Saturday, June 13, 2015

ISRO – Future projects for Consideration

  1. Space Walk not performed by India till now independently. Sending animals and then humans to outer space and back. After Rakesh Sharma no one from India went to space. Spacewalk is the basics to explore outer space by humans. Also spacewalks cost the least cost since we are not sending them to any other planet and the risk is less and in case of any issues then can be saved. Indian Air force pilots will be key to achieve this feat along with scientists who are fit to travel. Many scientists in ISRO have successfully explored options outside India. Please give them more opportunities by conducting space walks and joint space missions.

    2. India has to collaborate with International Space Station (ISS) also to learn new things and try new missions. Unless we join with them it will be difficult. Since NASA/French and Russia are our joint partner we can naturally collaborate by at least trying supply missions and in future years sending Indians from US. If we achieve reaching to ISS within next 2 years it will be a global reach out and a major milestone.

    3. BRICS nations must come with a joint Space mission.

    4. ISS & other space stations does several experiments throughout the year based on inputs from ground stations it will help us judge the environment outside Earth to predict future course of action. Air Force and ISRO can achieve and perform several tasks to help us know better the god’s creation and move human beings to new planet in another 100 years. Definitely God wanted India to find out the new planet to survive.

    5. Similar to astronaut and cosmonaut we have to give unique name for our manned missions which glorifies Indians and our history.

    6. Without manned missions we cannot rectify our satellites in future or send special missions in case of natural disasters.
    7. India must explore Mars for life possibilities by sending rovers and Indian flag. Only Rovers can perform actions and send information. India should go one step ahead and deploy several rovers at different locations around Mars for faster data gathering. Also Robots must also be considered since Rovers move very slowly. Human Robots and Rovers together can achieve several tasks.

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