Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Budget Solving Distress in Agriculture - Nationalisation of Rivers, 5,000 crores to give equipment's to states to be used by farmers for farming, river dredging , canal widening, 1000 crores for better transportation in rural areas with more buses for travel if possible in bio-fuel, complete biometric operation of MNREGA and payment on end of each day, Skill development centres on lines of Self help groups in all schools & colleges for villagers to develop skills and sell with Govt help in online portal, Setting up food canteens in drought prone areas similar to TN govt with centralised cooking to feed poor both children & adults in schools, colleges & panchayat offices & bus stands in district headquarters, Cloud seeding aggressively with mini rockets with partnership with Australia & China in drought areas with training to panchayat and villagers, Chit Funds under RBI to reduce corruption and fraud, RBI monitoring co-operative banks more to save farmers, More Agri universities with high end equipment, more Agri Engineering course across India, Free education in Agri universities

Nationalisation of rivers to reduce conflict among states for river water. Also water travels between different states and stopping of water by one state through dam affects another state. Do whatever required. Example: Cauvery lead to too much politics and conflict between TN and Karnataka. And also please Setup Cauvery River Water Management Body as per Supreme court order
Lack of money with farmers to buy equipment for farming by revamping Agri Engineering department by following schemes and budge allocation. Sure shot success I believe in my heart. A) Hence Govt must spend 5,000 crores in budget to provide tractors, bulldozers, farm machinery, Harvesters and other latest equipment to further mechanise the agriculture and increase output and as less workforce available mechanisation will lead to faster work with less workforce. Hand over new equipment to state govt's to operate them with best means and no charges for them to be charged. Software and system with IVRS must be provided by centre to implement in states were requests of farmers will be queued in system to give to one after another in order to benefit farmers. B) Also create separate 80Farm section in income tax for public to contribute to this corpus by public and institutions to enable prevent distress of farmers. Govt can use funds to enable better facilities in rural areas and better equipment availability. The equipment must be used for farming, plantation, harvesting. C) Dredging of rivers and canals for better river water flow with ease with above equipment's. D) Equipment for drilling wells & bore wells also needed as water table has gone down and no water. The water pumping out can be wind mill as the power is not used and also solar power with maintenance contract for 5 years. E) Other than above small or big buses requests in villages for school & college students to travel to and fro as villages lack travel options throughout the day and night leading to lot of hardship. Separate 1000 crores must be allotted under rural ministry to give buses based on requests by students in rural areas across India to be operated handed over to state govt. Lack of transport in rural areas is issue since independence and Govt must fix it in budget. Earlier govt gave A/C buses to cities which totally ignored rural areas. The buses must be such a way that they run in bio-diesel with bio-diesel plants setup in all states in one non-state capital in rural area to create bio fuel by self plantation by farmers with central and state support
Complete biometric based payment for MNREGA across entire India within 3 months by super fast implementation to reduce leakage and payment to farmers for work done for that day by end of day to bank account. Extra feature to add is providing food to farmers for morning, afternoon and night to increase more savings. Using MNREGA workers for NHAI and railways project to help India get more labour to work faster and at the same their knowledge & skill also grows to get higher paying jobs in future. MNREGA must take part in adult education programme should be conducted every weekend in schools compulsory with food provided on that day by using computers & speakers to show Govt schemes & farmers schemes. Setting skill development centres in Govt schools with facilities for children and adults to learn new skills to create new products to improve livelihood. Govt must create online portal to sell products and partner with all e-commerce sites to sell products sold. The skills can be textiles, handicrafts, bamboo products, coconut based products, milk based products, technology related, etc,. By including all self help group activities . TN is a good example of growth in SHG. RBI can help you on this as they have expertise in this as they are the one who implemented rule to make banks to compulsorily to provide loans to priority sector to save rural distress already. Govt must take it forward by setting skill centres in all schools and colleges to train children, students & adults to protect their future and earn a living by selling with govt help and paid to bank account directly. Complete food corporation operations with biometric and aadhaar with bank accounts to reduce corruption and leakage in farm operations.
Setting up food canteens similar to TN govt initiative in drought affected regions in UP, Maharashtra, Andhra, Telangana, Bihar and across India. Example: Bundelkhand (UP) to reduce loss of life and keep farmers engaged in farm work and MNREGA. Food should be prepared in centralised location in district headquarters similar to Shirdi and then transported to nearest Govt school to reduce unnecessary costs in setting up multiple canteens. Centralised will lead to reduced cost. Rural ministry must allocate funds for this scheme. This will reduce suicides and rural distress and poverty to great extend. India will achieve goals of UN against poverty only by this method. The cost of the project will be very less when cooked in central location in district capital and transported to schools & district bus terminus & panchayat office for both children & adults to have food free of cost. Openly congratulate TN Govt & CM in budget and allocate 1000 crores for this scheme to start scheme across India and further increase with both states & Central govt participation. State govt must allot lands for centralised cooking. With 5 lakhs expenditure 1.5 lakh is being given food in TN. If centralised it will cost even less and feed more. Currently govt's provide rice at less cost but cost of vegetables, dhal, gas or wood to cook makes it unviable for poor. So this is the only possible solution.
Implementing cloud seeding aggressively to get rain in drought prone areas. Cloud seeding can be done by firing dummy rockets from ground. Provide training to local panchayat, rural ministry and other methods by partnering with Australia and China which have mastered art. We are still a lame duck and keep saying no rain no water.
Complete digitisation of land records in all states to enable faster disbursal of loans to farmers, faster bank account transfer for schemes, compulsory crop insurance for all loans. To reduce farmers going to landlords or money lenders banks must approve loans in less than 2 hours. Too much corruption in banks in rural areas & co-operative banks. Govt & RBI must gather intelligence and take action against officers
Setting up authority similar to RBI to monitor chit funds as too many cheating happening. RBI has said it is not capable due to lack of staff. PM must request RBI to take care of chit funds as many people have lost money by cheaters. I believe RBI must be capable of handling situation to bring chit funds, co-operative banks to report to RBI to control corruption and monitor them. The loan disbursable in co-operative banks is higher than public sector banks. But if RBI doesn’t monitor enough it will lead to future news of cheating. And also RBI must immediately take in charge of chit funds to protect public.
Free education in all Agriculture institutes. Setting up of new very highly advanced Agriculture universities in states with free education with R&D fully funded by govt. Creation of Agri Engineering course under UGC and promoting all engineering colleges to setup courses across India to enable more development of agriculture. Only engineers can save Agriculture as lack of technology cannot help in future. The course must be very less and the students of farmers must be given the course free of cost and reduced for others. The Agriculture university setup by Central govt must have courses covering all aspects of agriculture – bio technology, R&D for genetic crops which survive all weather and in less water, engineering new equipment's. There are lack of labour as Agriculture is not considered important by students but once Agri Engineering course created in all major universities across India will lead to more mechanisation and boost in agriculture output.

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