Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pirated Websites Details from domain

 Generally details of any website can be found by using website the person who has registered in his name, etc,. The url needs to be entered only in format or like that. the www part is not required. The details of some websites can be hided by use of certain websites which very intelligent people use even that can be revealed by many websites by requesting for history for So some efforts are needed to be taken through lawyers to reach out to DMCA and the domain host providers on which server the website is hosted and the proxy website through which they have hided their website. So whatever domain provider is shown in the details can be approached to provide details and further based on that a lawyer from that region can file a case in local police station against that person in the country in which the domain provider resides and the person whose details are provided.

This will bring some fear on those people who host these websites. They think if they host in foreign websites india will not respond. Some efforts if taken will create fear among them.

Kanna Tamil cinema na summava!!!! Try once noone will try ever. At the same time after 2 weeks advisable to launch movie in DTH or release original movie delayed in foreign countries or release original in Tamilnadu in theatre box office then theatre owners will also be happy and producer and distributor also happy.

The key websites or many piracy websites spring up everyday easily.

1. Whois Domain History will help track online fraud. But a lawyer is needed to analyse data after going through details provided in the site. It is genuine site. All the details in the history and current data can be quoted for prosecution or blocking site with help of domain server owner or file cases around the world.

helps bring down websites but lawyers need to coordinate and explain details of original content.

Links and pics from whois website below. The details needs to be verified but only on filing complaint can this be achieved.


Venkat B

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