Saturday, October 31, 2015

Aviation Policy 2015 – Rs. 1500-2000 limit within same state travel, 2000 for 1hour 15 mins airtime instead of 1 hour in draft, new airports states should be given equity, 1 year insurance

Great work by Aviation ministry, secretaries, PMO, PM on the new draft of aviation policy it was worth its wait. It has covered all areas of aviation sector. Public affected by high fares for short distance & no direct flights to tourist places from metros
States must be given equity for new airports otherwise it wont be feasible as states have fiscal problems and only AAI taking all revenue for new airports/tier3 not good. States should lead in front for developing new airports with providing free land, water, electricity, security are good concepts. States think airports are not state subject and only centre must invest.
Flight rates within same state & nearest airport of 2 states which are less than 550 km distance or 1 hour 15 min should be limited to 1500 to reduce dependency on Train Tatkal/premium tickets/3AC/luxury bus tickets for travel for short distance. Rates should be maximum at Rs.1500/2000 for 500 kms instead of Rs.2500 for 1hour as proposed in draft. Travel within same state too costly Example: Mumbai – Pune, Chennai – Trichy, Chennai – Tirupathi by reducing airport development fee of state capital airport/developed airport, service tax, ATF levy, state VAT for travelling within same state from state capital. HAL should develop small aircrafts size of 3-4 buses for short distance travel with profit margin for aircrafts to carry 350-450 passengers.
Special airports must be identified to boost Indian, religious, international tourists, wildlife parks/sanctuaries, hilly regions, cool areas for summer vacations with flights to airports near tourist spots by flights at least 1 every 1 week from metros with reduced service tax, reduce levy on ATF, tax reduced, airport development reduced to zero/half Example: Shimla, Srinagar, Mysore, Tirupathi, Trichy, Madurai, Pune, Goa, North East – Guwahati, Dibrugarh,Bagdogra, Islands – Andaman, Lakshadweep
Cost of transit flights within India are too costly it is not fault of ours for non availability of direct flights. Pls help reduce rates
HAL can get helicopters orders if more helicopters based policy is looked into for tourism, healthcare, state police, etc,. Helipads for tourist movement to hill stations or places in mountains quickly instead of difficult process of road transportation
2nd or 3rd runway must be developed at highly congested airports similar to global standards like Dubai and Heathrow to handle 2 flights per minute instead of wasting fuel in going around airport and reduce delays
DFC and 5/20 policy both should be there and airlines must be allowed to choose which policy they want so both can stay it is up to them to choose. Some are comfortable with 5/20 others can choose DFC so both can be brought on board after consultation. 5/20 or DFC policy should not apply for direct flights from airports from where there is currently no direct international flights. One sub-clause you can consider for 5/20 and DFC which can be used by new airlines after 1 year or subject to AAI. For new green field airports post 1 year of airport operation rules will be considered.
Delay due to VIP/baggage/late check-in/ground staff/bad weather is high. Insurance package for 1 year for frequent travelers.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bio-Fuel Promotion Board Needed to Reduce CAD & fuel import, Jatropha/ Punnai seeds can be procured by govt to make bio-fuel in large scale in distilleries/breweries/refineries, Price difference of Rs.5 for bio-diesel in all pumps , Brazil successful model

