Saturday, August 29, 2015

TamilNadu and Chennai Development Needs

Department/ Topic
MTC – All Buses crossing SIPCOT IT park to enter Siruseri IT Park to help lakhs of IT employees and easier travel at day & night - Last mile connectivity missing
Lakhs of IT employees enter and leave Siruseri IT park, Chennai every day. Currently MTC operates special buses to Siruseri IT park and some buses operating to kelambakkam which drop passengers at SIPCOT entrance and we have to take share auto to enter last stretch of 3 kms. In spite of several buses it is not enough and we have to depend on share autos, normal autos to exit IT park and come to main road. Most buses go to kelambakkam they tend to avoid entering Siruseri IT park and drop us at SIPCOT entrance and leave. The last mile connectivity is missing.
a)   If MTC can operate its buses this distance from SIPCOT It park entrance to Siruseri IT Park by either constructing new parallel exit road or enter and return in same route will help all passengers. You can charge Rs. 5 for long distance passengers also we are ready to pay if you can do without charging extra fares also we are good.
b)  We have to either pay normal auto Rs. 15 for 2 kms for going in group of 5 people which traffic police has not taken action which is too costly or wait for Siruseri bus making us to waste time to enter the office. In Kolkata traffic police stand near every major auto stand and monitor usage of meter and the number of passengers boarding autos.
c)    The distance of less than 3(one way) +3(return) kms and can be crossed in less than 5 minutes due to good roads and also consider the murder of an IT employee at Siruseri at night earlier a year ago and the increased safety factor in MTC buses if they enter and exit when crossing SIPCOT will help all to travel seamlessly.
d)  MTC can earn revenue and buses need not stop at Siruseri IT Park where there is no bus stand and buses can run through to Kelambakkam.
e)   All buses after SIPCOT only go empty with max 3 passengers in full bus to kelambakkam hence it won’t be a big issue for MTC as the major revenue in that route is due to employees from Siruseri IT Park. There is no parallel exit road but if constructed will cost several crores to govt instead they can use existing road for faster movement inside and outside of Siruseri. This is a genuine concern please ask any of your officials to check and implement this idea.
f)     And psychologically the few passengers who might need to take 5 more minutes will not complain as it will give an exposure that so many companies operate from here and motivate them of the facilities in the city.
g)   Buses can also be extended to Vandalur or perungulathur (to catch route bus to other districts on Fridays) directly and help in more revenue and new routes. The existing buses 570 and 570S can be extended on Fridays.
h)  I had raised several grievances in TN cm cell to MTC but they are stating various reasons. There are many bus routes in the city which travel round and round like 5E, etc, but a small need which will benefit more than 1 lakh IT employees is not accepted by MTC. If the decision is accepted it will be of great help to all IT employees and will be much appreciated.
Since buses from both directions if are allowed to enter and leave all will avoid own vehicles and definite increase in revenue to MTC

Start-up Villages – Information Technology, Embedded Technology concept similar to Kerala and Bangalore
Start-up concepts for Information Technology and Embedded systems is very famous world over starting from silicon valley to Bangalore and Kerala. Govt should allocate free space and then ask consultants or major IT companies to manage the start-up which can be selected to be funded and managed across the state at various places. Exiting locations unutilised space in IT space held by govt can be allocated for start-ups. The agency created for the same must take up applications and scrutinize with a team created similar to Bangalore and Kerala and experts from Silicon Valley, USA. State govt role will be on providing space at very low cost, network maintenance, phone facilities at desk, servers and other facilities at low cost for helping start-up companies to grow in TN and entrepreneurs to try their hand and creating own company. NASSCOM and other state IT department officials should review each application along with major It companies to decide which companies can be provided space to operate in start-up villages.  Please refer models used in silicon valley, kerala and Bangalore to develop and encourage youth and professionals to take up start up villages.
MTC – Make Busses to Enter Egmore or Central or Airport
Many passengers tend to use taxis at railway stations and airports since MTC buses do not enter their premises and passengers are not able to carry their luggage. Currently at Egmore railway station 17D and other buses cross at a ¼th of km distance and central only one direction buses enter and airports buses don’t enter and exit at main road and passengers cannot carry huge luggage and catch buses which are far away. TN govt must work with concerned authorities and agencies to get the issues rectified and create either a mini flyover over these places or an efficient entry and exit points. At least A/C buses must be allowed to enter on security concerns and exit airports for faster commutation of passengers and reduce dependency of passengers on taxis. In case of airport many passengers get down and try to reach tambaram railway station to catch next train but they are currently using taxis since buses don’t enter airport. If this problem is resolved it will create huge impact and lot of help to public.
