Thursday, June 25, 2015

Highways improvement Suggestions

  1. Rain water harvesting along roads will help greatly to allow water to ground by drilling cylindrical holes along road borders after the white border line for 2 metres below ground at regular intervals or interconnecting all borders through small pipelines and rain water harvesting at a common place. Roads destroy so many plants but water needs to be harvested properly.
  2. Medians should plant bigger trees instead of grass or small shrubs in national highways.
  3. Highways don’t have proper rest zones like in Malaysia or other countries. Drivers or travellers allowed to rest in along highways every 30-50 kms will help greatly. Space for retail space for shops, prayer hall, open hall sleeping area, dorms, etc, developed by NHAI will help generate revenue and protect travellers through presence of police and ambulance for easy deployment. Currently lorries, buses park at random zones near toll plazas and no food or any facilities available to rest also. Emergency situations cant be handled.
  4. Laying of cement roads in rural areas and towns instead of tar roads since rural areas are affected easily by tractor movement and rainy season easily and government bodies cant access and relay rural roads often and they remain ignored for several years. If cement road is laid for several years they would be benefitted even if state govt does not relay the roads will last for 15 years easily if done properly. Corporates should adopt villages and govt should list all villages all over India and each company should adopt each village with details of road length in village, LED lights to be placed, etc,. The list of villages and the adopted village must be posted in website maintained by NHAI.
  5. Hill Stations roads should hold critical facilities like road end marking with reflecting light on border, solar lights since hill station roads are accident prone and not maintained to global standards for ordinary to public to drive vehicle on his own. If you don’t have regular training or experience you cant drive in India hill stations due to non availability of all features to keep roads safe in hill stations. Public cannot enjoy hill stations if all usual and critical facilities should be provided especially in Western Ghats near Thala Cauvery, Coorg, Karnataka and other hill stations should have around India. Primarily led or normal lights and road marking with reflectors or dividers highlighter leds at night.

Finance system – Part 1

  1. All gold, jewellery, stones purchased in jewellery and allied must be made through card and banks only and with PAN card mandatory with overall transaction over 50,000 in a given week with RBI and IT flagging based on user transactions. RBI and Income Tax and SEBI don’t work together with banks leading to black money precipitation. PAN card and aadhaar card must be physically produced.
  2. RBI, SEBI, Income TAX, Finance Ministry the 4 chakras of money in India must have joint discussion weekly or monthly to review and create new steps to avoid even small gaps in finance system. The 4 chakras meet together Indian finance system will change. They are equivalent to the Army, Air force and Navy. Joint meetings with 4 chakras and banks, corporates, microfinance, ED, CBI, Intelligence wing, customs, police will bring a revolution on these agencies which operate independently without much interaction frequently and take policy decisions and take steps to curb black money and improve financial inclusion.
  3. All vehicle purchase must be brought under card purchase or cheque or banking system only. RTO must not accept or register vehicle if no bank entry is shown for the person who brought the bike by getting letter from bank in the name of the person. If a person does not have a bank account or money why should be buy bike even for students. Black money goes as gifts in the form of vehicles is very common. Or loan document should be shown for RTO registration.
  4. All land deals and registration or patta must be made through bank or card or loan document or letter from bank only. No deal should be registered which goes through cash. If partial deal goes through bank also we can later on trace if the same person is booking too many lands. Centralised land registry must be created by central government and connected to all states and district level through a massive e-governance project currently underway but needs to be speeded up.
  5. Mobile based transactions should be improved for example a person goes to shop he should just call the other person number through a common IVRS or SMS number created by RBI and then entering the mobile number of the person and entering the amount and OTP sent to receiver to complete transaction at low cost and quickly. The bank account of user needs to be linked to bank account a user can have one primary account and multiple accounts as secondary. So instantly money is transferred or held in mobile wallet and if exceeds limit of Rs. 5000 it is auto transferred to banks leading to reduced cost of transactions to banks also. Already this is in works by RBI for separate small banks but must be quickly implemented in all big banks for easy transactions at vegetable vendor, small shops, retail groceries or supermarkets, friends, help needy, movie tickets, bill payments like electricity, gas, broadband, DTH, etc,. Currently online portal or apps are taking too much of time and cost and internet dependency.
  6. All forex purchase should be made compulsory through banks systems only or proper authorised centres.
    PAN card number of person who deposits money must be verified by hitting IT department to verify photo and PAN card or aadhaar card physical verification to prevent benami transactions. It came to knowledge that benami transactions are being done by the PAN card used for booking railway tickets please display only partial numbers in railway charts.
  7. In abroad Anti money laundering features are added in banks and monitored by central banks regularly. RBI never inspects the IT infrastructure and procedures in banks for AML policies are strictly followed. RBI casually inspects banks and checks few documents, the verification must be strict. RBI does not do anything seriously. They have to do test transactions of over 1 lakh but private banks will accept without any documents.

