Saturday, June 25, 2016

Issue with jobs need to be fixed especially private sector (Labour Ministry) by ordinance or bill in parliament – Fixing notice period as 30 days after quitting any organisation in private or Govt job, Job seekers are asked to sign bond to work for 2 years or pay bond in lakhs (Bonded labour must be removed), After giving offer letter if organisation takes back it has to pay the job seekers 12 months basic pay as fine

Govt must ask labour ministry and law ministry to work out solutions by passing bill in parliament or executive order or ordinance for following issues faced by job seekers and after employment. The below issue is not normal matter but at least 50% of the employees in India face this issue and new jobs seekers and youth are most affected. So serious introspection needed.
Make all Govt and non –Govt (private companies) to set notice period for quitting any organisation to 30 days maximum. Currently some companies set the notice period as 60 or 90 days internally which leads to lot of issues for job seekers. A) For example a person gets Govt job but needs to join in 30 days but the organisation he is currently working has notice period of 60 days. Then he wont be able to join the Govt job. Hope you understand the seriousness of the issue. B) Since if the person does not complete the notice period of 60 days the employer wont give experience certificate. Having high notice period is like forcefully holding an employee and preventing him/her from trying new opportunities for himself and countries growth. C) Employer cant tie any one to a particular company by creating internal rules which Govt has been mute spectator. The solution is setting the maximum notice period duration as 30 days for govt or private organisation in India for quitting organisation. If you are not able to below suggestions at least this point to make notice period maximum duration as 30 days. Within 30 days any employee can train the next employee and give KT(Knowledge transfer) for work to continue. But to purposefully prevent new opportunities organisations increased notice period to 60 or 90 days
Some employers don’t provide buy out option for notice period by paying the basic salary so that the employee need not serve the notice period. So Govt must create a rule that any one quitting any organisation by paying basic salary for 30 days can quit immediately and the necessary experience certificate must be issued to the employee with no conditions. Solution is setting 30 days as maximum notice period but option to buy out must be provided to pay basic salary to go before 30 days also with basic salary per month/no of working days. Please analyse but job seekers and currently in job need this option especially in private sector.
Any person who has been given an offer letter or intent of job must be absorbed by the organisation within 3 months maximum. If the organisation fails to comply with this rule then the organisation needs to pay 12 months basic salary as fine. Since many organisation like L&T Infotech which gave employment to several students but finally conducted one test and said all failed. Many IT companies like Infosys and L&T Infotech fire employees within 3 months of joining in training period by conducting very tough tests which even an experienced can also not pass.
The first one year of any job given to an employee must be considered as training period. Since it takes at least one year for a person to be skilled in the given job. So no one can fire any employee in training period that is one year at any cost or his employee must not be reduced. It is the role of the organisation to train the person to up skill and get himself trained. Companies cannot fix training period on their own but 1 year must be made as training period for all organisation as minimum period and no firing in this duration at any cost.
Govt in the rule book must state that all employees who newly joined an organisation cant be fired within 6 months of joining the firm at any cost. If any one is fired then the company must pay fine of 1 year basic pay as salary to affected person. So all organisations which have hired new resources cannot be fired within 1 year of hiring at any cost. Modi said to US media there is no Hire And Fire in India but it is very prevalent in Indian private organisation a new culture which has not shown its head above because corporate control media and news never leaks.
Organisations put bond on job seekers to serve the organisation for definite period. India is not more a bonded labour market are job seekers slaves. In bond IT companies ask for bond for 2 year or pay in lakhs if bond is broken for the employee to go for higher studies or go to another job. Govt has been silent spectator on this serious issue due to corporate pressure. Ask all companies to stop the bond agreement for new job seekers and joiners

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