Monday, February 15, 2016

Piracy list & Steps to Solve

Govt should help bring down following piracy websites which have been running for several years. I believe there is a strong nexus between bad elements in society placed across the globe which support piracy. but govt cant bring down torrents site immediately but it can bring down small sites which earn in millions year on year in piracy by looting the movie business.


The money earned from ads is very high for them to use that money in illegal ways against countries

One Example on how to handle piracy websites

1.  A tamil movies piracy movie website:
2. The website has ads displayed on going to website and the site is definitely earning revenue from that. To find the source the ad pop ups are loaded from particular website ads provider.
3. The ads provider will mark the website and display ads for that
4. The ads provider is definitely paying the website revenue to its bank account after so many number of hits.
5. So govt must find out ads provider and track its website and use the local govt there to find out the account number transferred to find the person who is uploading. The uploader can then be tracked to find how the movie is taken in theaters.

Solutions for piracy to be taken up by Govt with movie makers:
1. Making a security code unique for each theater for each show displayed at least every half hour in the movie at the centre portion of the screen which can be used later to find out if any videos uploaded on where the movie was pirated. Most movies piracy copies are made at theatres in night shows post 10pm.
2. The govt if takes concrete action  will be big boost to Govt - film fraternity friendship and help prevent usage of money coming from piracy for anti-india activities.
3. India's neighbor based several agencies have been uploading the pirated version of bollywood music for years to earn revenue and no India Govt till now has taken concrete steps as each day a new website crops up and there is no special Centralised dept to take action.
4. Many ways to bring down websites are a) Denial of service attach (dos) bringing down the website but they will be up after some time b) Tracking down the criminal by tracking ads put in the website or paying for premium service to find the root cause c) Complaining to the Govt there to take action. govt like USA and UK will do concrete help but with india's neighbor you cant do much. So Govt setting up centralized centre will only help.

5. Taking social network sites like facebook as some of them even exist in social networks. Links shared in twitter also help.
6. Separate agency at central level will help as movie producer can directly sent email with links to bring down and central team can pressurize concerned agencies and govt to bring down that websites.

Screenshots of proof and analysis:
 1. Website is the website with pirated movies
2. Ads being displayed when clicked on website anywhere. the common point in the url is the zoneid which indicates a value and all these values can be used to prosecute the person involved.
3. When the url is searched in the internet it points to propeller ads
4. Propeller ads details to track down seller and the payment procedure

Another website ad provider:

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