Navagrahas Tour – SETC – Small buses or round trip buses connecting all temples
SETC must launch a special pass or ticket to allow passengers to travel to all navagrahas and major temples in the regions with having both big and small buses to seamless travel. The pass must be valid for 9 days. Once a person purchases that pass he can travel to the navagrahas and major temples in this region with ease and reduce dependency on taxis. Government can charge an effective fee based on cost by discussing with locals in the region, tourists visiting the temples, temple management, SETC, etc,. The final fee and buses must be clearly marked with routes for each navagrahas. Several lakhs of devotees travel to these places every year.
Financing Infrastructure Projects
Government must consider funding infrastructure projects by launching infra bonds similar to private firms like L&T to get public and private entities participation in bond market. The bond sale will help get revenue by tapping the market.
Govt. must consult SEBI, RBI to help in tapping more revenue to help build more infrastructure projects for Electricity, Roads, New Energy plants, more buses, metro rails, etc,. With reducing dependency on foreign funding. If this is successful govt can ask public to participate and if each one buys for Rs. 500 also it will bring in huge amount of money to fund massive projects. The bonds must be such a way that they pay back the amount invested over 5 years or 10 years at 8% or more. The same can be available through demat accounts or through post offices for purchase.
Cable Car project in Kodaikanal and Ooty
The government must consider cable car project from foothills to top of Ooty and another project for kodaikanal similar to Genting Highlands in Malaysia. The project will help ease traffic on roads and easy commutation of passengers with ease. If it is done with help of central funds and state funds and Malaysian or Japanese funds it will help several tourists and reduce fuel usage on forest areas. Please send a team to check how Genting highlands operate efficiently. The cable car cabins should be such a way that it can accommodate at least 5 people with luggage also. Currently Genting highlands has a disadvantage that you cannot carry heavy luggage. After Metro project I think the government if it can consider doing the project it will be a challenge and great help for future generations to travel and reduce fossil fuel usage in forests areas of kodaikanal and ooty.
Right to information Act – Online Mode
The RTI is currently not through online mode in TamilNadu the same if done will help easier information gathering from government and lesser cost and efficient replies.
Reducing plastic usage in shops, Garbage Segregation,
Government must create motivational videos to telecast or in theatres using popular actors to prevent usage of plastic in homes and reduce using paper to save trees. Plastic usage by hotels to pack food has led to increased plastic. The same if controlled and public are warned regularly by showing dumping yards with heaps of plastic they will hesitant to use plastic in daily life. Recycling of plastic government must setup shop in each district and properly recycle plastic to either use in Amma water bottles or various other facilities. Amma water bottle should also consider using other options instead of plastic bottles. Thick paper or clay based bottles if possible should be considered. Shops should be asked to explore alternative options to reduce plastic usage. Govt should promote segregation of waste at home and also constructing compost pits in all wards and communities for increased manure preparation to be used by govt to plant trees and reducing degradable food to go to dumping yard. Plastics disposed at homes should be removed with special garbage segregator’s machines to recycle plastic, remove metal, degradable food for composting, etc, instead of directly dumping in yards.
TN CM Cell – Social network & promotion of cm cell website
The TN CM CELL is doing a great job of assigning grievances to correct department to get task completed. The website is not known to public if all the public had put in all their grievances and if the government tries to fix them all, TamilNadu can go to a higher level faster. So please make the website popular by creating a small ad and targeting all local newspapers, district newspapers, national newspapers, etc. TN CM CELL must have its presence in twitter similar to Prime Minister office you can send your team to delhi to learn the process of how to use social network effectively. In social network some elements might post unwanted stuff but that can be ignored but genuine concerns can be resolved effectively and public can bring to notice severe problems in seconds to the forefront for govt to act immediately. If possible CM also joins social networking and the ministers of the state and secretaries or ministry of each department will help.
