Monday, August 29, 2016

UTS Mobile App – Review Microsoft Lumia phone – One Time login, Allow booking by app in station platform by removing GPS precision logic, Add payment options like banks, debit/credit cards, Remove Rs.10 charge per transaction, Add app ads for revenue

The “searching your location” concept must be removed from the UTS app as it prevents booking inside station premises. The app prevents users to book after entering the station premises. I raised the same issue few months back but has not been fixed. It says the GPS precision is 33 metres and I need to go outside the station for 33 metres and less than 5 kms to get the ticket booked. This app is a big joke and why this concept within app remove it. At least we are trying to book ticket & travel. Please release update to fix this issue as soon as possible or give clarification as to why it cant be done to give alternative.
Every time we need to book tickets you are making us login. Most apps like Facebook, twitter and other wallets also take password for first time and then the data is stored in the phone or app. The login details are not requested every time it will save some time and immediately book tickets for those in a hurry. Most suburban travellers catch trains quickly will be benefitted if each time login with password is removed. So please make app as one time login to easily use for daily purpose.
The R-wallet recharge facility must have options similar to IRCTC to pay through banks, debit and credit cards. Why favouritism for paytm alone. And also for every Rs.100 why we need to pay Rs.10 extra per transaction is against “Digital India” & Financial inclusion mission of Govt of India and Finance Ministry. Rs.10 in suburban can be used to travel for one day for passengers.
The option to recharge R-Wallet “Through paytm” is only there. In payment type add other payment options other than R-wallet also like banks, debit, credit cards. In that if you ant you add other wallet companies like paytm, fast recharge, oxygen wallet, etc,. Don’t favour just paytm alone. Public sector banks come first, then private banks, debit/credit cards then wallets.
I cant change the GPS precision of my phone but just allow us to book tickets why are you worried on from where we are booking. Nobody is going to cheat right. For example say if a person without ticket after seeing a ticket checker books a ticket also in the platform. You are not going to lose anything at least he books the ticket right.
If you don’t allow as per above concept then people will tend to travel without taking tickets from counter due to crowd and app also not allowing to book tickets. Is the intention of Railways to make itself run free of cost for public by blocking all options available to us to book tickets easily.
For ATVM machines less than 1% of the suburban passengers know to use. Since Rail Card was not issued and it doesn’t accept debit and credit cards. Even metro station ticket vending machines allow other cards. At least 50% of the users of suburban are uneducated you cant expect them to use ATVM also. The remaining 50% app wont allow to book after entering station premises. So there you go your loss percentage printed everywhere on the ticket.
UTS app can earn from revenue by putting ads in the app. But I am damn sure even if you don’t implement above you will do anything for revenue. All the Best! The suggestions will take less than 1 week by your IT team to implement if you are willing to implement.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial Design

Based on my visit to Rameswaram I would like to send my suggestions and thoughts for consideration to build APJ Abdul Kalam memorial and concepts. APJ Abdul Kalam memorial wouldn’t have been possible without the support of local who where ready to give up their ancestors land for the great soul. The efforts of Sagayam IAS and TN Govt to help to get the land in quick notice and over coming pressures of APJ family members who focussed more on religion part than the great man himself. PM should meet Sagayam IAS one day and consider pulling to PM team whenever possible. TN Govt it seems is ready to give more space of 5 acres I heard. Modi has strong liking from public for effort
APJ Memorial must have following features:
Children’s Park with slides, sand sculpting space with beach sand, merry go round, see saw, exercise bars, large play pen with junction box, ball pit, net climb, web crawl, punching bags, etc,.
Science Lab with experiments and project understandable to all age groups on basic concepts of science to understand the world around us. The next 3 or 4 floors for scientists only to do lab testing on various areas like bio technology, physics lab, chemistry and bio logy labs. The labs for school and college student's to display their projects free of cost must be provided selected every 3 months by elite panel so that everyone gets change to display often. The same projects must be uploaded in the website created for the memorial.
Multi purpose Mini-Theatre cum Auditorium cum planetarium with 300-400 capacity to play APJ Biography with subtitles in English, Hindi and Tamil played with voice dubbed in English, Hindi and Tamil alternatively every 30 mins. Inviting speeches regularly by scientist on weekends and having competitions like science quiz, etc,. Online streaming of major events live and stored in YouTube for others to get inspired and learn new things.
Rose & Flower park similar to Mughal gardens in Rashtrapathi Bhavan made by experts as sand in Rameswaram may not suitable. APJ loves flowers. Entire area must be green with grass and trees of all varieties like coconut, palm, mango and other after suitably changing the sand since it is in beach sand.
APJ Museum with various portion of his life and speeches can be shown in LED TV with some only audio and some both video & audio taken from DD & All India Radio. Option to hear the dubbed version through headphones must be given with 20 to 30 slots for each TV.
DRDO can take separate space in the museum with photos and unique models on APJ contribution to DRDO
Wax statue of APJ to take photos inside the memorial complex
Free tree samplings given to those who want to buy from there at best price of less than Rs.50. APJ loved trees so much and nature.
ISRO must keep replicas of PSLV with more than 9 feet. ISRO contribution must be made separate session
Presence of 2 CRPF as protection for the area and as respect for him to take care of security, flag hoisting activities daily and to support TN police. Increase security once fully built.
Library with 2 sections one which holds APJ collection and other pat with best books selected by elite panel for both sale & reading
X-Ray scanning devices of visitors on an average at least 2000 people visit daily and CCTV cameras to increase security.
Flag Hoisting not done daily the TN Govt and union govt must ensure the same. Have we become too lazy to hoist the Indian national flag daily
Granite or Marble Enclosure for APJ Abdul Kalam resting place. The resting place must be a rectangular space and not reflect any religion.
Sales Exhibition to maintain such large facility can be run by DRDO and not any private contractor or APJ family members. To sell books, science materials, science projects, science books to inspire many youth and public who visit from all parts of the country
His best speeches must made as DVD and sold at low cost with in video format updated every year to add new items
Banning of photography near his resting place. It is very tough to see people taking selfies of his resting place. Photos in other spots can be allowed
His best speeches must be present all over the place in major languages to inspire the future generations also
Annual competitions for children and youth in various needed
Sports Stadium with multi level complex – 1) 2 Badminton 2) Table Tennis 3) Tennis Court 4) Billiards/Snooker 5) 1 Basket Ball Court to promote sports in the region 6) swimming pool of global standard 7) chess
APJ Start-up Science Fund must be created with initial corpus of 100 crores. An elite panel of judges from across the scientific community in India must be invited to shortlist application from school and college students every 6 months through online portal. The selected top 100 must be invited to present and the govt must fund 100 or best among if found suitable to develop project. Google and major start-ups in the globe where helped by the countries at some point of time. Giving a NEFT code in the memorial to transfer funds to the Account for further development of science in the region and India.
APJ House has no ventilation and it is too hot inside. The A/C and others are switched off and makes it difficult to stay inside in spite of people want to read through all the documents. Either keep the house windows open for air from the sea to blow inside or make the A/C work. In solar A/C wont work.