Revamp BSNL Broadband & BSNL 3G Mobile – Increase Download Limit to highest in market regularly

  • Increase download limit and speed to highest in the market regularly in 3 months interval for each price range on comparison with other operators like ACT broadband, MTS, Airtel, etc,.. When download limit increased to 25GB by default to all plans and from there on for all other services based on price, public will tend to complain less about the service problems and enjoy the speed. BSNL is in breaking point of loosing many customers in urban areas were public move quickly to service provider who gives more download limit at low cost. It is going to be tough but you are in loss so no other way to compete and retain existing consumes who are being poached by others by grand offers in broadband and 3G.
  • There should be no broadband plans which have download limits less than 25GB. It is a massive number but see response always aim for higher speed. Korea, China and US have upgraded their broadband to such high standards leading to high growth and research and faster completion of all tasks. Since speed is less public tend to spend most of the time in Facebook and WhatsApp most of the time and don’t think of anything else. If speed increased they can do all things at great speed and go to next goal
  • Speed post download limit completion if increased to highest in market will also benefit. 1Mbps will be a milestone or basic post download limit speed for all consumers in all plans but I hate 512kbps after download limit completion in unlimited plans or any plan for that matter. 
  • Many bachelors who stay together will use broadband heavily as they can share the broadband cost hence BSNL must increase download limit and speed compared to all operators to gain market. Since Reliance Jio is also going to launch BSNL has the threat of loosing many customers so must act quickly to revamp and scale up download limit and speed. Many broadband operators charge less than 1200 but give more than 75GB DL.
  • Please remove installation charges in broadband, modem installation and activation, landline installation permanently all this wont give major revenue to BSNL in long run and consumes on fear of high charges initially. Public avoid broadband in rural and towns and other district capitals due to these charges primarily.
  • BSNL 3G should also be highest in the market with highest download limit for 30 days pack. Currently all operators have 3G packs for 20 days or less than 30 days only so as to capitalise on the users by making them to pay for the remaining days of the month so overall they gain around 2 months every year instead of just 12 payments. Public are already unhappy with other operators for these charges but BSNL if launches effective 30 days 3G or 4G packs with highest download limit say 1GB at less than Rs. 100, 2GB at 120, 3GB at 150, 4GB at 175 many will use BSNL mobile sim for at least 3G and 4G since all customers nowadays have dual sims one for call and other for 3G so BSNL can capitalise on the vast network and low usage of 3G by its consumers.
  • BSNL is yet to upgrade its existing connections to fibre optic connections from cable mode. Since cable mode leads to all lines attached to lamppost and running across roads in open which looks very absurd. In foreign countries no wires or lines are visible outside. The BSNL should move all connections to underground and fibre if laid will help to prevent disturbance due to rain. If fibre optics connection is given then you need not worry about service also since connection will be stable and underground connection cannot be disturbed by anyone. Even in metros BSNL is yet to start fibre connections to all.
  • Many users who took BSNL EVDO were not happy since due to poor quality of signal. Please try to improve signals In all areas or provide 3G dongle in free replacement to all users to improve usage of BSNL network in dongle category of BSNL 3G. BSNL must in turn ask for a tender to resell all dongles returned for EVDO and avoid selling them due to signal issues.
  • BSNL has to revamp its marketing and outreach through google ads and other online ads with help of google as it will cost less and more reach since online ads are location specific and well targeted and low cost and only hits are counted. BSNL must sponsor any sport unique to reach market. BSNL must use all its building for ads in effective manner. BSNL ads in TV are rare and not of good quality if one or 2 ads if publicised will give good reach after customer feedback on which is the best ads. Use the AD company which did for BEE for energy saving they were superb. Referral of broadband connection should give incentive or cashback in bill will promote more customers joining through BSNL website using mobile and email id of friends and through Facebook and twitter and online banner ads and all possible online ads procedures.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

OBC Quota Clarity

  1. The Creamy layer which was created by earlier central government to mark BC caste people based on salary of parents and marked as creamy layer and considered in General category is totally not fare because if this rule is applied only to BC caste people it is not fair, it should be done same way for SC and ST caste people with parents salary details from PAN CARD and aadhaar card linked details.