Aavin - Improvements
Aavin must setup shops in IT companies/Malls/CMBT/district bus stands/major bus stops/MRTS/metro stations and provide tea, coffee, ice-creams at good rates and popularise Aavin to the level of Amul. Aavin must approach and get space at low cost to operate and help IT employees with their products and increase their revenue. Aavin should sell its products at all supermarkets, shops, by having effective brokers and marketing executives with MBA degree to take Aavin to new level. Carton packs the milk and other products like milk based juice and ice-creams must be available for public at all shops. More ads with boards on top of existing tea shops and selling them Aavin milk at low cost. Aavin website look need to be improved with better IT service provider like Accenture, TCS or CTS. Spending on IT will help the revenue growth. The products of aavin must be made available in all shops through all possible channels and marketing should be carried out effectively through more brokers and commissions or products at low rates to brokers who generate more revenue for assigned division. Aavin must create ads with children to bring the goodness of milk and promote the same. The website of aavin is pathetic and not good looking please ask a bigger company to take up. Food processing in aavin must be of global standards and must compete with Amul, ITC, Coca-Cola to create innovate milk based products which can be packed in cartons and sold across TN and later across India. The process to get a license and start business with aavin is not easy and the email id provided do not send any response.
Infrastructure – Roads
Laying cement roads only in roads connecting villages to highways or major roads in village entry points or road inside village or rural areas to enable long life of roads irrespective of climate and less cost of maintenance in future. Tar roads cannot be maintained regularly in rural and inaccessible areas regularly like in Chennai and villagers suffer a lot for several years if a road is broken it is not repaired easily. The cost is high and time taking but will save governments several years of work on road construction and repeated maintenance due to our climate. If a government GO is passed stating only cement roads will be laid in villages from here on it will make a revolution. The GO can state the features compulsorily to be present in road like rain water flow to nearest rainwater harvesting pit or to river, drainage position and height to road level to prevent pits on road, led lampposts, fibre optics and telephone cables placing space underground, EB cables space. There are roads of various size in TN if all above features are accommodated with percentage value of each component and sample designs by setting up core committees of Anna University professors, deans of civil engineering department from engineering and diploma colleges, corporation civil engineers, central govt secretaries for highways, TNEB, BSNL and other telecom operators, Sewage department, Rain water harvesting department & suggestions from civil contractors and students of engineering colleges or employed youth for ideas with draft released for suggestions from public and media. So if roads are laid as cement roads can last several years the roads will be maintenance free for 15 years. Initial cost is high, the cement road several years back near double tank in kk nagar was laid carefully by digging for few feet and then laying cement roads by using bricks and space for drainage and levelling the drainage in middle of road also the road has lasted several years without maintenance. Similar concept if don’t in all villages with poor accessibility at all times and remote hill stations and small streets of less width. Currently cement roads are laid just like that without digging few feet and using bricks or cement slabs leading to faster deterioration. Simply pouring concrete on roads to some height won’t help since it will easily start breaking up.
Electric Auto Rickshaws
Government must promote electric auto rickshaws in the state to enable a greener TamilNadu and reduced pollution. Currently the electric auto rickshaws are famous in delhi and have been legalised. The govt must request manufacturers like TVS, Bajaj, Maruti, Mahindra, Nissan to try to manufacture here to be exported and used in TamilNadu instead of importing from china. The government if provided special concessions will definitely help all them to do R&D, trial and manufacture by few more years. The e-autos will definitely benefit several people in reduced cost, and less fuel usage. If they sold at rates less than current fuel autos definitely all auto drivers will move to them and pollution in Chennai and TN will reduce by 3/4th.
Sewage cleaners with Suits , Oxygen masks & light and robotic arms
The sewage workers on contract or hired tend to directly enter the sewage pits leading to loss of life to poisonous gas and poor working conditions. If the government provides them suits with oxygen masks and light on helmet and robotic arms to help they can clear within a small iota of dust or sewage on their body. Robotic arms must try initially to clear the garbage or sewage only if that doesn’t help should workers enter. GO must be passed that only machines or the workers with suit should enter sewage pits.
TASMAC Operating Time Reduced to 5PM – 11PM
If TASMAC reduced time more students and workers will avoid during working hours of 9Am- 5pm. The TN cm cell rejected the petition on the basis it was a government decision. Please re-consider to open only after working hours. If it is closed at working hours many will concentrate on their job only. It can be operated from 5PM – 11PM, if you feel that tasmac workers might not work for their 8 or 9 hour duty time they can be deployed in other activities during normal hours or moved to other departments.
A/C Buses Maintenance
A/C buses in the state are not maintained properly. Please form a special team with diploma in A/C mechanic, engineers to regularly maintain A/c buses effectively.