Indian govt must form separate board for promotion of ethanol/bio fuel from sugarcane/Jatropha oil from Jatropha curcasplant strongly supported by APJ/ oil from Punnai (Tamil name) tree seeds (Calophyllum inophyllum) which grows in India. Board can form various reforms to Govt to implement
The 2008 National Bio Fuel policy must be revisited & additions to implement at grass root levels. Will reduce inflation, CAD, electricity, travel cost
If Punnai tree & Jatropha tree can be easily grown by all farmers to run their diesel motors to extract water, if household grow it in their house they need not use electric motors and reduce electricity bill and pump water to tanks by using diesel generators, corporates can save 5% of electricity cost major source of expenditure for them. Govt must give incentives for bio-diesel a level lower than solar/wind energy but a difference of only 1% to reduce dependency on diesel for water pumps, generators in offices/shops, A/C can be run if bio-diesel is used, farmers need not wait for current, power for local villages with generators can be run if all villagers plant in there area instead of distribution problem.
Govt has given Corporates tax exemption, but must make 5% of electricity consumption from bio-diesel & 5% from solar-wind combination in 1.5 years
Free Electricity program to farmers can be revisited by these methods of bio-diesel based generators and charging Rs.1/hour to check usage/theft
The Tax on bio-diesel should be less to keep rates less by Rs.5 at least from normal diesel to have long term impact. Only if state oil companies do this can Indian public and transporters come into bio-diesel usage for buses, lorries, cars, etc,. Either reduce central tax if necessary if states don’t cooperate as oil companies lobbies powerful in entire world. To break them only such concessions of having bio – diesel rate at less than diesel price will help reduce pollution and also Current account deficit will reduce since India major oil importer. Thermal plants can be run if done in large scale
Cars with bio-fuel no tax for 3 yrs. Indian Railways all diesel trains must move to bio-diesel by 2018 compulsorily no excuse.
Ethanol based bio-fuel costly but using our country specific plants the cost of 1litre of diesel comes to Rs.10 only and in large scale only Rs.5/litre
Brazil has been successful in extracting bio-fuel from sugarcane and ethanol. But sugarcane industry already affected in India. So we can use the jatropha and Punnai tree concepts as it is most suitable fro growth in India and much supported by scientists. Lack of policy from Govt to differentiate diesel price compared to normal diesel is the reason for non adoption. BRICS countries can work
Indian Railways and previous govt announced that jatropha will be planted across railway lines but nothing has been visibly been done.
Prosopis juliflora - Seemai Karuvelam (tamil), Vilayati Babul (hindi), common thorny bush (English) a shrub which extracts moisture content from air and planted by British to spoil our agricultural wealth is only dotted along our railway lines but if govt can ask our agricultural scientists to find a chemical which can kill these plants and prevent damage to our farmers land as these plants make lands dry also planting punnai and jatropha along railway lines and near railway stations and quarters of railway officials can be used for bio-diesel, space between tracks can be used to grow them and local farmers can use them to get the seeds and supply to railways. Link:
Success stories:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Needs of Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), TamilNadu to make as a world class city by creating SEZ, jobs, central location of Trichy in TamilNadu if developed will boost 10 districts surrounding it and in future TN and India GDP, New railway line from Thanjavur- Pattukottai via orathanadu, New port at Adirampattinam, Thanjavur district, TN for ship building and port & refuelling along with Sethusamudram

