Monday, November 30, 2015

National Highways – NH45 – Southern GST Road from Perungulathur – Chengalpattu too much traffic daily obstructing GDP growth, 4 lanes to 8 lanes to handle too much traffic, flyovers at perungulathur, Vandalur, Guduvanchery junctions up to Chengalpattu to skip flyovers with ease for cars, lorries

Perungulathur is the epi centre of the issues in Southern GST road. If a proper solution is created to prevent repeated traffic jams here as the entire traffic enters and leaves Chennai through this point.
Perungulathur has a big bus depot through which major buses stop and pick passengers and drop them off. But it is done on GST main road leading to traffic and reduces speed of vehicles.
Perungulathur and Vandalur signals need to replaced with flyovers immediately to clear traffic in war footing. The problems have prevented lorries to enter places on time affecting GDP, work going are affected when returning to work, too much diesel is wasted leading to high levels of pollution as thousands of vehicles cross in one hour if entire stretch from Guduvanchery to Perungulathur takes more than 2 and half hours daily for a stretch of 9 kms due to traffic signals and non replaced with flyovers at Guduvanchery, Vandalur, Perungulathur. Anyway toll if being collected so putting flyover will fix the issue for another 10 years.
Widening of road to 8 lanes for travel will help a lot from current 4 lanes. I am aware Govt is planning to widen to 6 lanes but wont be enough. So consider 8 lanes for travel with 2 lanes for service lanes so totally 10 lanes will only solve traffic for another 20 years. A project of national significance for traffic to all southern states and southern TamilNadu. Lorries from south India have to use this road to reach other states also as it is major junction. Till widening is done through land acquisition please fund for flyovers at very important junctions.
Completion of road over bridge at railway stations near Perungulathur, Vandalur, Guduvanchery etc up to chengalpattu for public and goods to travel with ease and preventing traffic bottlenecks to enter and exit Chennai for goods and public as travel with becoming a menace by roadways.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

TN Floods – Solution – Permanent infrastructure like Dams in Cuddalore District, State Rivers - Lakes Inter linking by canals using MNREGA workers, panchayat raj funds, modern equipment, Chennai – Adyar River increase depth for free flow from lakes during flooding, Adyar river sewage processing centre on river path at a level above water to process sewage water to prevent sludge on pathway, increasing bunds or cement walls of Adyar river or cooum to prevent flooding of Chennai. Data for Cuddalore based on various sources. Pls confirm with locals, farmers for best solutions, New concept of mini dams with 10-15 feet high automatic metal sluices with cement structure to prevent wastage of water to sea

When Central Govt releases funds to TN govt it should consider dams, river interlinking as condition or clause and should start simultaneous development and widening of rivers, new dams to improve capacity and increasing depth by rolling fund. Just money to locals wont help many generations have suffered in these districts like Cuddalore, Chennai along banks of rivers, lakes hence permanent solutions like infrastructure like banks will only help. Central Govt will be remembered for years for this effort as no effort for new dams has been made in TN after kings, rulers and British.
Building of new medium sized dams in either Thenn Pennai,Kedilam, Gadilam River in Cuddalore, since every year due to rain the district is affected and the river bed depth be increased, path must be widened, bunds created with cement walls near Cuddalore areas where households are there.
No new dams were constructed in TamilNadu after Cholas, rulers and British. If Central and state have to prevent repeated damage to public and state properties and also repeated funds you can consider dams at appropriate location to save water for future usage and wastage of water to sea. The dams will also prevent further funds wastage on repeated damage. Please work for at least 2 dams with feasibility and start work by one year. Thanks.,,
The Dam should be constructed by central and state funds together to prevent any damage in future. Dam location can be built by joint consensus among farmers, locals, IAS, state and central team and water resources team. Dams in other rivers where water goes wasted to sea like in Cauvery where water is definitely received every year a dam at good location will help. TN is projected to become desert by geologists in 50 years due to lack of rainfall. Hence appropriate steps to protect water resources and plant more trees. Preservation and further improvement of western Ghats areas to get more rainfall in catchment area to rivers. Other than Dams structures to hold water up to a height of 10-15 feet high to prevent water going to sea easily can be considered at low cost. Since Govt cannot construct dams in all rivers at least 10-15 feet high metal sluices may be considered.
Thamirabarani – Vaigai – Cauvery – Kollidam – Thenn Pennai - Ponnaiyar - Palar River interlinking with major lakes in TamilNadu with necessary planning and funding for building canals. Money can be raised as debt through tax free bonds, revenue from sand mining from dry river beds legally, MNREGA workers to do the project, panchayat raj funds along which canals are built as panchayat raj funds are wasted maximum by all state govt's and subject to severe corruption, 5% of entire tax revenue of states, 5% of total cost from central govt and immediate amount of 300 crores to start work. Small rivers can be interconnected easily with small funds. Many of the rivers where done in olden days manually by hand and workers now with modern equipment it should be cake walk. In future when Cauvery river gets water from Karnataka excess can be sent to other districts also easily and during monsoon also wastage to sea can be avoided. Central Govt if can achieve this with partnership with state it will be the worlds best water project.
Chennai – Increasing depth of existing lakes to double capacity and increasing depth of Adyar river for flow of water from lakes to see in case of floods. Increasing bunds height and cement walls across entire Adyar river stretch within Chennai and Kanchipuram limits to prevent flooding. Adyar river overflowing is an issue faced every 3 years. Some sections we have walls but not throughout. Many huts and hamlets across Adyar river must be permanently moved to new location with urban housing funds and preventing occupying on banks of Adyar river.
When lakes and dams were opened announcement were made through TV and FM but actually due to power cut many didn’t know. So new age methods of sending alerts to all public in the state through SMS, email etc by using help of mobile networks must be proposed
Author: Venkatasubramanian B, Chennai

