banks of Adyar river.
When lakes and dams were opened announcement were made through TV and FM but actually due to power cut many didn’t know. So new age methods of sending alerts to all public in the state through SMS, email etc by using help of mobile networks must be proposed
Author: Venkatasubramanian B, Chennai