Amma Unavagam at all bus stands
Amma Unavagam must be opened at all district major bus stands and major bus stands in Chennai as soon as possible as these are major transit points.
Ashok Pillar 2 Foot overbridges to connect with metro
The ashok pillar signal is very busy and round the clock movement of vehicles is there. If government can put up Foot over bridges at the intersections around ashok pillar replacing all the zebra crossing with lift and escalators and parallel steps for easy movement. If the FOB is placed one near the India post and the other near Udhayam to ESI hospital side then vehicles need not stop at signals helping faster movement of vehicles. Best solution will be interconnecting the new fob and the one being constructed from metro station for passengers to cross roads easily in any direction and also reach Ashok Nagar metro station. Many MTC buses also don’t stop at signals please advise MTC drivers to follow rules. Traffic police must be provided booth to sit and monitor 24*7 near pillar junction violations must be fined directly and the challan must be sent to address of the owner of the vehicle directly and asked to pay online. Smaller fob with lift in centre for disabled or wheelchair entry and exit along with steps and escalators in both directions to enter and exit fob. Traffic police even if they deploy policemen won’t help in long run FOB will help non-stop movement of vehicles and safer crossing of roads.
Government Schools Mid-Day Meal Scheme
Please have the food prepared for all schools in a given region and amma Unavagam from centralised location and transported to each location by vans. The centralised location cooking will enable safety for children at schools and better standards and easy procurement at single centre for a region or district capital. Similar to Shirdi solar based plant to cook or like Akshaya patra coal based cooking can be taken up. The steam is used to cook food and the energy is saved when solar is used during high sun and coal during rain or winter period. Please setup consultants and enquire already successful programmes at Shirdi and Akshaya patra in Karnataka.
Libraries in All govt Schools with Computers and books and newspapers for both students and public usage
The Government must consider allocating space in all govt schools for constructing libraries the size of a small house to have newspapers, computers with internet, books for all age groups, literature works in Tamil and English, Tablets for small kids to learn, wi-fi hot spot for students studying in that school and teachers to access free internet. Public in those region can also use in weekends.
Special Economic Zone for Handicrafts
Govt must setup a sez or construct a location where all handicrafts, saree manufacturers, idols in clay, bronze, stone manufacturers, painters in canvas, thanjavur arts, etc,. can be allowed to develop and create. The same can be procured by the state govt and sold over the internet by having own website and partnering with online firms like amazon, flipkart, etc,. to sell over the world. Indian idols in bronze and stone and handicrafts are of great demand all over the world. State govt can also employ several workers to do the same.
Traffic police – Technology improvements
Similar to Singapore, traffic rules must be made strict and offenders must be fined effectively and asked to pay online also. The traffic police must have cameras on top of each signal to monitor movement of vehicles. There are less than 100 signals in the city and if each direction is monitored 24*7 then seamless traffic movement and violators without helmet, crossing signal must be fined directly to their number plate and the photo must be attached to fine copy so that they can verify and pay fine. Please work with Singapore government to implement the same effectively and to bring traffic rules which prevent offenders from escaping during non-presence of traffic police. Cameras should not be hidden but placed on top of each signal will create psychological fear to not break rules. High end IT infrastructure will need to be used but as days progress the traffic can be smoothly handled from the main office and signal can be controlled from there, any offenders can be caught before next signal, ambulances can be given green easily. Singapore and Chennai are similar conditions so help from Singapore we can definitely develop high class city they can provide the framework and we can give e-tender to get required persons to handle the implementation. Govt should not see cost but the best solution to make Chennai a smart city.
The state target to travel from one end to another end of the city or town in less than 1 hour will help achieve global standards. MTC buses are the one which suffer severely due to too much signals, waiting time in traffic and leading loss in diesel. The following key flyovers if considered will help reduce time, fuel, pollution.

1.   CMBT bus stand exit and entry for buses. All buses during peak hours and on Fridays take a lot of time to exit the complex due to heavy traffic and signal at entrance itself. If the signal is replaced with small flyover to enable faster movement of buses and vehicles in all directions it will save diesel and travel time of passengers.
2.   The cost of elevated expressway can be replaced with flyovers at Thiruvanmaiyur Signal & Tidel park junction.
3.   Porur signal – This work will help clearing traffic problem for several years.
4.   Sholinganallur Signal
5.   SRP Signal and extending MRTS from thiruvanmiyur or new metro from Alandur to Kelambakkam
6.   Airport entry and exit from main road with subway to avoid travellers who are travelling to tambaram.
7.   Tambaram Railway Station crossing junction
8.   Laxman Sruthi, Ashok Nagar signal can be replaced with flyover or subway in one direction to allow free flow of traffic between pillar and vadapalani.
