Saturday, March 18, 2017

Reforms in Media – Free Ads of 1 min/hr for govt schemes(centre & state), 3min/show for cinema halls, free space in newspapers/magazines for Ads

Media which claims itself to be one of the pillars of democracy are controlled by shareholders who are affiliated to some party or other. The focus on media has not been to talk on economics or growth or development but plays political debates day after day. Newspapers have their own agenda, they raise some issue especially before parliament session to prevent question hour from happening which itself a war on India. Public are the losers at the end. 
- Telecom and online social media has to be used effectively to publish new information every week to public. Online spending for social networking sites by PIB has to be increased so that their message reaches the masses. Now almost every one has mobile or social networking account. So ads based on PIB approved ads or schemes must be present as ads to reach atleast 1 lakh people per week. Yes, it does cost some money for ads but ignorance in society needs to be removed.
Media has failed to take forward important schemes and projects approved by central and state cabinets which is a major blot. It is very much clear they discuss about Railways only on day of budget and forget for the entire year. They talk about economics and finance on day of state and central budget and go off to sleep. Media operations are very confusing when day to day growth is needed in GDP and every factor. 
Media is not willing to promote schemes of Govt and exchequer needs to spend public money to reach to one and all. If govt saves money on these ads it can use for the scheme itself. I am not against ad spends by Govt, but media can be used with this rule to make them transmit information to common man. Media projects the bad news more than the good news which is psychologically draining people on to why to live in this country. The below idea if goes to SC must be fought by AG well. There can be a small fine but they have to adhere that’s all but needs to discussed in parliament as well.
All TV channels and cinema halls must allocate 1 min/ hour to transmit free of cost the ads prepared to publicize the schemes and govt initiatives without any image of PM or CM. The ads will only show the central govt logo or state logo.
The ads will be split into 30 secs slot for state and central govt. Ad can be of full length or 15 secs length also but stick to time.
Media channels can download the respective ads from concerned website maintained by I&B with all formats HD/SD/online streaming etc,. The concerned TV channel can download and telecast within the hour in their own choice. The state governments can also upload the videos in the website or they can supply the CD to the concerned media TV channel themselves. If there is no scheme available on present date the ones which are available in the website must be played. The state media channels will carry in their language and transmit central govt ads in English or hindi or if translated.
The rule will apply to all cinema theatres as well. They have to download and run the scheme in the interval in the time of their choice.  The timeline of 3 min per show as per calculation on average of 1min/hr.
Newspapers & Magazines need to allot space in any of the page to publicise the ads on govt schemes. The title can be just Govt of India or concerned ministry and the concerned ad. The ad space will be the chosen by I&B. Newspapers ads for state and centre here also.
No money must be made to any newspaper, magazine or TV channel to transmit these ads.  Many channels might argue why should we do free. The same media which talks about democracy for hours in length, keep criticising all Govt schemes never takes forward any govt scheme forward with even one debate. Media make money by supporting one party or another which will never take India forward.
Governments must not use this platform to do political stunts but just to reach out to more people on all schemes in all languages. No photo of PM or CM needed. The aim is to save some cost and to publicity of programs which public can benefit. The scheme must start from April 1st, 2017.
I&B remains one of the worst performing ministries under Modi. Naidu and Modi’s PR might oppose. But at the end poor who needs to know

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