Monday, June 22, 2015

Suggestions to further improve

  • The reach and popularity of and the activity is limited to only few users based on the count of the comments and the quality of comments. I value as a highest level of decision making body in the country pulling information and suggestions of the best minds to implement and understanding ground reality. But public have not been able to participate in full strength due to various factors like work, lack of time, lack of internet, lack of knowledge of internet, language difficulty, cost incurred, lack of media showcasing, etc,. I have come up with following suggestions for consideration.

  • PM referred to only in US after that in none of the NRI meets it was referred to, no hype in  media and NRI crowd. PM must re-tweet topics to help gather momentum and put his 1st suggestion with that hash tag if possible. Hashtags for each topic must be used.

  • The closing category for each topic in must be based on total count on the comments and quality factor using analytics instead of just rough closing dates. To increase activity on low count on any topic public must be re-ignited to participate based on Re-tweet by PM and topic related minister and SMS alerts through all mobile networks and small ads in newspapers for more public participation.

  • Allowing public to enter text in their own regional or foreign language by providing onscreen keyboard to enter text. At least most popular regional languages should be considered like Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, should be added and more should be added in future.

  • Govt must call out private companies who wish to give free gift vouchers or discount coupons for most contributed users will help more participation and more feedback. But there might be media comments on this but govt should go boldly to bring more into the platform to take India forward in brisk pace with help of good feedback. Public if they get vouchers they will participate based on points reached on more usage all companies will come forward.

  • For each topic, Twitter and FB hash tags with unique code should be created and all comments with that code should be included automatically to the list of comments or separate tab within the comments under social network. Hash tags will give more comments. There are many analytics software's which can pull social network data based on hash tags.

  • A separate all India mobile number and SMS to that number should be made free and without balance also message to that number should be considered after due discussion with TRAI and mobile networks to have unique code for each topic and feedback for that. Similar to *123# code used to get help menu in mobile networks separate and unique code should be created to get list of code for each topic so that users can send comments and feedback on each topic.

  • Mobile app currently considered only for Android for PMO even there iphone users are several Indians all over India. But for MYGOV.IN we need app for Android, Iphone and Windows to tap whole market at once. We cannot wait for contest to get over, NIC team should start to work on migrating mygov to mobile apps quickly.
  • Govt must also create a tab within the comments for media houses and their editors to post comments or videos or PDF. Media instead of creating ruckus in news channels must try to provide proper feedback using but they don't participate or debate on any topic. Some topics are old but media if presented views on correct times like when topic is open by their journalists will help or writing articles in their papers and tagging them to the comments will help govt to have a view on them.  Too much of news is only political viewpoint of anything not on the development point of view. So media must participate in effectively so that public also knows which media is really development oriented and which is not. Media might think it is not their job if everyone thinks it is not their job then why did they vote. If they think if ends with voting no there is several steps to development and growth for which everyone must point out mistakes and correct and provide innovative ideas which god would have blessed some to have. Pls request all media houses to participate.

  • WhatsApp a major communication mode off late can be tapped by creating group for each topic and adding users already registered in #MYGOV website but chances of other public mis using other public data is possible. You can work with WhatsApp head to develop special groups for helping government communicate with public if requested they can work can get back on this. Also WhatsApp number or the same number to be created separately for mygov must be popularised for all public to message freely on each topic. The WhatsApp group can be used to just put updates on topic number and the topic details. Users can then use the topic details to message comments.

Venkatasubramanian B

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