Friday, November 27, 2015

Revamp of Engineering Syllabus – Give best practical knowledge to engineers, 50% - practical in all semesters, Computer programming, internet of things kits should be introduced at school level of 8th and by 12th complete knowledge, Science fund of 500 crores to fund students projects at college, school level itself and general public to promote and fund innovation

Engineers in India lack knowledge to repair even a tube light, TV, fridge or a PC
Engineers need to be given extensive training in electronics like Internet of Things, Arduino (Italy), Intel IOT Kit and latest kits to deliver innovation
Engineers have poor practical knowledge compared to diploma. Diploma students lack theoretical knowledge but too much practical knowledge but they are able to get jobs in core sector like Civil, Electrical , Mechanical. Include Electronics as a core job to generate so much employment and innovation.
Innovation will be driven by electronics and computers from backside to improve efficiency of civil, electrical, mechanical, aeronautical engineering. Many colleges don’t have enough electronic kits or devices or close labs often.
Central Science Funding agency with funds to support any project supported by any student, professor, Masters, PHD student to support the innovation to produce in mass scale and to improve entrepreneurship. Govt must form a committee of highly skilled people from science, engineering, defence, computers, aeronautical, IIT, IIM, school heads from each state, top universities from each state, MLA,MP, president representation to filter out applications and fund them. In US google was initially funded by govt science agency. Science Fund of 500 crores per year needed. Application must be online with PPT
Including electronics, computer programming languages subjects in schools it will help innovation and higher quality education at higher education.
Practical weightage in engineering must be improved to 50% practical and 50% theory with equal weightage let it be any subject. Example: If a semester has 3 electronics papers, 1 computer paper, 1 English paper currently we have only 1 electronics practical, 1 computer practical. But we need practical in all electronics, comp, English
Language paper like English also you can have practical by having speaking, slides preparation on any engineering topic and present to improve speaking skills and explain very big topics in small slides with solutions.
Computer languages have become so advanced but still we are learning only basics in college. Programming languages like c, c++, HTML, JAVA, Dot Net must be introduced for all students before 10th standard itself. Some state syllabus and cbse don’t have computer for biology students. Biology students can use big data to save data of genes to further analyse but most biology students are not given exposure to tools to analyse data and store.

Author: VenkatasubramanianB, Chennai – Willing to talk to HRD or PMO on this

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Jobs & Employment in Central Govt Jobs should be created at the rate of 3lakhs per year across all public sector entities excluding bank jobs since there is no openings other than bank jobs to big extent. Banks only saved so many to get jobs but others didn’t create any.