Tiruchirappalli is a major city in TamilNadu which is primarily a job creator by Railways as it has its key Golden Rock workshop there, BHEL nearby. Most of the jobs generated are focussed on these 2 govt agencies Railways, BHEL, Ordinance Factory, etc,. Since British understood the major capabilities of Trichy as it is poised as central location and calm nature of people here and strong ambitions & willpower to achieve tasks
If Central Govt on partnership with State govt or independently identify land for developing SEZ it will benefit several districts near Trichy like Thanjavur, Madurai, Thiruvarur, etc,. Trichy is in a central position there is lot of land available as barren lands at places and can be used to develop SEZ of large dimensions for manufacturing, electrical components, Solar powered plant, IT SEZ for start-ups as most of the companies have employees from Trichy and neighbouring districts only.  Hence IT SEZ comes up in Trichy it will benefit many and it will lead to concentration and developed as a world class city as it has an international airport and lot of skilled manpower in nearby area. Power sources are available and the extreme hot climate of Trichy most of the times can be used to generate electricity from solar powered plants, etc,. Most of them in this area tend to go abroad as there is lack of job openings and state govt and industries have focussed on Chennai only. Chennai cant take the load anymore and it is better to have job openings for youth and lot of engineering colleges and diploma colleges here
IT/Electronics/BPO/Embedded/Robotics/AI/R&D/Start-up’s/Manufacturing/Textile/Handicrafts SEZ with at least 250 acres need to be identified at Trichy, Thiruverumbur, Thanjavur – Trichy - Madurai highway combined as cluster to create IT jobs for large section of youth, core engineering jobs like electronics, embedded can extract knowledge of youth here, mini manufacturing plants for producing small size components of radar, defence needs, defence manufacturing, guns, railway equipment. The BIM famous MBA institute and NIT Trichy must be asked to conceive concept paper on what facilities needed to make a world class city without foreign funds dependency. If necessary UK can be asked for concept paper and funding as it was during British period that the railways boomed in this region. Start-up culture can be promoted to bring back NRI to invest back here. The presence of international airport makes Trichy an international hub and can be developed similar to Hong Kong.
State govt can help with identifying land if done this area will boost GDP significantly and many youth who are jobless can be given an opportunity. Govt agencies can also setup base in these SEZ to give employment, major car manufacturers can also be asked to make auto components/ancillaries here. Since Israel is strong in agriculture their technology transfer programme can also be started here.
Creating a new railway line already surveyed by Railway from Thanjavur – Pattukottai via orathanadu may be considered enable many to travel with ease from Trichy and other parts of neighbouring districts. Railway board approved survey in 2012 but work yet to start. Please consider approving project for track laying a demand of this region for several decades and consider for new survey Vedaranyam – historic place where salt march took place parallel to Dandi March by C. Rajagopalachari India’s first Governor General. Hence new route of Thanjavur- Orathanadu – Pattukottai- Adiramapattinam - Vedaranyam of 125 kms for benefit of public, farmers and students. Kodikkarai an important wildlife sanctuary will also attract visitors and boost economy of region which has been backward for several decades as farming has been affected due to non availability of water in Cauvery and not reaching far off regions.
Adirampattinam in Thanjavur district which was a major port in British period has been ignored as it is close to Singapore, Srilanka and Malaysia. Please consider giving to private or joint PPP model of govt and private to build ships or ports and mainly after completion or hallway through Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project

Indian Railway Stations similar to Airports– Escalators, steps, lifts in major stations, Moving Walkway to move across platform, Bar-coded Tickets for entry/exit of Stations to prevent ticketless travel with Automated Gates, Baggage scanner, Train & coach indicators on platforms, Scrolling Ads in LED to improve revenue in Train entry/exit NO sound, Internet/Phone in Trains with CDMA Technology

Indian Railways doesn’t make railway stations easier to reach and travel. Especially the foot over bridges are very high and difficult for elderly to go with all luggage and hence most cross the tracks in spite of the risk. Govt going for private investment just to maintain railway stations to construct the escalator instead of fob and internet connection and leasing of space to private vendors for food stalls, etc, when it is simple task
Please consider the following suggestions to construct world class railway stations. Allocate 10% of amount of a route revenue for station maintenance every year once with rolling fund and one time fund of 20% of current operations cost. Paid Internet/Telephone/Mobile, Laptop Chargers inside long distance trains important than stations. We don’t want fancy exteriors we want proper facilities inside trains and stations.
10 years before Railways had a contest for designing modern engines, coaches among divisions and many engineers did a great job. The aero dynamic shape of engine will give a big boost to diesel and electricity savings, speed, time of railways. Currently our engines/emu have a flat front portion if they had a nose like/aerodynamic shape it would save cost on diesel by moving through air easily. HAL/Air-force can help with testing on the improvement of performance of re-designed engines. Villupuram station has model engine which is superb but unused.
Railways and Govt needs to show that they are public friendly by immediately giving tenders or e-auction for construction of escalators for all state capitals immediately. Lifts in centre portion for those with heavy luggage to go, because in escalators it is difficult to climb with baggage and lifts will help disabled/seniors in wheelchair to move with ease, steps also in case escalators don’t work. In Chennai Egmore there is only one escalator at only one platform and there is no steps alongside escalator for emergency usage and mostly escalators are switched off. No lift in centre. And other platforms and exit they don’t have escalators for namesake they have put one escalator this what Railways did for 10 yrs.
Bar coded/QR-Code in tickets or app/Smart Code/Secret code to print tickets at stations can be used to verify in automated gates and each passenger can hold copy of ticket like airlines for proper checking. Automated baggage scanners post ticket verification. What ever system is there in airports please use same in all railway stations to check tickets to prevent ticketless travel. You can do trial in Chennai Egmore/Central, Mumbai. Japan handles more than our crowd uses some features. Technology & IT Vendors should be selected with IIT/Railway guidelines.
When we want to move from one end of platform to another, carrying too much luggage is difficult. Provide trolleys and moving walkway which is a horizontal escalator for easy movement for big stations and long trains to reach coach and also exit stations quickly to park next train
Many major stations and district headquarters don’t have proper information display in platforms, some don’t clearly mark platform number also. For crossing stations the train number and coach number must be displayed quickly. Once above facilities are improved u can charge Rs.10 per ticket for passengers using these stations. Anyway private will charge indirectly. Better u give facilities & take money from public.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Air India Revival – More Air India express for low cost flights in domestic & short int. routes, On board meals optional in domestic, Double or Launch new Direct short international flights to Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Bangkok from metros, Bangalore, Hyderabad, West coast