  2. The OBC forms to get nowadays has much loopholes and local tasildhars or municipal officers and others give OBC certificate even to rich people for bribes and creamy layer not applied to all.

  3. Either make the process streamlined and only central government should have power to give OBC certificate by online verification process by first verifying the PAN Card and bank account details of the appliers parents verified by Tax department, aadhaar card to verify photo in pan card and aadhaar card, then the  child of the parent who wants to apply and then the caste certificate provided at birth, confirmation letter from the municipal office where the caste was registered, finally municipal office can provide but subject to all above approvals. The OBC renewal should be based and can be done anytime of the year and the certificate by default can be valid for one year from applying and then the next year the person can renew in case his father has retired or change in salary in family structure. Getting creamy layer should not be cake walk.

  4. Currently SC, ST, minority religions are greatly benefitting from the non-creamy layer but why BC people are only targeted. Please include all categories also if their parents earn significant salary to help only the poor rural farmers or their students reap benefits.

  5. B.R. Ambedkar even stated that SC and ST should get benefits only for their 1st generation and then the next generation should work and come up on their own but government's for vote bank don’t touch SC or ST. If they have enough salary why should they be given benefits.

  6. This creamy layer is a major part for jobs, admission to college like engineering and medical , govt benefits, etc,. Many students who want to try govt jobs are de-motivated by the improper usage of OBC by some leading to lack of opportunities and tight competition in general category.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Suggestions to further improve

  • The reach and popularity of and the activity is limited to only few users based on the count of the comments and the quality of comments. I value as a highest level of decision making body in the country pulling information and suggestions of the best minds to implement and understanding ground reality. But public have not been able to participate in full strength due to various factors like work, lack of time, lack of internet, lack of knowledge of internet, language difficulty, cost incurred, lack of media showcasing, etc,. I have come up with following suggestions for consideration.

  • PM referred to only in US after that in none of the NRI meets it was referred to, no hype in  media and NRI crowd. PM must re-tweet topics to help gather momentum and put his 1st suggestion with that hash tag if possible. Hashtags for each topic must be used.

  • The closing category for each topic in must be based on total count on the comments and quality factor using analytics instead of just rough closing dates. To increase activity on low count on any topic public must be re-ignited to participate based on Re-tweet by PM and topic related minister and SMS alerts through all mobile networks and small ads in newspapers for more public participation.

  • Allowing public to enter text in their own regional or foreign language by providing onscreen keyboard to enter text. At least most popular regional languages should be considered like Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Malayalam, should be added and more should be added in future.

  • Govt must call out private companies who wish to give free gift vouchers or discount coupons for most contributed users will help more participation and more feedback. But there might be media comments on this but govt should go boldly to bring more into the platform to take India forward in brisk pace with help of good feedback. Public if they get vouchers they will participate based on points reached on more usage all companies will come forward.

  • For each topic, Twitter and FB hash tags with unique code should be created and all comments with that code should be included automatically to the list of comments or separate tab within the comments under social network. Hash tags will give more comments. There are many analytics software's which can pull social network data based on hash tags.

  • A separate all India mobile number and SMS to that number should be made free and without balance also message to that number should be considered after due discussion with TRAI and mobile networks to have unique code for each topic and feedback for that. Similar to *123# code used to get help menu in mobile networks separate and unique code should be created to get list of code for each topic so that users can send comments and feedback on each topic.

  • Mobile app currently considered only for Android for PMO even there iphone users are several Indians all over India. But for MYGOV.IN we need app for Android, Iphone and Windows to tap whole market at once. We cannot wait for contest to get over, NIC team should start to work on migrating mygov to mobile apps quickly.
  • Govt must also create a tab within the comments for media houses and their editors to post comments or videos or PDF. Media instead of creating ruckus in news channels must try to provide proper feedback using but they don't participate or debate on any topic. Some topics are old but media if presented views on correct times like when topic is open by their journalists will help or writing articles in their papers and tagging them to the comments will help govt to have a view on them.  Too much of news is only political viewpoint of anything not on the development point of view. So media must participate in effectively so that public also knows which media is really development oriented and which is not. Media might think it is not their job if everyone thinks it is not their job then why did they vote. If they think if ends with voting no there is several steps to development and growth for which everyone must point out mistakes and correct and provide innovative ideas which god would have blessed some to have. Pls request all media houses to participate.

