Saturday, August 1, 2015

Doordarshan Regional Channels Growth & Revenue Model

  1. The disparity between new feature films being played in DD National and very old movies dated 20 years back played in DD regional channels like DD Podhigai should be corrected. The same process used by DD National to transmit new movies on weekends should be setup for all regional channels also. The ads from movie transmission will add significantly to growth in revenue. New marketing strategy and team for aggressive ad sales for regional and national level.
  2. Royalty Rates fixed for feature films for regional Doordarshan channels as of 1998 need to modified and increased to current market standards to help regional network like Podhigai procure new movies. The royalty rates should also be revised every 3 years in future also to prevent regional channels from suffering with funds crunch.
  3. Movie procurement and transmission by revenue sharing of ads with producer or private channel holding rights of movies instead of out right purchase of movies will help DD to put new movies and earn ad revenue better than current position. So regional DD channels should be able to pick best movie based on internal committee with minutes of meeting recorded will help growth, popularity and earn revenue and reduce dependency on central office. The rights of top 5 movies can be bought later for repeated use.
  4. Prasar bharathi provides funds of meagre amounts and there is not scope for employees for creative work. More funds for new programmes separately for prime time i.e. on weekdays post 5pm and weekends 9AM-11PM. Separate funds for festivals.
  5. New serials and series prepared by top quality movie directors and other tier 3 directors who are currently not making movies but were in top can be given chance to make serials. Directors: Crazy mohan, sve shekar, bhagyaraj or parthipan. 
  6. Regular training from movie industry on latest trends in editing, music, presentation, graphics, preparing trailers of own shows, camera techniques, etc,.
  7. Modi with his influence should try to request Rajnikanth to give interview to DD Podhigai and sharing revenue with Rajni on the ads revenue at 30%, for a series of interview which can be telecasted for 30 days. Explaining to him that to help Podhigai is in funds crunch and needs help suitable compensation if ads revenue not up to expected level for Rajni. Podhigai never got the opportunity to interview big stars but others with political influence or for promotion of moves did so far but Podhigai suffers.
  8. Funds to host annual awards function with leading actors to give awards genuinely to the regional film industry once a year after revenue starts increasing with new movie procurement and new shows.
  9. HD Transmission of regional channels and DD National as soon as possible pending since commonwealth through various DTH platforms. Better cameras for current SD transmission and removing outdated equipment. Live news reporting facility.
  10. The transmission of channel in standard definition (digital) are very poor compared to other private channels just check in DTH the variation in quality between private broadcasters and Doordarshan for each channel. Best cameras and technology revamp needed. Collaboration & Training with BBC or any world company is need of the hour. Govt should provide funds for this.
  11. Updating email id to generic id for all regional networks and showing at end of show. the email id must be generic and must be in .nic domain only. Currently many use gmail and other personal media so when new officer takes in charge they dont know what feedback came. The email id must be example: for easy use. Dont use any other domain. The suggestions must be sent to central team regularly for review or central team must access to the suggestions email box to check themselves. Currently many use id of yahoo and gmail and not generic names it is so ackward email ids like having year in the email id and many put up in ddindia website are wrong and dont work.

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