Thursday, May 28, 2015

Cleaning Ganga

Cleaning #Ganga is a major task taken up by the new government. According to me it is such a easy task done in wrong ways to satisfy the Hindu people in the region and no strict rules to prevent pollution in the area.

1. Fencing of certain sections of ganga were people pollute a lot.

2. Ban of plastics in Kasi, haridwar, varnasi cities to prevent usage of plastics to carry flowers, lamps, etc,. This will go a long way. Police and administration must make the plastic ban so strict that even shops away from ganga river must also not use the plastics so that it does not go and join through drains or public usage  is reduced significantly.

3. The oil in lamps cause lot of pollution, ban on usage of oil lamps to float in ganga should also be considered. Instead of aarthi from outside by using camphor by pooja person at evenings is more than enough.

4. Public can be allowed to take bath to cleanse themselves of all sins but no shampoo or soap will be allowed.

5. Drainage of cities near must be banned from flowing to the river without processing the water. It can be done by connecting all the sewers in the city to a central location and processing using advanced technologies by multiple vendors to make the water as much pure as possible. The plastic and other non degradable debris can be cleared by using incenerators and clearing them. Drainage sensors must be used to check which areas generate too much waste and fine those buildings for severe usage.

6. Fencing in between the bridges to collect debris collected in the fence to clear the debris and not allow debris to flow through the river continously. Fencing in between rivers is present in certain regions were people come in large numbers so that the fences must be designed in such a way that any cloth, plastic or lamps or people if they get stuck there they must be easily lifted above and the debris can be cleared.

7. Burning of dead bodies in ghats must be banned and incenerators must be used. The ash can be put in river but not pushing half burned bodies into the river which severely affects the public and the quality of the river. The hindu people believe if their ash is put in river it is a belief they attain moksha but the people who work in ghats and burn bodies push half burnt bodies into the rivers which causes the problem. The ban of burning bodies in ghats should be done or usage of incenerators in ghats should be implemented. The open burning of bodies in ghats causes pollution.

8. The roads along the ghats are not large and no directions are there for temples or boards for directions. Most of the brokers cheat people and fear is created in people that they can reach the destination if they dont give the money to them. Proper boards for each temple, directions to kasi vishwanath from most locations, police at every 400 metres to direct people. Currently police are there only at the temple and major areas but not along the ganga to direct tourists and visitors from other states in different languages. In thirumala there are booths to help people by speaking in diff languages and guiding people. Similar police cum help booths should be created on several cities which line across the ganga.

9. No free food is given to people who visit temples, the region needs more food centres of different regions to help tourists. Even thirumala gives free food, but shiva key place of stay doesnt have free food centres or at cheap rates. More of people discriminate and food not available at all times affect all people.

I am Hindu and believe in God. But there is a limit to polluting the river in the name of moksha!! The 7th point can be cleared only if BJP in power takes the decision to clean Ma Ganga!!! All the Best!

Venkatasubramanian B
Twitter: @bvenkat

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