Air India fares are currently highest primarily in domestic market and in international routes compared to foreign airlines. It is not due to staff it is due to poor fares of flights selected by management in order to support private aircraft. Our tax money is used to support the air India so please consider following suggestions. Management favouring international flights and domestic carriers by operating less or no flights in profitable and on demand routes. 
  • Special coupons for 1st time travellers/registered needed similar to OLA, Uber, etc,. To motivate passengers to get a feel of Air India allocate 20 tickets per flight for offer with no deadline for 1 year. 
  • Since aviation minister is not available in twitter or any format please make him first available to check his capability and credibility.
Private airlines save cost by cutting down on meals when booking tickets and maintain as low cost airlines. Hence air India must revive its air India express routes with less baggage allowance and removing on board meals and make it optional in loss making routes and retain only in prestigious routes. Anyway some will buy on board so no need to focus on meals part in domestic section totally waste of cost for air India. Instead reduce fares and compete boldly with private airlines. Only if air India starts the mission will we believe air India and govt. Till that we see as though air India is for MP as parliament not functioning, MLA, govt executives, air India officials to travel free of cost for no use to public. Reduce number of free tickets to MP, MLA first to the parliament committee on benefits then if no impact reduce for ex-air India. Air India and post office should aggressively do int. and domestic couriers also. Double the number of pilots by one year, refuel abroad to cut costs in fuel
Air India should run big flights in highly competitive routes and double flights at night time from all metros & top tier cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Thiruvananthapuram to international routes like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Shanghai, Dubai, as these are major tourist/business destinations and very short compared to USA, Australia, UK and u can earn more. The above short international routes need direct flights as they are short and at night time domestic flights which are not in demand can be run as air India express in night times. For example Chennai to Bangkok is important route but air India has no direct flights and has lost market to Thai airways, similarly Chennai to Hong Kong is a major route but air India has lost market to foreign airlines. The worst part is air India is supporting Thai on stupid alliance policies. Keep aircrafts at Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, London for intl. shuttles between countries & connect to Air India flights to India
Instead of focussing on direct flights for Indians, Split some of the international routes so that international passengers can get a feel of air India and reduce fatigue of non stop flights. Indians are very budget conscious and don’t depend and focus your operations only for Indians. A direct flight to Shanghai can be split into 2 parts a) India - Bangkok - Shanghai or b) India - Hong Kong -  Shanghai for tourist/business c) A flight to Australia can be split through Singapore/Malaysia, UK,USA via Dubai, UAE. D) Direct flights between UK – USA – Australia - Japan flights to  Target international travellers who want to experience air India, not Indians as Indians want to experience other flights primarily. Try to bring alcohol in Air India international flights a key factor many avoid, I don’t drink based on feedback.
Entire Indian public wants 5/20 policy revised because air India and other companies have not run neither direct flights to other countries and now only major foreign airlines are supporting this otherwise we all we have to go to Delhi to only catch flights to any country. All airlines with base in India want to operate international from Mumbai and Delhi only, why should we go there when it is a far and time wasting route. And domestic also you have not connected all routes for example, Mumbai – Thirupathi is high demand route all around the year but no flights by Air India has been successful. Air India made a mistake earlier of procuring too many large flights but you need to use them efficiently, better to have aircrafts of same company to avoid costs on spare parts as followed by Indigo. You have too many aircrafts of too many brands of too many sizes.Please consider small aircrafts for domestic and cheaper international routes or revise flights at last minute if less occupancy don’t run big airlines in routes when seats are not full. Put ads in Indian Television, BBC World, CNN to reach all market, also online ads through google AdSense with logics, increase commission for agents/referrals
Don’t listen to some minister’s/public advise for flights routes, collect data of travellers from Immigration bureau and see how Indians are travelling regularly use that data to schedule flights. The emigration data will have data of both air India and other flights use that to launch flights in that direction. Minus your load factor then you will get what routes there is demand and you can launch flights. Always keep fares at best rates with private and international competitors, run more air India express to compensate losses if any possible to occur. Take survey from all passengers on why they choose air India prior to departure, post arrival in all format - Use SMS format to send feedback and mobile website to give link by SMS to customers to reply and say they will be given complimentary drink in flight irrespective of positive or negative feedback 3. Forms in air lines along with the immigration forms for international on whey they choose air India and what they expect in future, specific questions on what time the flight had been it would be useful for them, on return which flight they are planning to use, trained feedback squads needed in flights to talk in Hindi/regional language or English. Take feedback positively & change. Co-sponsor any international tournament. All companies which used cricket reached a huge market use the 30 seconds spots in TV crickets ads

