Sunday, November 29, 2015

TN Floods – Solution – Permanent infrastructure like Dams in Cuddalore District, State Rivers - Lakes Inter linking by canals using MNREGA workers, panchayat raj funds, modern equipment, Chennai – Adyar River increase depth for free flow from lakes during flooding, Adyar river sewage processing centre on river path at a level above water to process sewage water to prevent sludge on pathway, increasing bunds or cement walls of Adyar river or cooum to prevent flooding of Chennai. Data for Cuddalore based on various sources. Pls confirm with locals, farmers for best solutions, New concept of mini dams with 10-15 feet high automatic metal sluices with cement structure to prevent wastage of water to sea

When Central Govt releases funds to TN govt it should consider dams, river interlinking as condition or clause and should start simultaneous development and widening of rivers, new dams to improve capacity and increasing depth by rolling fund. Just money to locals wont help many generations have suffered in these districts like Cuddalore, Chennai along banks of rivers, lakes hence permanent solutions like infrastructure like banks will only help. Central Govt will be remembered for years for this effort as no effort for new dams has been made in TN after kings, rulers and British.
Building of new medium sized dams in either Thenn Pennai,Kedilam, Gadilam River in Cuddalore, since every year due to rain the district is affected and the river bed depth be increased, path must be widened, bunds created with cement walls near Cuddalore areas where households are there.
No new dams were constructed in TamilNadu after Cholas, rulers and British. If Central and state have to prevent repeated damage to public and state properties and also repeated funds you can consider dams at appropriate location to save water for future usage and wastage of water to sea. The dams will also prevent further funds wastage on repeated damage. Please work for at least 2 dams with feasibility and start work by one year. Thanks.,,
The Dam should be constructed by central and state funds together to prevent any damage in future. Dam location can be built by joint consensus among farmers, locals, IAS, state and central team and water resources team. Dams in other rivers where water goes wasted to sea like in Cauvery where water is definitely received every year a dam at good location will help. TN is projected to become desert by geologists in 50 years due to lack of rainfall. Hence appropriate steps to protect water resources and plant more trees. Preservation and further improvement of western Ghats areas to get more rainfall in catchment area to rivers. Other than Dams structures to hold water up to a height of 10-15 feet high to prevent water going to sea easily can be considered at low cost. Since Govt cannot construct dams in all rivers at least 10-15 feet high metal sluices may be considered.
Thamirabarani – Vaigai – Cauvery – Kollidam – Thenn Pennai - Ponnaiyar - Palar River interlinking with major lakes in TamilNadu with necessary planning and funding for building canals. Money can be raised as debt through tax free bonds, revenue from sand mining from dry river beds legally, MNREGA workers to do the project, panchayat raj funds along which canals are built as panchayat raj funds are wasted maximum by all state govt's and subject to severe corruption, 5% of entire tax revenue of states, 5% of total cost from central govt and immediate amount of 300 crores to start work. Small rivers can be interconnected easily with small funds. Many of the rivers where done in olden days manually by hand and workers now with modern equipment it should be cake walk. In future when Cauvery river gets water from Karnataka excess can be sent to other districts also easily and during monsoon also wastage to sea can be avoided. Central Govt if can achieve this with partnership with state it will be the worlds best water project.
Chennai – Increasing depth of existing lakes to double capacity and increasing depth of Adyar river for flow of water from lakes to see in case of floods. Increasing bunds height and cement walls across entire Adyar river stretch within Chennai and Kanchipuram limits to prevent flooding. Adyar river overflowing is an issue faced every 3 years. Some sections we have walls but not throughout. Many huts and hamlets across Adyar river must be permanently moved to new location with urban housing funds and preventing occupying on banks of Adyar river.
When lakes and dams were opened announcement were made through TV and FM but actually due to power cut many didn’t know. So new age methods of sending alerts to all public in the state through SMS, email etc by using help of mobile networks must be proposed
Author: Venkatasubramanian B, Chennai

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