Sunday, May 24, 2015

Super Computer For Corruption Reduction & Security of nation

The government must allocate or combine any of the super computers already built by ISRO and IISC into a single computer to track corruption and all other frauds. The system must be owned by govt of india, Army, airforce, defence, rbi, income tax departments and security agencies like RAW. The super computer will basically intergrate the functions of several already existing agencies.

1. All currency notes in the system must be tracked with the number on it and the banks when collect it or atm must keep a note of the number. When there is an unusual activity the number and the person who used can be used to find the source of black money.
Example: Suddenly a bulk of serial notes which were not in circulation for a while can be easily found the source when a person either deposits in banks or brings it again under banking system.

2. RBI must give a note of the NEFT transactions to this super computer system. The account number from which the money was transferred must be noted and supplied to the super computer. When unusal activity happens or too much money goes to one single account then the agency should have the right to questions. The neft will have the branch and the a/c and pan number of the transactions which will have in tracking major crimes.

3. When any money transaction takes place the entire flow can be found. For example: A person is to buy a land or property of high value. The person will definitely do a part of it in black transactions. So the person will transfer some of the amount in the bond paper through banking system. The remaining amount he would have given by cash. So the notes which directly enter the system from one region to another region of banking or circulation a easier data on black money is found since half of it took place through banking and half through direct cash handling. The direct cash handling will appear in super computer chain and hence the source of person can be easily noted after checking bank feed of branches or atms.

4. The video and audio of all phone lines must be passed through the super computer to analyze the photo or image of person and find threats or analyze threats based on the database of all criminals. When they appear on any location the system can process videos and images and show threats and enable police to capture criminals. There are several softwares to quickly analyze video feeds and match with existing database of videos and images.

5. The feed of twitter, facebook and whatsapp, skype, yahoo mail , gmail, sms and all possible methods of online communications. must be acquired by government of india. The US govt has access to all these feeds. These feeds are connected to the super computer of NIA and CIA which will analyze based on algorithm and let us know what are the possible threats. The threats will help govt to know any major threats in a region or any caste based fights or who has aggrevated the situation or who is sending out remours and help control passage of that information by asking telecom agencies to block that sms or video or remove from youtube immediately. Analytics softwares will help know where or who caused or how fast the wrong information or threat is spreading. The hash tags used or secret messages or chat can be used to find the major issues that are supposed to happen or any gathering of politicians or bad people are going to take and all info. This cant be done by normal computer since excessive information is churned out. All encrypted info and emails needs to decrypted to know more information.

There are various possibilities but these are the most needed features.

It has been a habit in India to not get bills for groceries, medicines at pharmacy, paper bills which are given for namesake since bill books with same serial numbers are already available so the shop owner is anyway not going to pay the bills. Real estate companies are the biggest generators of black money. Politicians receive black money up to infinity. Movie business is the one where black money easily enters and leaves. All schools and colleges collect fees from all students as donations.

Nowadays even those shops which have computerized billing do fake by having two system wherein actual purchase is maintained and in other a reduced value for income tax department. Two books are maintained in all shops one for actual sales and other for reduced sales count for income tax department even if you come on raid you cannot find.

I give below the nearest perfect solution. Take it and make it! 150% guaranteed.

Income tax department must come up with a software/web service so that it can be used by all shop owners and made compulsory for those who do any kind of business. All transactions like bill generations, payment of employee salary, payment to dealers, dealers must be done through this software. The shops should invest in only a pc with printer. The details of the purchase should be sent to income tax server once every hour after consolidation of details, like what item was bought by each sale and the total amount. Even the details of products can be sent to income tax server. It is not necessary only a computer has to be used, even a small embedded system can also be done by bharat electronics limited with features to bill small value goods and send out data to income tax server by calling the web service. The device made with embedded technology can have a slot for 3g or internet port to transmit data regularly. A mere web service can also be developed wherein the details are purchased are sent out by simple device which has 3G or a SIM card slot.

The income tax department instead of raiding each business office can buy few products from the shop and check if the same is updated in the server for the hour, even there is a delay the cost will be updated by end of day. Real time maintenance of the logs must be checked. The data can be sent by a xml with details of products purchased, the debit card used for purchase, the transaction id from bank and other details. This will lead to better revenue for central and state government. Most of the state govt, are not much eager to spend on e-governance since the cost involved is huge. But central govt. takes the initiative most of the issues will be resolved.

The above idea is a basic version you make it complicated by using super computer to monitor real time using aadhaar based details, the pan card, passport, the bank accounts, the real time usage of money. All gold buying should be authorised by providing pan card remove all limits. All gold buying should be linked to pan card and the billing software send out details to income tax server to know how much gold is being purchased by local people. The gold smuggling details will also be easily recovered.

For installing this software and the pc govt, can give tax relief upto 10,000 for all those who implement. The offer will be for first year only. All gold and jewellers must implement this compulsory without any of the above suggestions. SME must be given more time to implement the same.

