Saturday, June 25, 2016

Issues in Tamil Nadu for decades & One time Solutions

Jallikattu event in Tamil Nadu was banned by SC. The ordinance for the same was considered by the Central govt and dropped in last minute. The event is associated with rural Tamil Nadu and is very close to their tradition. The people cannot fully accept that as animal cruelty. The ordinance to allow the event will be much appreciated. Central Govt had backed out suddenly last time but must consider all steps to renew it instead of taking up issue at last minute in January when the festival takes place. It is not animal cruelty since the man is only risking his life and wants to show his bravery. The animal as strong as it is. The size of the animal is twice as that of human being and the weight is more than double so the animal will feel no pain. The govt must consider the ordinance it will have huge positive political ramifications. No press release that your are considering but keep as a surprise move to pass ordinance through cabinet. It was Prakash javedkar’s  & TN people dream to get it done at least for him please pass it.
Adding of fishermen in ST/SC community in India. Those fishermen who want to be part of ST if produced required documents can be made a part of the SC community with state govt verification of documents. Fishermen have brought in revenue to Govt by toiling hard and None of the cabinet minister will know how difficult it is too be in sea.
The Srilanka govt apprehension on various issues like use of specific type of boats, fishermen nets by Indian fishermen must be looked into my mutual committee formed as combination of both sides, with state and central govt representations. The committee formed must work non-stop with a meeting every 2 weeks held alternatively in both India and Srilanka. The committee should have representation of fishermen from both sides, state govt and central govt fishery department, external affairs team, navy from both sides. Without a proper committee it wont work out a solution amicable for both. Going to UN or any international body will affect our relationships in long run and creation of a new enemy. Only 2 or 3 meetings were done by earlier setup committee by TN govt and then no work moved since it brought out truths on both sides and their real problems. The political setup in India and Sri lanka did not want to bring out the truths of both sides.
Indian Govt must work with Srilanka govt to make the seas of both India and Srilanka supportive for fishing or work out a amicable solution especially the areas close to Indian borders. Since the coast line of India and Sri lanka are very close to each other less than 150 nautical miles or less than 2 hour travelling by boat from Rameswaram or Nagapattinam or Karaikal. For helping our fishermen get better livelihood as it is entirely dependent on fishing. Trying to get back Katchatheevu from Srilankan govt will be a good move, the central govt comes forward with working with state govt will help. Katchatheevu was given by India earlier to them but their setting up major Naval base.
Why has Indian Govt not deployed enough Indian navy across the border with Sri lanka raises serious questions on the intent of the central govt in protecting our fishermen. You are building aircraft carrier but we don’t have coast guard boats, high speed boats to protect our fishermen from sri Lankan navy is astonishing. Is Indian Navy afraid of Srilanka navy or is there any under current dealing with both Govt's to ignore the moves. The Indian navy has being saying for years the coast guard ships construction is going on and on. The intent & slow work not in favour of India.
Indian Govt should seriously consider not giving coast guard boats to Srilanka navy since their only neighbour is India. So they use the boats against India only. It wont be wise to give our neighbour a device to target us itself. It will be bad move and later don’t repent after decades, we cant get back the boats also. They use the boats to damage our fishermen boats by slamming on sides of the boats leading to water entering the boats. The fishermen have to swim for at least 4 to 5 hours to reach nearest boat or sea shore.  And for heaven sake don’t sell Brahmos to Sri Lanka or any country 3000 kms radius. If you want to sell Brahmos please discuss in parliament in democracy everything is not done by executive powers same in the case of FDI. If we sell our best missile now it will be used in future against India. May be postpone for sale after 5 years not now.
Why is central Govt delaying setup up of Cauvery Management Board and Cauvery Water Regulation Board? SC has asked to setup right? For board setup what is the difficulty. Karnataka has enough water and they waste water by cultivating sugarcane only. With so much water throughout the year they could have cultivated pulses/rice also which use less water. Their farmers are ignorant. In case of TN Cauvery helps the growing of crops in several districts even if that is lost then the region will become desert.
Fuel must be removed from GST. State govt will lose major chunk of revenue and will have to beg central govt for any funds or to start new initiatives or give salary also.
Modification of Kochi – Bengaluru GAIL pipeline along highways for heaven sake. The project first destroyed existing plantation. The leaks at times also further destroy permanently many examples are there. Even though officials might try to resolve once it leaks it can no more be used. What is the issue laying along Highways. No loss to GAIL
The central govt has announced several schemes for irrigation and funds in Pro farmer Financial budget. The central govt must immediately release 300 crores for Athikadavu – Avinashi scheme immediately which TN farmers have been demanding the project with funds for irrigation allotted in budget. And support with further funds in future with a cap of maximum 500 crores over a period of 3 years to speed up. A major river interlinking project  will go for decades into history that PM and current govt has approved. After British left India a major project which farmers demanded and TN Govt for lack of funds has put on hold. Please clear project & verify your sources on the positive impact. Not even one river interlinking has been done in TN successfully till now. It will be first baby steps hope Central Govt & Finance ministry will approve.

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