Thursday, June 25, 2015

Highways improvement Suggestions

  1. Rain water harvesting along roads will help greatly to allow water to ground by drilling cylindrical holes along road borders after the white border line for 2 metres below ground at regular intervals or interconnecting all borders through small pipelines and rain water harvesting at a common place. Roads destroy so many plants but water needs to be harvested properly.
  2. Medians should plant bigger trees instead of grass or small shrubs in national highways.
  3. Highways don’t have proper rest zones like in Malaysia or other countries. Drivers or travellers allowed to rest in along highways every 30-50 kms will help greatly. Space for retail space for shops, prayer hall, open hall sleeping area, dorms, etc, developed by NHAI will help generate revenue and protect travellers through presence of police and ambulance for easy deployment. Currently lorries, buses park at random zones near toll plazas and no food or any facilities available to rest also. Emergency situations cant be handled.
  4. Laying of cement roads in rural areas and towns instead of tar roads since rural areas are affected easily by tractor movement and rainy season easily and government bodies cant access and relay rural roads often and they remain ignored for several years. If cement road is laid for several years they would be benefitted even if state govt does not relay the roads will last for 15 years easily if done properly. Corporates should adopt villages and govt should list all villages all over India and each company should adopt each village with details of road length in village, LED lights to be placed, etc,. The list of villages and the adopted village must be posted in website maintained by NHAI.
  5. Hill Stations roads should hold critical facilities like road end marking with reflecting light on border, solar lights since hill station roads are accident prone and not maintained to global standards for ordinary to public to drive vehicle on his own. If you don’t have regular training or experience you cant drive in India hill stations due to non availability of all features to keep roads safe in hill stations. Public cannot enjoy hill stations if all usual and critical facilities should be provided especially in Western Ghats near Thala Cauvery, Coorg, Karnataka and other hill stations should have around India. Primarily led or normal lights and road marking with reflectors or dividers highlighter leds at night.

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