Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sports In India – Financial support for players

  1. The disparity in giving cash awards/pension only after getting medal from Olympics, CW or Asian games is not fair. National, State and district players also need monthly pension scheme also in spite of not winning medals and putting in hard work for several years.
  2. Central Govt & sports federation & Olympic committee key officials & coaches must conduct monthly selection for each sport & compulsorily on summer holidays to identify new talents in state capitals with free travel expenses reimbursement for train sleeper fare and asking state bus transport to run free buses also and all govt and private schools/colleges/private trainees for sending students/employees through massive campaigns.
  3. Every player can be in peak for max for 8 years so anyone making to top 50 district/state/national should be supported for life. It is also national duty for India.
  4. The funding/pension scheme for players should be entirely owned by Central govt for national players and 60% for state and 40% for district players irrespective of medals.
  5. Each sports cost expense for players will vary based on sports so a committee to fix base support pension, variable component of that sport for equipment and inflation component also for yearly revision.
  6. Govt can consider entire funding for top 25 district players in all sports categories because only if district players are motivated early then only they can aim for state and national role. One in 100 of top district players will make it to Indian team so lot of effort needed to keep district players engaged till they reach national arena and global.
  7. Sports specifically Athletics, Swimming, Volleyball, Fencing, Rowing, Gymnastics, Water polo, Cycling needs to be concentrated specifically with foreign coaches and facilities.
  8. Wrestling, Shooting, Badminton, Boxing in which we get medals further strengthened.
  9. Removal of non-sports persons & politicians from sports federations. Making Rathore part of sports ministry instead of Ministry of Broadcasting.

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