9.   Replacing all zebra crossing with flyovers or subways based on forming committee to reduce congestion in travel and waiting time at signals.
Elevated Expressway Replaced with MRTS or Metro and BRTS – Rajiv Gandhi It expressway
Madam, Please try to re-consider the elevated expressway instead of that if you can put flyovers at important junctions like Thiruvanmaiyur, Tidel park, SRP, Thoraipakkam, Sholinganallur in that road and have metro connecting entire stretch from St.Thomas Mount/Alandur/Guindy – Velachery - Thiruvanmaiyur – Siruseri - Kelambakkam will help or extending MRTS from Thiruvanmaiyur to Kelambakkam will help all. BRTS if created in Rajiv Gandhi Salai will help greatly for faster commutation for MTC buses and reduce pollution and save fuel.
Toll Roads in State Highways at low cost for better road infrastructure and reduce govt crunch on funds
Since implementation of toll road in IT expressway Rajiv Gandhi Salai led to better maintenance of the road the same can be considered in stretches of state highways and inner roads of districts for better maintenance and widening of roads. The toll need not be at the rate of national highways but can be held at minimum rate to enable faster and better maintenance of roads in future. Many roads in rural areas and interior districts have size not enough for two buses to smoothly cross. Hence please take a mission to increase road sizes significantly to avoid accidents and also not to reduce trees during widening. So if toll is collected work can be carried out faster with funds for maintenance of the roads. If less toll is collected as Rs. 10 for cars, Rs. 15 for buses and Rs. 20 for lorries to maintain roads in those districts.
Removing unused bus shelters & placing in demand regions
Please remove bus shelters which are not utilised and move it to new locations where there is heavy demand highlighted by public through media. Some of the bus shelters like
a)   Egattur in IT expressway,
b)  Velachery bus shelter 2nd shelter used by auto stand not by public,
c)    near Governor house,
d)  near ITC Chola.
Since they are made of steel they can be dismantled and placed in new areas for heavy demand like Ashok pillar, Vadapalani.
New Bus Shelters
a)   New bus shelters are required at Ashok Pillar and Vadapalani.
b)  Joint bus shelter at guindy near kathipara and Madhya Kailash will help. Corporation rejected petition for bus shelter stating traffic reasons. Even if it is put up some metres away also it would be helpful.
c)    Bus shelter opposite AGS MALL/HCL ETA TECHNO PARK near navalur, Rajiv Gandhi Salai.
Financial Inclusion – ATM at bus stands and Govt Schools
Bus stands in all districts at present don’t have ATM facilities. If state government can allocate space and give a tender for interested parties to pay highest price by e-auction to use space for ATM, money deposits and other processes will help growth of bank usage in rural areas. The space will also give revenue to state govt. The govt schools can allocate small space to banks to setup ATM and money deposit machine and the revenue earned can be used to maintain the school for water, sanitation and painting works, etc,.
Education Department
Laptops to all teachers and department officials at low cost or free to improved performance and clearing tasks at much faster speed and teaching children new innovative concepts from internet. The internet connection or the dongle govt should not pay but get them subsided internet connections by working with BSNL or any private firm to provide them. The laptops should have login authenticated using govt server known as active directory authentication so we can note from they are logging to that machine by creating apps specifically pre-installed to prevent misuse. After they retire they can own it and the authentication can be removed.
Corporation and TN govt – Facilities at bus stops & Shades to prevent Heat from Direct sun on bus stop shelter sitting area
Bus Stop Facilities – GPS based information display & announcement at bus stops, Dustbins, Bars on sides of seats to prevent sleeping of public at bus stops. Cement bus shelters renovation at all rural areas to take shelter during heavy rains. The steel bus shelter won’t help in rural areas as they can’t be maintained regularly. The current steel bus stops in Chennai have a problem that no shade is there when sun directly hits on the seats and it is too hot to sit and public tend to stand back of steel bus stops. So please provide shades or extended roofs at existing bus shelters to help public avoid heavy sun in summer.