All payments done in film industry by the producers to directors, actors, industry people must be sent through this billing software only. Hence better awareness on tax collection can be done. If a person buys a car also or imported the entry will be there in the income tax server and hence no body will escape the system. Initially the software may be sluggish due to heavy load hence make it a super computer with IIT, IISc, TCS, ISRO and RBI.

Even if the person who makes the purchase is not given the bill, the earning can be found since he needs to pay to his dealers and wholesale dealers through this software.

The software design can be configured by intense discussion with software companies, RBI, public, private sector banks, SME division, small business, big business, Income tax department. RBI must actively take part in activities where black money is being generated instead of just sitting on the fence saying i will change monetary policy when the inflation reduces. RBI was the sole reason behind black money since they didn't actively engage with Income tax department. This issue of black money could have been solved long back.

Aadhaar database will be linked to bank accounts, bank statements must include aadhaar number in that so that we confirm that all are aadhaar compliant. Passport issue must be linked to aadhaar. KYC is a major issue, RBI has been saying a separate organisation should take care of KYC, aadhaar has already done that. If any address changes public should upload their photo, id proof - college id, student id, passport, pan card, Electricity bill, bank statment, ration card, etc,. All these must be linked with immediate effect.

Anyone coming to bank to do transaction must provide PAN card if amount above Rs. 5000 since i see many people sending money from multiple banks to a single person to get some task achieved to avoid giving pan cards. And all pan card details provided in challan must be verified by the bank clerk by hitting income tax server and getting the photo details. The photo of the person and the person who gives the money must be checked. Banks must be proactive to prevent black money.

Cash transaction are happening in large quantities, tax department has the right to question anyone when money has been withdrawn from a bank account or salary account and not spent i.e. in case the money is spent it will be available in the billing system. So ever 3 months when the system subtracts the money earned minus spent will give the details of major transactions which slipped the system. Income tax department can post or email the person the details of why 1 Lakh or whatever is not coming in the system where was it spent. And improve the sytem to cover places where the system is not covering.

PAN  card must be compulsory for all bank accounts. Private banks are the one who are holding heavy cash from illegal sources. They are worried more on targets than proper way to get money. All pan cards must be verified automatically by it department. All neft and rtgs transactions take place through RBI server hence RBI must be proactively work with income tax to provide IT department real time feed of all transactions done by a particular user.

There has been a lag in collection of VAT in state govt, since most of the govts are not automated or e-governance was not properly implemented or supported by central govt. More IT professionals must be recruited to implement e-governance at break neck speed.

b) HRA is the biggest scam of non payment of Taxes - Government must remove the pan card limit for HRA claims. All houseowners and HRA claims should have pan card compulsorily. The pan card also must be verified with tax department duly.

c) RBI should remove the 50,000 limit to enter pan card while making transactions. Many customers easily avoid this by doing multiple transactions from various banks on the same day for less than 50,000 say 45,000 during the day from various banks but transferred to same person. This is a gaping hole for corrupt practices.
d) Banks must verify the pan card number provided by customer by hitting the income tax server and confirming at least basic details. In future may be photo and other details can be verified.
e) All shops must give Bills irrespective of the value of the transaction. It need not be a big computer atleast a small embedded system based small device with sim card inserted to transmit the data through 3g and calling the income tax web service. Similar to auto meters govt,. can make them available at very low cost.
f) Government must immediately consider linking the aadhaar with pan card, passport, ration card, eb, internet connection, mobile number, email id, etc,. so that the users are monitored and in case of any any announcements/facilities/
complaints/threats all details are pulled instantly. Most of the aadhaar card holders merely are holding the card but have not updated relevant data to the system to make it similar to the US social security number. Mobile networks must be ask their users to provide their aadhaar card number by sms. Banks must provide a sms/internet banking option where the aadhaar card number can be entered. No need to visit bank itself. Banks can verify customer with system itself. Passport holders in future must have their aadhaar card number printed on it. PAN card must also have aadhaar card attached to it. The educational details of all indians must be allowed to be updated in aadhaar website. And also all companies who have indians working must update the list of the aadhaar card numbers and pan card numbers who are employed leading to a scenario where the number of people who are unemployed is available in real time and RBI can target the interest rates not only based on Consumer price index but also on employment similar to US federal reserve. Reserve Bank must move from Price rise based monetary policy to employment based interest rate hike or reduce. Or consider a percentage of the monetary policy to be based on employment also along with price rise. We cannot depend on state governments for employment since they dont have proper system and keeps breaking down due to poor infrastructure. Since lot of money has been spent on aadhaar it must be continously used for various purposes. Actually aadhaar must be a super computer instaed of a mere card and i hate reading super computers being used to find largest prime number. ISRO, TCS, IISc are believed to be having super computers in India.

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