Friday, November 27, 2015

Revamp of Engineering Syllabus – Give best practical knowledge to engineers, 50% - practical in all semesters, Computer programming, internet of things kits should be introduced at school level of 8th and by 12th complete knowledge, Science fund of 500 crores to fund students projects at college, school level itself and general public to promote and fund innovation

Engineers in India lack knowledge to repair even a tube light, TV, fridge or a PC
Engineers need to be given extensive training in electronics like Internet of Things, Arduino (Italy), Intel IOT Kit and latest kits to deliver innovation
Engineers have poor practical knowledge compared to diploma. Diploma students lack theoretical knowledge but too much practical knowledge but they are able to get jobs in core sector like Civil, Electrical , Mechanical. Include Electronics as a core job to generate so much employment and innovation.
Innovation will be driven by electronics and computers from backside to improve efficiency of civil, electrical, mechanical, aeronautical engineering. Many colleges don’t have enough electronic kits or devices or close labs often.
Central Science Funding agency with funds to support any project supported by any student, professor, Masters, PHD student to support the innovation to produce in mass scale and to improve entrepreneurship. Govt must form a committee of highly skilled people from science, engineering, defence, computers, aeronautical, IIT, IIM, school heads from each state, top universities from each state, MLA,MP, president representation to filter out applications and fund them. In US google was initially funded by govt science agency. Science Fund of 500 crores per year needed. Application must be online with PPT
Including electronics, computer programming languages subjects in schools it will help innovation and higher quality education at higher education.
Practical weightage in engineering must be improved to 50% practical and 50% theory with equal weightage let it be any subject. Example: If a semester has 3 electronics papers, 1 computer paper, 1 English paper currently we have only 1 electronics practical, 1 computer practical. But we need practical in all electronics, comp, English
Language paper like English also you can have practical by having speaking, slides preparation on any engineering topic and present to improve speaking skills and explain very big topics in small slides with solutions.
Computer languages have become so advanced but still we are learning only basics in college. Programming languages like c, c++, HTML, JAVA, Dot Net must be introduced for all students before 10th standard itself. Some state syllabus and cbse don’t have computer for biology students. Biology students can use big data to save data of genes to further analyse but most biology students are not given exposure to tools to analyse data and store.

Author: VenkatasubramanianB, Chennai – Willing to talk to HRD or PMO on this

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