Sunday, November 15, 2015

Model Villages – Develop 10 remote and poorly developed villages per state/month with entire Central Govt Funding, similar model as how Sachin developed villages with MP funds, cement roads, small bus from village to nearest town, rain water/bathroom drainage to nearest lakes/rivers, building common bathrooms/toilets, electricity underground cables by removing overhead cables, telephone cable to houses for landline/broadband, mobile towers, ATM/coin vending/money transfer

Govt must create and quickly implement a new policy called model villages in each state by selecting most backward villages in each state/district must submit around 100 villages. Central Govt must request all IAS officers for suggestions of backward villages per IAS officers for list and then should be selected. If Govt doesn’t focus on villages at the same time as smart cities then Govt will face too many hurdles later & people support will be lost and economic recovery should start from villages with facilities. Most children in villages leave abroad for jobs so there will be no farmers later to produce food to eat in cities. So villages/farmers come first. Use the word model villages or Atal model villages program and not smart village.
Govt should not wait for state govt's to partner as time for 2020 is less and Govt must start funding villages as cost is less compared to smart cities concept. Each village will have around 150-700 villagers maximum. So Govt should take it as a concept to provide following services irrespective of villagers size. state govt spend thousands of crores in panchayat raj but no development see RBI data. Cost to develop villages will be less than 1 crore per village. 10% - MP fund, 10% - states
All these can be put as a tender in bulk of 10 villages per tender and given to private to do without state funds.  Cement roads for inner village roads or from nearest highway bus stop/railway station to village with space to carry telephone lines, electricity cables, rain water, sewage drainage in side of roads, Broadband services by using DTH or CDMA technology to the panchayat office, ATM/money deposit/coin vending machine services of any bank with funding by bank, RBI, finance ministry, common water tank to fill water if not available for entire village with water pumped using wind pump using wind power to pump out water to avoid dependency on electricity during floods or lack of electricity when state/central govt's change, solar energy for each house or combined solar plant to have power to light and fan or thermal solar plant to make electricity, LED street lamps with mini solar and mini wind mill combination similar to Shenzhen, china to prevent darkness at night, common bathrooms in 1000 sq. ft. space for common 6-10 bathrooms and 5 toilets for people in that village to use if they could not construct many women have to take bath in open areas or in improperly build fences with sticks which affects their privacy and leads to other incidents, drinking water connection inside each house not at street corner, development of nearest hospital for child births, nearest veterinary clinic for cows, buffalos, goats, chicken maintenance with central govt staff visiting every 1 month to train state govt staff, cement bus shelter of nearest bus stops where govt/private buses stop, farmers to take agri support or know latest separate farmers toll free helpline number based landline services in village and nearest bus stop. Level crossing near villages made as manned with signal to indicate train passing and one person/6hours from village, small Buses needed from village to nearest town every one hour. The bus can be small sized bus as large sized bus cannot run in small streets in villages, Skill development centre and adult education by video conferencing from state capital through skype at schools for adults after 5pm in regional language to help self help group formations, sewage from house toilets to sewage pit for entire village and cleaned regularly or for bio gas, bio fuel manufacturing by planting punnai tree or jatropha in village side to help run generators or water pumps with bio diesel or electricity generation. Please also any 3 requirements 1- panchayat office 2 – public/villagers 3 – state govt request/MP/IAS
If Sachin and his team can be made as advisors in committee to review the process and the implementation. The scheme must have a unique clause that the maintenance must be done for 5 years by the private builder for any damage to the construction done/facilities provided at proper cost similar to maintenance charge in flats Rs.1/100 sq.ft. Since most schemes which lack maintenance will fail within 6 months of doing and no follow up will cause issues and loss of invest.
NRI funds to help build villages faster compared to cities to bring essential services and entirely fund villages concepts. Separate website should be maintained to check progress of development of villages. We don’t centre to depend on states to wait for clearance of funds. Top 10 backward villages per state per month must be cleared through tender to bring all villages to main stream with all facilities by 2018. It wont cost much for all these facilities as labour villagers can do free of cost if requested or less labour as the facilities are done for their benefit only but private should do construction with best facilities tender should not be selected per village but for group of villages so that private also can benefit. If 100 crores per state is allocated at least 100 villages can be benefitted within an year and everyone can see the fruits of development and better facilities. The 10 villages must be selected from 10 different districts by IAS officers and send to centre directly and states can develop using similar model in another 10 districts so it becomes competition between centre and state to develop villages faster. So every 10 villages per state developed every month will help India

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