Buses – Next stop details inside buses
MTC Bus Facilities - Display of next set of stops in LCD inside all Buses in all districts capitals buses using GPS installed at bus stops & ticketing device with estimated time. The process was successfully test trial completed in some A/C buses but was not extended to all bus routes and all districts govt buses. Many public don’t know when next bus will come or not. Announcements inside buses with speakers can be disturbing to public but will be useful definitely at bus stop.
Major Bus routes indicated in MTC sides on top of windows on door side & major route on bottom of front glass of bus.
All MTC buses should have the routes clearly painted or stickers on top of windows for passengers to easily check routes. The size of text on boards are too small to recognize. The sides of windows is used by all district bus departments like SETC and others but MTC does not follow this method to put up route details on buses in paint or stickers for public to easily identify routes.
Advertisements in MTC
The MTC does not use space available for advertisements effectively. The A/C buses side glasses if used can help bring better revenue and prevent heating up of inside of buses due to security reason partly transparent ads will help, at least on A/C doors full size ads can be used. The entire ad business of MTC must be through online auction handed to highest bidder to manage entire ad business of MTC for one year period only. For each bus company like SETC, etc, separate ad contract can be given to earn better revenue.
MTC – Technology Improvements
Mobile App to track bus location of MTC, SETC for passengers to catch bus easily. The same can be developed using students by conducting contests. ISRO has launched a satellite for navigation the same can be used by MTC to track buses and provide information to travellers on bus location.
MTC – Amma Water inside buses
Sale of Amma Water inside buses of MTC, SETC, etc. to help long distance passengers within Chennai and those travelling for very long distances. The conductor can give ticket for the same and sell the bottles inside buses.
Information Technology
Digital India drive to be used to setup more Wi-Fi access points across the state in all govt schools, govt colleges, govt offices, museums, govt buses as moving wifi spots, govt bus stands.
Infrastructure & Roads
Arcot Road is facing too much traffic jam. The stretch along Porur, Vadapalani, Kodambakkam is facing too much traffic. Please widen road or metro in this route or underground road for faster connectivity.
Greenery – Agri department to sell plants or tree sampling at low cost and gardening equipment and manure and vermi compost at low cost
Medians need to be planted with big trees and sides of roads with trees planation to build a canopy over roads. The cost of planting a tree is too costly nowadays. Please request Agriculture department to have trees sold at low cost near Amma unavagams with manure and soil and other necessary equipment’s for tree plantations and the fence in metal around trees also. All this will help us plant more trees since the cost of nursery plants are too high. Sale can be done at MTC bus stands, outside Amma unavagams, etc,.
Food Prices - theatres
Theatres sell products and goods at very high rates marking as special rates for the same product available at lower rate in local. They sell products at very high prices to compensate for ticket price limit. Please ask police to regularly inspect and monitor prices and also please sell Aavin products at all theatres by reaching agreement to sell high end products of aavin and also regular food items in cartons. Govt has to create a marketing team or outsource to negotiate and clinch more deals to take aavin to next level as a national brand.
Naming of Road
There are many roads developed around Velachery but have not been named. Velachery inner ring road and Velachery main road should be renamed as M.G.R road or Anna Road or Kamarajar Road.
MTC – Time Keepers and Gap between Buses
The MTC runs buses in several routes but at times 2 or 3 buses in same route come one behind another leading to wastage of bus route and less occupancy. MTC must appoint time keepers and route managers at each bus stand monitoring time gap between each bus route and at bus stops every 20 mins travelling gap to monitor and come up with proper timings and gap between two buses and MTC officials need to note down time when a bus crosses a bus stop and plan accordingly. This is a major problem with buses travelling long distances as the buses cover up distances after 20 mins leading to close travelling after half the distance causing trouble to passengers waiting expecting buses but all buses cross in one shot leading to high waiting time for all bus routes after half distance. The govt bus companies in other districts operate very efficiently but MTC needs to learn from them on time keeping and bus route gap.
MTC – New Bus Routes
New Bus route in below routes or allocating some of the buses from excessive buses running routes like D70, T70 or 570.
a) Sholinganallur - Siruseri – Kelambakkam – Vandalur – Perungulathur – Bye-Pass - Ambattur – Avadi. Currently MTC does not operate in bye-pass which can save diesel and faster transportation.
B) Alandur Railway Station - Velachery inner ring road - Velachery MRTS Station – Velachery Main Road – Thoraipakkam - Sholinganallur – Siruseri – Kelambakkam. This will help faster travel for metro passengers and better travel to IT employees faster instead of the long route of travelling through guindy and Velachery. Some of the 570 or 570S can be used in this new route.