Please create jobs in all departments to cover all streams with target of 3 lakhs per year to boost economy. Only jobs will lead to more income with people and more spending by public to pick up in retail demand and more tax collection.
Please create more jobs in engineering, MBA, M.E., B.Sc., MSc, accountancy, diploma in industries like BHEL, BEL, Railways, Defence, NIC, ports, coast guard, coal mining, highways department, electronics, wind energy instead of just contract jobs to help more revenue and growth. At least 5,000 in each of these organisation per year across all streams will help all.
Engineers in core industries like electrical, mechanical, civil, electronics, instrumentation have suffered in last decade for lack of jobs and no private industry thrives in this field. Nowadays there is no openings for engineers all core companies want to cut costs by giving jobs only to diploma/ITI students and engineers in core industry also tend to go to IT jobs or computer related jobs due to no respect or interviews for core jobs. Engineering syllabus needs to be revised to 50% practical most engineers don’t know how TV, fridge, AC, tube light circuit works also then how can they solve.
Arts students, history must be given jobs in museums, guides in tourist spots with Govt logo and govt fees.
Computer courses must not be restricted to IT/Computer science students all core industries need specific software learning of highest level like CADD, Matlab etc
More internship opportunities across all public sector companies with ease. Currently it is easy to get internships only in Railways and state electricity departments other industries are not supporting. There are so many departments in which students are not allowed to enter to learn new things. For example a civil engineering is not given internship in highways will affect in learning new things.
Many Indians have left India due to quota issue in jobs as economic conditions not used instead each state blindly uses caste to give BC, OBC, SC, ST or some of them convert just to get govt jobs. Most people cant voice concerns and have hence left India abroad for better jobs and no quota system exists as India openly. Many give fake docs.
Please create very powerful engineering division in defence services for contribution of engineers and diploma , ITI graduates for better usage of technology. Please create option in army to join with prior experience instead of current option of only joining post graduation itself. Some might have gained experience in private industry but might later feel they can contribute better to defence. So lateral hiring must be opened in defence post thorough back ground checks since fraud in lateral hiring in India is very high as many create fake profiles without working from small companies.
Bharat Electronics limited is frequently hiring contract employees only instead if it starts contract to hire policy or direct hiring from colleges or open off campus to select from all states in India it can take better students immediately post graduation through the same model of It companies. Currently IT companies don’t allow growth in core sectors since they pull students from all departments since there is no job openings for mechanical, electrical and electronics, instrumentation graduates so all have to take up It job. So Govt has to hire more core engineering skills based jobs of at least 10,000 per year in BEL and open more offices and develop more technologies in quick pace.
BHEL is expert in electricals but no govt contracts have been given and BHEL due to lack of manpower gives work as outsourced instead of doing in house leading to wastage of resources. So hire more resources and more space to develop all parts and technology in house itself.
Railways have more scope to many departments for automation for example for entering platforms for bar coded tickets, TT having tablets to verify tickets with scanning bar coded tickets, online complaints in railways. So more IT jobs are likely in Railways. More automation of train water filling, under carriage checks with technology and core engineering will help.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Telecasting Indian TV/FM Channels Abroad by MOU with major countries PM visited and Online viewing of all TV/FM channels through single portal for NRI, working Indians, Indians transferred to other states for work to not forget culture, news and to pass critical information

Indian TV Channels are not available abroad in most of the countries. Most foreigners are eager to know about our culture but there is no channel telecasting abroad. Even NRI and Indians on work don’t have access to Indian TV or FM channels abroad. Please work on MOU by foreign ministries and embassy to start transmitting Indian TV/FM channels one by one by forcing our TV channels to partner or give them some concessions to transmit abroad & to promote our tourism, makeinindia, NRI voting
There are so many who had to travel with their children who had settled abroad due to work and other personal reasons but could not hear good songs also there. Since there is no major FM channel to transmit the songs there on request basis or even hear them. They slowly forget our culture, language, etc,. FM channels must be available in single app to hear on streaming
I request the Govt to setup a single free portal to view all TV/FM channels in India and abroad who transmit in India and in Indian languages an option to register and then stream their programmes in the website to viewed/heard by all public in India, abroad with ease. The portal must be accessible through all browsers, any computer, any device – iPad, iphone, tablets, any mobile model, app, etc,.
The portal subdomains must be for different language like or anything easy to remember and connected to India and subdomain can be like or or so all will remember and visit regularly.
Govt should give tender to best media companies or IT companies who can do this at best rate and provide service for 4 years contract for further development and support. The portal should be available for Indians also to view.
All TV/FM channels must be asked to compulsorily register in this website and they can share their feed live. Make it compulsory since some TV/FM channels will start own website and will not share in Govt website and it will be waste of effort. Pass bill or make executive rule saying share feed and have own infrastructure ready to share here. Govt should not charge TV/FM channels any money for this and nor from Indians who view also. The site should be ad free on sides of website but Govt can put ads of schemes launched in India relative to the ip address of person visiting. If a person from South Africa visits then details like nearest Indian embassy location, emergency contact numbers, madhad scheme details like that. So details based on person visiting. Few TV, FM channels which are based abroad must be added if they transmit in our language.
There should be a ad on Incredible India programme before each feed starts transmitting and unique ads featuring Indian culture through videos from different states must be shown to pull tourists and make all come back to India showing our strength and rich tradition. If any major event taking place you can invite all also by ads it will be effective.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Model Villages – Develop 10 remote and poorly developed villages per state/month with entire Central Govt Funding, similar model as how Sachin developed villages with MP funds, cement roads, small bus from village to nearest town, rain water/bathroom drainage to nearest lakes/rivers, building common bathrooms/toilets, electricity underground cables by removing overhead cables, telephone cable to houses for landline/broadband, mobile towers, ATM/coin vending/money transfer

