Saturday, August 29, 2015

India – USA Relationship – A Big Step forward with reforms and closing long standing issues

Friendship is one wherein a USA president can talk to Indian PM at any time and follow each others speech highlights and help each other on key issues before formal requests by govt secretaries. USA president talking to UK and Germany are totally different from talking to India. At least once a month phone talk with small note to media on what was discussed about.
USA must provide separate quota for H1B for India similar to Singapore, etc,. For M.S., PH.D, medicine and outsourcing companies, other than the general quota for strategic partnership and to enable continuity of business in both sides. Many companies suffer due to non availability of H1B costing in loss of business and revenue on both sides as resources who don’t get H1B will move out to new opportunities and countries. India is very flexible to allow US businessmen who come on visit for outsourcing business. India helps run several USA corporations with ease.
USA should stop funding to Pakistan for social welfare also which is re-directed by army for purchasing weapons. If they want you (USA) can send materials like rice, packed food, medicine, etc,. but not direct funding through cash.
USA based companies have not done much to establish manufacturing in India compared to Japan, other than soft drinks, burger companies. USA can setup manufacturing in any of the corridors (highways) in India identified by Indian govt to setup American companies here.
USA has not setup or taken up or come forward for any social issue based projects like recycling of waste, reverse osmosis from sea, drainage cleaning systems, purification of water, sanitation projects, cleaning ganga, Chennai Adyar river or Tesla’s low cost electric car for India
Indians are very good in R&D but we don’t have the latest equipment to do the research and development. If some of the American companies can setup their R&D centres in India it will benefit both India and USA. Patents filed will give a lot of scope for revenue for the company which runs the R&D centre with advisory committee in USA guiding Indians here. This will enable USA saving on H1B visas and in turn earn revenue also. Instead of focusing on only restricting H1B visa USA must think  of these strategies which enables employment and research which brings in more revenue. Currently only GE, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Amazon have. What about others who want to grow.
Microsoft if it can open operations in Chennai, India it will definitely boost its growth.
Microsoft also did not care to open the Nokia plant in Chennai due to non tax payment by Nokia. Microsoft since it has acquired Nokia should work out the tax to be paid to Indian govt by discussion at govt level and start production to sell mobile phones and tablets across India and Asia from this plant.
Depending on China totally for product manufacturing will make USA companies too dependent. Indians are known for honesty and not copying others works. Chinese have copied and sold duplicate versions of all products which were given for production there. But the products so fare manufactured in India don’t have duplicate copies. You can understand the genuine and honest nature of the workers in India from this itself. Indians have always looked up to USA as friend, we continue to see that way. Hope the above problems are sorted out.

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