  • WhatsApp a major communication mode off late can be tapped by creating group for each topic and adding users already registered in #MYGOV website but chances of other public mis using other public data is possible. You can work with WhatsApp head to develop special groups for helping government communicate with public if requested they can work can get back on this. Also WhatsApp number or the same number to be created separately for mygov must be popularised for all public to message freely on each topic. The WhatsApp group can be used to just put updates on topic number and the topic details. Users can then use the topic details to message comments.

Venkatasubramanian B

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Indian Defence System - Suggestions

  • Joint exercise between different systems like air force & navy, army & navy and air force & army frequently every 4 months for combined efficiency, anti piracy operations, joint strength and coordination tests should be done. I am not sure why Air force did not help the Indian army in the kargil war effectively that needs to be corrected. We want to keep the defence forces independent but they need to work at times for knowing coordination mistakes, for accepting strength/weakness of each other for effective usage and delay in communication to different agency.

  • More aircraft carriers with a size capable of landing aircrafts of larger size and training and joint training by air force pilots for landing and take off. Currently training are independent doesn’t improve the cooperation with Indian agencies.

  • Anti missile technology deployment throughout country not only borders, but along coast and remote interior areas for strategic defence.

  • Eastern and Western command ships must be made to alternate between both regions and further split into South-east, South West, north east , north west regions and direct east and direct west regions and alternated for better efficiency and understanding difficulties in each region.

  • Anti pirated ships operation in Africa for strategic training and helping Indian and foreign ships. Coordination with other countries for peace operations. Army and Navy joint operations in these regions will give close war like scenario.
  • Under water strategic port for defence operations to protect in case of severe emergencies in Indian ocean. Under water port to hide planes, small fast ships, etc, both in eastern and western coast.

  • Why was Navy not able to protect Indian fisherman a grave mistake not corrected for several years. Strategic navy presence in southern India like Karaikal, Nagapattinam, Thondi, Rameswaram, Palk Strait. Buoys marking Indian boundary to prevent fisherman to enter into other country waters or prevent conflict with other country Navy by dialogues and friendly closure of issues on real time basis or helping Indian fisherman on needs a standard protocol to be developed for fisherman to reach Indian Navy. Preventing our fisherman from entering border nations region and monitoring from getting into trouble and guidance to them on avoiding conflict with neighbouring countries. At the last point Navy can monitor for anti national activities happening in coastal regions.

  • More tsunami buoys along Indonesia, Andaman, West Bengal an TamilNadu to further improve on the tsunami warning and act quickly to save life and property and ports. The warning system must integrate the Navy also for better response and help local population or government on information. The data collected through buoys must also be collected by Navy ships in operation and share with all State governments of India.

  • Most of the suggestions you might be having but try to improve for helping Indian fisherman and protecting the Indian public due to increased aggressive nature of neighbours.

  • Indian Navy and Indian Air force don’t have presence in Twitter and Facebook to reach to media, youth and public quickly. Indian Army has presence already. Senior IT professionals, experience employees are not recruited in Defence agencies which is not helping public to contribute to Defence systems. Only college pass out and +2 students are recruited everyone wants to contribute create jobs which don’t require physical fitness but at least technical/skills excellence.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Airports Infrastructure Improvement