Govt must create and quickly implement a new policy called model villages in each state by selecting most backward villages in each state/district must submit around 100 villages. Central Govt must request all IAS officers for suggestions of backward villages per IAS officers for list and then should be selected. If Govt doesn’t focus on villages at the same time as smart cities then Govt will face too many hurdles later & people support will be lost and economic recovery should start from villages with facilities. Most children in villages leave abroad for jobs so there will be no farmers later to produce food to eat in cities. So villages/farmers come first. Use the word model villages or Atal model villages program and not smart village.
Govt should not wait for state govt's to partner as time for 2020 is less and Govt must start funding villages as cost is less compared to smart cities concept. Each village will have around 150-700 villagers maximum. So Govt should take it as a concept to provide following services irrespective of villagers size. state govt spend thousands of crores in panchayat raj but no development see RBI data. Cost to develop villages will be less than 1 crore per village. 10% - MP fund, 10% - states
All these can be put as a tender in bulk of 10 villages per tender and given to private to do without state funds.  Cement roads for inner village roads or from nearest highway bus stop/railway station to village with space to carry telephone lines, electricity cables, rain water, sewage drainage in side of roads, Broadband services by using DTH or CDMA technology to the panchayat office, ATM/money deposit/coin vending machine services of any bank with funding by bank, RBI, finance ministry, common water tank to fill water if not available for entire village with water pumped using wind pump using wind power to pump out water to avoid dependency on electricity during floods or lack of electricity when state/central govt's change, solar energy for each house or combined solar plant to have power to light and fan or thermal solar plant to make electricity, LED street lamps with mini solar and mini wind mill combination similar to Shenzhen, china to prevent darkness at night, common bathrooms in 1000 sq. ft. space for common 6-10 bathrooms and 5 toilets for people in that village to use if they could not construct many women have to take bath in open areas or in improperly build fences with sticks which affects their privacy and leads to other incidents, drinking water connection inside each house not at street corner, development of nearest hospital for child births, nearest veterinary clinic for cows, buffalos, goats, chicken maintenance with central govt staff visiting every 1 month to train state govt staff, cement bus shelter of nearest bus stops where govt/private buses stop, farmers to take agri support or know latest separate farmers toll free helpline number based landline services in village and nearest bus stop. Level crossing near villages made as manned with signal to indicate train passing and one person/6hours from village, small Buses needed from village to nearest town every one hour. The bus can be small sized bus as large sized bus cannot run in small streets in villages, Skill development centre and adult education by video conferencing from state capital through skype at schools for adults after 5pm in regional language to help self help group formations, sewage from house toilets to sewage pit for entire village and cleaned regularly or for bio gas, bio fuel manufacturing by planting punnai tree or jatropha in village side to help run generators or water pumps with bio diesel or electricity generation. Please also any 3 requirements 1- panchayat office 2 – public/villagers 3 – state govt request/MP/IAS
If Sachin and his team can be made as advisors in committee to review the process and the implementation. The scheme must have a unique clause that the maintenance must be done for 5 years by the private builder for any damage to the construction done/facilities provided at proper cost similar to maintenance charge in flats Rs.1/100 sq.ft. Since most schemes which lack maintenance will fail within 6 months of doing and no follow up will cause issues and loss of invest.
NRI funds to help build villages faster compared to cities to bring essential services and entirely fund villages concepts. Separate website should be maintained to check progress of development of villages. We don’t centre to depend on states to wait for clearance of funds. Top 10 backward villages per state per month must be cleared through tender to bring all villages to main stream with all facilities by 2018. It wont cost much for all these facilities as labour villagers can do free of cost if requested or less labour as the facilities are done for their benefit only but private should do construction with best facilities tender should not be selected per village but for group of villages so that private also can benefit. If 100 crores per state is allocated at least 100 villages can be benefitted within an year and everyone can see the fruits of development and better facilities. The 10 villages must be selected from 10 different districts by IAS officers and send to centre directly and states can develop using similar model in another 10 districts so it becomes competition between centre and state to develop villages faster. So every 10 villages per state developed every month will help India