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

OROP – 17 member committee, OROP committee to be extended as govt – ex servicemen relationship for continuous development post OROP also, Last Draft must be released post discussion with 17 member committee suggested, fill vacancies for ex-servicemen

OROP needs a 17 member committee with 6 ex-servicemen(3 from group which met defence minister, 3 from other committees currently in India), 6 from current defence forces to claim what they need in future other than OROP also (2-airforce, 2-army,2-navy), 1 from finance, 1 from PMO, 1 from defence minister side, 2 retired judges. Govt must give preference to protesting servicemen comments. And include whatever possible don’t have any gaps as much as possible. Explain to them sit for long meeting like 5 hours for 1 week continuously to discuss and sort out. PM and defence minister can get updates on daily basis of the meeting & final draft reviewed. Start transfer of money to widows first have list ready on day of government order itself. Verify list and any issues in payment the 17 member committee can bring to govt notice
OROP committee must be further extended to have permanent govt and ex servicemen relationship to sort out issues in future effectively. Ex servicemen going for protests will harm defence forces and morality of defence forces. It should not happen again and the team must be continued if anyone wants to exit they should put suitable replacement and then only go. The meeting will be held every month to sort out any issues being brought up. Genuinely the committee must be extended to avoid future issues. This is a serious matter. So many issues ex servicemen face on daily basis. The entire above committee meetings minute of meetings must be shared for transparency.
Ex-Servicemen posts vacant in Central Govt must be filled immediately or separate notification must be done. Currently even RBI and other agencies have not filled properly saying not suitable candidate for lower cadre. Which is not fare. Please pick up list and get from all Public sector entities to sort out matter. There are several issues starting from quota on admission for their school kids, college everything they are diminished, they must be taken care. The joint relationship will bring in more matter to govt perspective. OROP is one step not the end there are many issues. Central govt must put out a notification to ask state govt if they an include quota for armed forces. Quota problem big for armed forces after 15-20 yrs. service where will they go, they will serve well.
Ex-servicemen are not given enough posting in security agencies. Old people, jobless people, migrants from Bihar, Assam are put in private agencies which don’t give security also. Govt must introspect on making compulsory that private security agencies must recruit suitable ex-servicemen for admin, security roles at least 10%. Non ex-servicemen cannot react effectively in tough situations.
Defence minister after discussion couldn’t change anything when announcing is too bad. He must be given enough powers to change necessary changes after due discussion. Just having discussion for name sake is not good, public are watching through media. PMO officials should give free will to ministers also not tie hands. If committee sits for 5 hrs daily for 1 week itself problem will be solved.
All relevant changes must be announced to media for last before time to give final go ahead. If they have any final changes do all changes. And monitor media based comments if any negative to change and finalise. And have last level meeting after one week to give government order with necessary approvals from PM, PMO, finance, defence. Continuously we will have elections so govt must ask EC permission to finish fast

