Monday, February 1, 2016

Indian Financial Budget 2016 - New Strategies for Consideration - Making bio-fuel in all petrol bunks by 1 year, Partnering with Sweden for Swachh Bharath to reduce waste & recycle more, Creating new 80Green section to invest in renewable energy by public and claim tax deduction, Tapping NRI’s to get them to invest in new hybrid funds created by Govt for all infra departments separately with lock-in of 5 years with returns at 5% tax discuss with NRI & PIO on procedures by setting up committee so that no rules are violated, No more tax breaks related to real estate needed, enough of 80C exemptions bring in new clauses for renewable energy, New taxes for those who purchase 2nd house, 2nd vehicle in non transportation sector to ease traffic in cities, Higher tax for travel agencies which fail to bring equal foreigner tourists from abroad to India as current international & Indian travel agencies take lakhs of India for tour but don’t bring any foreigner to visit India

Further reducing oil demand by making bio fuel or bio-methane available in all petrol bunks to reduce imports of crude oil. Once you make bio fuel available for use by state govt transportation, railways, generators in offices. There will be pick up in bio fuel based vehicles. The target in vehicles will be buses, lorries, cars.
Increasing renewable energy usage by partnering in Govt level with Govt of Norway and Sweden which lead in world level in highest renewable energy usage & excellent waste management systems. Partnering in defence alone wont help.
Increasing taxes on those who purchase 2nd house, 2nd car, increasing taxes on gold purchase by 1% in any format, increasing tax of highest tax paying class from 30% to 32%, having a small percentage tax added to all remittances to India by NRI and PIO through Indian banks at 0.5% initially and maximum of 500 initially to tap in this new source as most remittances are used for real estate only which is not a good sign. Reducing TDS to 7% at source and stopping all forms of TDS exemption claims by giving fake documents and banks happily encourage it. TDS are being overcome by investing on an amount over 2 financial years so deduction of TDS must be on per transaction basis irrespective of year.
Creating new section 80Green for investing in solar panels, wind mills by individuals, flat owners. Bio-Methane plants in flats to generate gas for reducing LPG consumption. Making it mandatory for townships and flats with more than 10 houses to compulsorily recycle waste in house and generate bio-methane or will be taxed at 5% for generation of waste from the residents. This will lead to job creation in renewable energy sector at the rate of 50,000 employment per city for next 5 years totally around 4 lakhs will be created easily in next 5 years even if takes time for scheme to pick up.
Spending for creating Waste Management & Recycle institutes in India and setting up around 300 waste processing in the country under Swachh Bharath cess. The project will be guided by Sweden on how to recycle wastes. They have a zero waste policy and everything is recycled. More ads on separation of plastic, food waste & other waste at house level and municipalities better using technology to split up waste and recycling plastic, paper, metals and whichever is possible and using food waste and human waste for generating bio-methane, metals for recycling, Rest can be incinerated to generate electricity.
1 crore per village for rural development by creating a joint corpus by govt and public funding by giving tax relief under 80C or new section up to 1 lakh with govt purchasing required equipment like road laying machines, pipeline laying machines or giving tenders in bulk of 10 villages for building roads, power, cement houses with cement blocks for faster house building, video conferencing facilities in all schools through skype or cheaper technology through PC to increase ease of education by best teachers from remote areas, increasing adult education in govt schools in weekends to teach basic maths to enable better bank usage and prevent cheating by panchayat officers, biometric to enable faster loan and crop insurance processing for farmers in banks to prevent farmers from going to money lenders, energy meters for pumps used by farmers to monitor electricity usage and prevent leakages. Every villagers must be provided number to ask any facility and the corpus must be used to facilitate and the photos must be uploaded to website under each village to enable public and NRI and institutional participation to faster develop villages. Setting up of ATM with money deposit machines in all govt schools with govt school staff or bank staff helping villagers to withdraw money easily with either biometric if they don’t understand language. Wind mill based pumps to irrigate easily instead of depending only on solar energy for agriculture.
Tapping NRI, PIO cash by giving returns for investment in infra sector funds in both equity and hybrid model directly in Govt ministry to take up work. Lock in period of 5 years as infra projects take 5 years to complete. The money must be invested for schemes which have all approvals from all departments including state govt and just waiting for funds. Returns taxed at 5%. At least 20 billion dollars expected.
Every country protects its own country companies so necessary incentives for helping them consolidate and grow is good but should not reduce tax collection which lead to reduced public spending. No harm in giving incentives but don’t reduce the current tax collection by a major way. Indirectly help them by block external imports by hiking taxes on imports, work with countries where our companies face issues help them to clear files faster. All indirect methods are acceptable. Reducing corporate tax to 25 percent is really good.
Don’t give any more tax breaks for real estate in new sections or new and don’t change tax slabs as time to maintain tax collections to increase public spending as salaries will increase and more tax will lead to more revenue. Create new tax slabs or sections for Indians to spend on environment friendly iniatives like solar panels in house and companies to reduce electricity demand.
Separate special court for solve all issues related to state and central govt infra related cases primarily. The cases will help faster clearing of files and prevent delays in infra related investments. Most of the time in spite of banks giving money on loans for infra the projects get stuck due to legislative hurdles. This will be master stroke which no one expected will enable faster clearing of files. There are many between state govt and central govt ministry stuck in legislation, many cases between public and govt. So all can be solved. Cases between private sector and govt also still there. The special case for highways and railways especially will clear many cases. And other special court inclusive of other ministries as other ministries don’t face much issues.
Tapping on revenues in tourism is most important. Make a rule compulsory for all Travel agencies to bring in equal amount of foreigners from abroad equal to the amount of travellers who they take out from India. Indians are the highest tourism among the world in last 5 years as more have come out of poor and moving to upper middle class. All major foreign travel operators take out so many Indians on tour of the world but make no attempt to bring tourists from abroad to India. So make all travel agencies the no of visitors from India to abroad must be equalled by same no from abroad to India. Govt must have some procedures and ways to find out how many tourists went from India abroad. This list must not include workers and businessmen. Then Govt must give target to tourists to bring in equal amount or tax them at the rate of flat 20% for failing to comply to tourism guidelines. All travel operators make huge money as many Asian countries, and European govt's pay them to bring in new tourists and they easily tap Indians. So this rule is needed don’t take it lightly work out rules and policies to bring in new tourist from abroad to India. The tourist operators will work on translation services on their own instead of Govt breaking its head. And know Govt feels easy to do policy work and not willing to improve all spheres or interact with NRI abroad on how to tap and make more foreigners & PIO to visit India often.

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