Friday, November 20, 2015

Telecasting Indian TV/FM Channels Abroad by MOU with major countries PM visited and Online viewing of all TV/FM channels through single portal for NRI, working Indians, Indians transferred to other states for work to not forget culture, news and to pass critical information

Indian TV Channels are not available abroad in most of the countries. Most foreigners are eager to know about our culture but there is no channel telecasting abroad. Even NRI and Indians on work don’t have access to Indian TV or FM channels abroad. Please work on MOU by foreign ministries and embassy to start transmitting Indian TV/FM channels one by one by forcing our TV channels to partner or give them some concessions to transmit abroad & to promote our tourism, makeinindia, NRI voting
There are so many who had to travel with their children who had settled abroad due to work and other personal reasons but could not hear good songs also there. Since there is no major FM channel to transmit the songs there on request basis or even hear them. They slowly forget our culture, language, etc,. FM channels must be available in single app to hear on streaming
I request the Govt to setup a single free portal to view all TV/FM channels in India and abroad who transmit in India and in Indian languages an option to register and then stream their programmes in the website to viewed/heard by all public in India, abroad with ease. The portal must be accessible through all browsers, any computer, any device – iPad, iphone, tablets, any mobile model, app, etc,.
The portal subdomains must be for different language like or anything easy to remember and connected to India and subdomain can be like or or so all will remember and visit regularly.
Govt should give tender to best media companies or IT companies who can do this at best rate and provide service for 4 years contract for further development and support. The portal should be available for Indians also to view.
All TV/FM channels must be asked to compulsorily register in this website and they can share their feed live. Make it compulsory since some TV/FM channels will start own website and will not share in Govt website and it will be waste of effort. Pass bill or make executive rule saying share feed and have own infrastructure ready to share here. Govt should not charge TV/FM channels any money for this and nor from Indians who view also. The site should be ad free on sides of website but Govt can put ads of schemes launched in India relative to the ip address of person visiting. If a person from South Africa visits then details like nearest Indian embassy location, emergency contact numbers, madhad scheme details like that. So details based on person visiting. Few TV, FM channels which are based abroad must be added if they transmit in our language.
There should be a ad on Incredible India programme before each feed starts transmitting and unique ads featuring Indian culture through videos from different states must be shown to pull tourists and make all come back to India showing our strength and rich tradition. If any major event taking place you can invite all also by ads it will be effective.

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