  1.  New runways in high traffic airports. Creating new runways in existing airports is far viable & cost effective than creating new airports in the short run. New runways at Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi will help in long run. It might look like unnecessary but started will help in future growth. Airports are great centres of GDP growth. Chennai airport failed to open new runway due to bad planning and construction even after construction. Several initiatives in Chennai airport failed like broken glasses falling after new airport, poor toilets, poor transport in and out of airport, taxis shortage, no govt bus operation through airports, no trolleys at peak hours for passengers, no help for disabled movement only some airlines help but govt doesn’t have separate team.
  2. Privatisation of airports not a necessity is a way of getting out of work by govt. of India. After spending so much spends to modernise airports we are close to nearing complete excellence in airport operations. We need to improve in certain areas. Airports and Railways are not supposed to privatised since it causes difficulty in military operations and leakage of info to other agencies. Operations and security should be with Govt of India. Certain regions like trolley, cleaning, baggage movement are only given as contracts but even airports struggle inspite of all theis because Govt is not strict with them.
  3. Tourism based airports are necessary on immediate or long planning like for Shirdi temple were public need to go to Pune and then take bus to Shirdi. The direct planes will help greatly for devotees. Direct flights from Mumbai to Thirupathi will help devotees currently airlines operated only from Hyderabad to Thirupathi.
  4. Helicopters service from base to top of hill station at selecting regions and popular hill stations were more public travel. Leading to faster travel and reduced traffic for high value customers organised by Govt. helicopters. Private helicopters can also be given space to operate to promote foreign tourists or mini planes for transportation will help faster movement.
  5. Customs security should not be restricted to manual checking by CISF jawans. Security check by using advanced human scanners on pass through and baggage check by both aeroplane security and the CISF. Passengers from abroad entering India needs to be mandatorily complete baggage check. Currently baggage check only compulsory only for outbound passengers is done but inbound passengers can escape security by bringing drugs or violate customs rules which is a logical security failure or having partnership with their country agency can enter India without having baggage check done on entering Indian airport. This has to be changed, immigration needed to be tightened and new policies and checks in place need to be brought in.
  6. Jumping from small aeroplanes for adventure is famous outside India. Govt. must provide licenses for adventure sports in India using aeroplanes.

Income Tax & Customs – New Policies for Consideration

  • HRA has to be streamlined such that PAN card/Bank A/C is mandatory for all rent payment. Some people construct so many houses and then get excessive rent which is avoided by tax payers by showing that they paid less tax. PAN card of the house owner, A/C number and tenant debit A/C should be made compulsory to avoid multiple claims for same rent Or banks should be asked to create a system to payment of rent alone so that income tax department can track. Current limit for PAN card to be provided for HRA needs to be removed and made mandatory for all if PAN card not present at least bank a/c should be asked from house owner.
  • Foreign trips of individuals can be tracked through Passport itself and government can come to a conclusion on expenditure based on routes travelled by checking points of immigration. Govt. must create system to track movement instead of asking to list in form 16 as too much noise was raised. Most business men who travel in/out of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia needs to be monitored for drug smuggling. Why don’t airports check all baggage when entering into India. If the person has contacts in abroad airports he might have brought it to India but we need to check to check loopholes. Customs duty work based only on inputs and visible evidence like TV but so much severe crimes are there. All connecting flights for international flights to domestic needs to be monitored since the person might not have been checked when entering India and he would have escaped. Baggage monitoring at several airports is in control with Airlines so any mistake will lead to security issues.
  • PAN card used for payment at bank terminals should be verified by hitting income tax department database to check photo/name/other details since benami transactions take place with other person numbers mentioned in challan. PAN cards used for train bookings are being used for benami as their listed in the chart. Government must ask Railway to print only partial numbers instead of full text.
  • All vehicle purchase must be made to compulsory submit PAN card. Most gifts transactions are by giving vehicles to avoid tax men lens.
  • Land purchases are the major benami transactions take place through these but no government has been able to control it. All land transactions if done through banking system should only be considered for approval. No cash transactions should be accepted. All land transactions through banking system using cheque will help track who purchased and then tracked to check if any black money passed through by checking ATM transactions of both buyer and seller. Land transactions registration offices need to have cameras and monitored at income tax officers also other than state governments.
  • Big land owners who do farming also need to be brought under PAN card and banking preview. Large mill owners, big shots in rural areas live posh life compared to city people. Separate committee needed to bring out wealth held by certain people in rural areas.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

ISRO – Future projects for Consideration

  1. Space Walk not performed by India till now independently. Sending animals and then humans to outer space and back. After Rakesh Sharma no one from India went to space. Spacewalk is the basics to explore outer space by humans. Also spacewalks cost the least cost since we are not sending them to any other planet and the risk is less and in case of any issues then can be saved. Indian Air force pilots will be key to achieve this feat along with scientists who are fit to travel. Many scientists in ISRO have successfully explored options outside India. Please give them more opportunities by conducting space walks and joint space missions.

    2. India has to collaborate with International Space Station (ISS) also to learn new things and try new missions. Unless we join with them it will be difficult. Since NASA/French and Russia are our joint partner we can naturally collaborate by at least trying supply missions and in future years sending Indians from US. If we achieve reaching to ISS within next 2 years it will be a global reach out and a major milestone.