C) CMBT – Madhyakailash – Sholinganallur – SIPCOT – Siruseri – Kelambakkam. No bus completely covers Rajiv Gandhi Salai in IT expressway covering all IT companies, even tidel park is not covered which was constructed by govt. So a new bus will help and named as IT001. 568C was failure since it was running to mamallpuram and nobody was aware of the route that it goes through sipcot since no indication with stickers on bus front glass on route. Please  put route as stickers in front glass on bottom and on side glass near entrance in A/C buses also with hyphen or space in between route names.
d) CMBT – Sriperumbudur to help engineering students travelling to colleges.
e) CMBT – Kathipara – DLF It park – Porur - Poonamalee
f) Ashok Nagar – Kathipara – DLF It park – Porur small bus for IT employees
h) Extending D70 buses up to Velachery Railway Station and reducing D70 buses to be operated in new routes.
i) Some of the D70 which are run as cut service to Guindy can be extended to Alandur Railway station or Tambaram Railway Station or Velachery Railway Station for better coverage for public instead of operating upto guindy or to Velachery since many buses cover the stretch and splitting up of bus to new areas will help commuters and diversification of routes.
j) New bus route T75 to connect CMBT to Thiruvanmaiyur through Anna University – Madhyakailash – Tidel Park – Thiruvanmaiyur MRTS. Some of existing M70 or T70 or 5E can be operated in this route.
k) MTC should consider buses from Siruseri- Kelambakkam – Vandalur – Perungulathur – Tambaram railway station to help those employees who want to go on Friday to their home town or travel by either catching bus at tambaram or by train at tambaram.
i) Ambattur –CMBT –Ashok Pillar -  Besant Nagar via CMBT, Vadapalani, Ashok Nagar, Saidapet, Anna university. Since besant nagar beach is more popular for all tourists. Some of the existing 5E can be operated in this route.
j) Small Bus from Camp Road – Madambakkam – Tambaram Railway station.
k) CMBT – East Tambaram
A/C Buses
MTC operates all its A/C buses targeted only to IT employees. The same can be operated in other routes during weekends towards tourist spots, beaches, malls, zoo, museum, trade fair etc. But MTC does not modify routes on Saturday and Sunday also.  A/C buses are not maintained effectively and cooling is not effective.

New A/C buses running in following routes need to be considered from Friday and weekends.
1.   A/C Buses to Central and Egmore railway station from CMBT, Tambaram, Poonamalee, Ambattur and Porur.
2.   A/C Buses to Marina and Besant nagar beaches from different areas like CMBT, Tambaram, Porur, Ambattur, Poonamalee etc.
3.   A/C Buses to Broadway for working population from different areas like poonamalee, CMBT, Vadapalani via kk nagar, ashok nagar.
4.   A/C Buses to Marina beach from CMBT.
5.   Few 5E buses as A/C buses which currently run from Vadapalani to Besant Nagar can be operated in extended route of CMBT – Vadapalani – KK NAGAR - Besant Nagar as A/C buses for tourists and more visitors on weekends.
6.   Rounding of tickets of A/C buses to nearest Rs. 10 will help in change and easier payment. Please bring smart cards for payments in A/C buses.
Roads – Infrastructure
Anna Main Road in KK NAGAR connecting Ashok pillar with MGR Nagar and Virugambakkam in bad shape for several years. Please relay roads and medians and plant trees.
Underground Roads or Flyovers
Flyover or underground roads connecting Ashok pillar, T.Nagar to Mt. Road (Anna Salai) for crossing T.nagar & Pondy bazaar for faster movement of normal vehicles due to shopping area.  Or a flyover from duraisamy road to mt. road crossing t.nagar and pondy bazaar. Singapore an expert in faster road transportation can help on this.
Underground Roads
Flyover or underground roads connecting porur signal, vadapalani, kodambakkam and Mt. road (Anna Salai). Major flyover at Porur for faster transportation in all directions.
Multi-level car and bike parking near Panagal Park, Ritchie Street, Pondy Bazaar, CMBT, etc,.
Infrastructure – Roads
IT Expressway – Rajiv Gandhi salai from Madhyakailash to Siruseri does not have proper Rain Water draining at Thoriaipakkam during severe rains. The water drainage must be well maintained and at sides of roads rain water harvesting must be implemented properly.
Traffic Police
High speed cameras to take photos of those who violate speed limits and speed ticket send to house address to pay fine online, instead of traffic police using speed guns at specific locations only.