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Farmers Issue – Root cause and Solutions – Digitisation, App to verify crop failure and Direct transfer of crop failure to bank A/C

The farm loan waiver is the starting point of farmers not looking forward to genuinely pay back loans expecting that Govt of either central govt or state govt clear of loans. Chidambaram did wrong strategy to win back votes. Similarly he did next time for students loan waivers. Psychologically some farmers who are capable of paying back loans have also avoided seeing their neighbours and villagers not paying expecting loan waiver will happen.
Also loan waiver was failure because Village officers, Tahsildar's, panchayats officers ate all the money which was supposed to go to farmers. Govt and banks wanted to clear loans but they did not have list of all farmers their land details and did not calculate how much to give and they directly to VAO and panchayats officers at that point they took the entire crores of money and large farmers in those areas snubbed small farmers and took all the money. It was a total failure of banks, RBI (organisation which sleeps always except monetary policy), Finance Ministry (gives ideas but doesn’t know how to complete fully till root level), Village officers and panchayats (fully corrupted), banks (officers don’t visit plot directly and check status, sit in branch always)
Solution: 1. Do digitisation of land records of all farm lands first in all states and say in future loan waivers wont be given if land records are not digital for those states. Anyway you should avoid loan waivers in future for loan restructuring for farmers also depend on the digital land records of farmers. So for any loan the digital record should be mapped to bank account so if the farmer doesn’t pay loan stating the rain or drought the bank official with the digital record with GPS location can go and visit area and send report to higher officials and Fin ministry, RBI on crop failure. 2. Finance ministry when announcing package for states and even state govt can use data from banks, small finance companies. 3. Banks must be given instruction on loan restructuring on crop failure, rains, drought, etc,. Directly by head office based on photo of crop damage with GPS location, date mapped to the photo taken with special software in mobiles 4. Digitisation of records in Andhra was used by local agents to take up some lands which remained and did not be part of either farmer or govt. Hence digitisation must be done with inspection of best IT systems and fool proof methods on discussion with farmers, all banks located in villages, state finance team 5. Crop insurance being denied by banks need to be corrected 6. If a crop fails, the crop insurance taken for farm loans need to be used to restructure loans and provide funds for next crop in their bank account directly. VAO or Tahsildar must not be involved to verify the crop failure they ask for bribe to give certificates. Farmers feel angry that they have to do so much paperwork. I have some level of confidence still in banks in villages or villagers must be created an app to directly report crop failure to centre, RBI, banks through app which will note the GPS location of land, date of photo taken, farmer standing near land with photo of his land in back, verified with digital record by using GPS & in repository, aadhaar card, biometric to transfer money to A/C
In future do restructuring of farm loans, educational loans only by increasing the duration of repayment, reduce interest rates but don’t waive off entirely. Whatever technology you do everyone will find loop holes and do fraud. Do not psychologically make anyone wait for loan waiver focus on restructuring similar to corporate loans. Have real time data.