    3. BRICS nations must come with a joint Space mission.

    4. ISS & other space stations does several experiments throughout the year based on inputs from ground stations it will help us judge the environment outside Earth to predict future course of action. Air Force and ISRO can achieve and perform several tasks to help us know better the god’s creation and move human beings to new planet in another 100 years. Definitely God wanted India to find out the new planet to survive.

    5. Similar to astronaut and cosmonaut we have to give unique name for our manned missions which glorifies Indians and our history.

    6. Without manned missions we cannot rectify our satellites in future or send special missions in case of natural disasters.
    7. India must explore Mars for life possibilities by sending rovers and Indian flag. Only Rovers can perform actions and send information. India should go one step ahead and deploy several rovers at different locations around Mars for faster data gathering. Also Robots must also be considered since Rovers move very slowly. Human Robots and Rovers together can achieve several tasks.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Indian Railways Part 2 – Needs & Suggestions

  • Train timetable does not have Duronto and Express trains details mentioned in detail when searching between regions. It is mentioned in Index but when searching between two regions not available. It is a simple things please correct in forthcoming editions.
  • MRTS in Chennai needs to be increased speed for faster commutation.
  • Most compartments don’t have mobile or laptop chargers are public are running for charging point is a major problem. Please try to quickly within 3 months complete the modification of all coaches in war footing. This is a need for all but we are suffering severely. Some old coaches have near exit and some in alternative berths which doesn’t help. Every berth actually needs a charging point since even children use mobile phones or tablets or laptops. Please help. Order all coaches for maintenance to add this feature quickly.
  • A/C coaches needs to be re modified for better cooling for each berth. After we put the curtain the cooling doesn’t flow.
  • Each Railway region in individual capacity must have Wi-Fi coaches for INTERNET access and railways can earn through this value added service. The charges can be paid by the user by web or app of IRCTC and can use the random code to access the internet. It must be made hack proof with help of IIT, IISC, CDAC, etc, and tested in A/C and duronto coaches and long distance trains before implementing in sleeper coaches. It must be random code for each user. The charges should be minimal to increase usage and secure network so that users are not hacked when using these networks. Long standing need in works for several years please try to start in few trains it will slowly reach all by next 2 years. More than railway stations trains need Wi-Fi since in trains there is network issue from mobile operators and most of the work are affected.
  • TV in sitting chair car or chair car seats like in aeroplane behind seat will benefit lot of people mostly travelling by Shatabdi which needs a much needed make over. The individual TV will not disturb other old passengers if centralised TV placed for all passengers it will disturb and public will have various choices on which TV channel or program to watch. Launch on Nehru birthday by secretly creating the coaches and making grand launch by PM.
  • Toilets cleaning at all major stations made compulsory and filling water at major stations were trains stop more than 10 minutes. Railways need to keep staff ready or use robotic arms for automatic filling of water.
  • Allowing buses to enter Chennai Egmore railway station.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pirated Websites Details from domain

 Generally details of any website can be found by using website the person who has registered in his name, etc,. The url needs to be entered only in format or like that. the www part is not required. The details of some websites can be hided by use of certain websites which very intelligent people use even that can be revealed by many websites by requesting for history for So some efforts are needed to be taken through lawyers to reach out to DMCA and the domain host providers on which server the website is hosted and the proxy website through which they have hided their website. So whatever domain provider is shown in the details can be approached to provide details and further based on that a lawyer from that region can file a case in local police station against that person in the country in which the domain provider resides and the person whose details are provided.

This will bring some fear on those people who host these websites. They think if they host in foreign websites india will not respond. Some efforts if taken will create fear among them.

Kanna Tamil cinema na summava!!!! Try once noone will try ever. At the same time after 2 weeks advisable to launch movie in DTH or release original movie delayed in foreign countries or release original in Tamilnadu in theatre box office then theatre owners will also be happy and producer and distributor also happy.

The key websites or many piracy websites spring up everyday easily.

1. Whois Domain History will help track online fraud. But a lawyer is needed to analyse data after going through details provided in the site. It is genuine site. All the details in the history and current data can be quoted for prosecution or blocking site with help of domain server owner or file cases around the world.

helps bring down websites but lawyers need to coordinate and explain details of original content.

Links and pics from whois website below. The details needs to be verified but only on filing complaint can this be achieved.


Venkat B