Infrastructure – Roads
Rain water harvesting on roads along highways. Since roads destroy several plants and small organisms. But rain water harvesting on roads will help water to seep underground. The both sides of roads can have small pits with 2 metres depth to enable water to percolate below.
Hindu Temples & Religious places
Anna Dhanam in small cups at major temples like Thanjavur Bhrihadeeswar temple and navagrahas temples, rameshwaram temples after visiting main deity similar to Thirumala. Even though the temples may be under various committees but govt must consider providing food in cups to all public. We cannot provide meals to all public that is understandable due to heavy expenditure. Similar concept can be done at major churches and mosques subject to religious sentiments and discussions with govt funding. Many of the visitors come to religious places without eating any food and consume only after visiting the god. So if they are giving food and any liquid food like buttermilk or anything will help public and also devotee’s health is protected. The cups should not be plastic only lotus leaves or disposable material from natural products supplied by Agri department
Hindu Temples
Dhoti and Saree must be made compulsory in temples similar to Kerala. Currently public enter with jeans in temples. Making dhoti for male & saree for female compulsory in major temples will help sale of dhoti & sarees from Co-operative societies by govt outside temples and sarees and also the Hindu tradition is remembered by public for next generation. At least when praying main deity the process is strictly followed.
Buses – Disabled Friendly buses and modifying existing buses
MTC buses are still not disabled friendly. Buses must have ramp to help those with wheelchair to enter buses. Small lifts or ramps to help passengers with disability to enter and exit buses. A space can be provided at the back of the bus before last row near back entrance of bus. IIT madras, Anna university can be asked to create sample solution with MTC help by providing buses. The same can then be done by giving contract in set of buses and after usage changes can be done to further improve.
Buses – Automatic Door Closing
MTC buses and SETC buses still don’t have the doors closed. Many are still open type only when they were purchased. Around 3000 buses might be there in total TamilNadu all buses must have automatic doors installed with control from driver and conductor. If a passenger is stuck it should open and reattempt to close. Many lives can be saved if all buses have doors closing.
SETC courier service
The SETC and MTC courier service must be further improved with participation of India post to deliver goods at home directly. The postal couriers & posts of India post can also be sent by buses for faster transportation. The join MOU will help both departments and reduce costs and improve customer service and more revenue.
Multi-level parking
Multi-level parking of bikes and cars needs to be provided at major places and shopping places at lower cost in all district after security check. Ritchie street, pondy bazaar, usman road, t. Nagar bus stop, Tambaram railway station, broadway bus stand, Guindy, Velachery. Multi-level parking can also be constructed at all district and major bus stands across the state at very low cost.
Disaster Relief Zones
Creating of disaster relief centres in each district to help public assemble or move to in case of emergencies. The disaster management team can also be allowed to use the building during non-emergency times. The materials to dispatch at emergency can be placed here and monitored for quality. The helicopters or small boats to use during rescue can also be placed here. The building can be jointly conducted by disaster management team – tamilnadu govt and Army and Airforce. The tsunami and other monitoring agencies can use this place.
BIO – FUEL and Battery operated Buses
The government must consider designing bio-fuel and battery operated buses to reduce dependency on diesel and reduce costs. Small buses can be easily run with battery or bio-fuels with much easier ease. The MTC, IIT-Madras, Anna university, science teachers, mechanical engineers from MTC and other major private universities the joint committee should be formed to implement this. It is already available in Bangalore and kerala bus transport and other foreign countries so if we can take help to implement we can succeed. Govt can ask farmers to grow jatropa or punnai tree required to manufacture bio-diesel and in waste govt land which can be procured and made into bio-diesel in centralised location. Once it is successful TamilNadu can save several crores over years of operation.
Perungudi Dumping Yard
The huge amount of dumping done in perungudi dumping yard has causes water to dry up, ground water polluted by plastic, the wildlife has been destroyed for migratory birds. Using enzymes the degradable material must be allowed to decay followed by removing of plastic and using for road laying or recycling by govt spending. The water must be re-filled in the lake by using water pumps to allow birds to come to the place. The lake did not dry for more than several decades but it has started to become dry.
Medians around Velachery golf course wherever possible
Medians between the Velachery swimming pool and Phoenix mall is not fully complete halfway it has been left leading to vehicles moving in both ways. Please complete the medians effectively since road width is less please put medians the breadth and length of 30cm only.