Sunday, July 31, 2016

Indian Rivers Inter-Linking – PM Independence Day Speech

Govt must take steps to start inter-linking rivers in India. The main rivers in India Ganga – Yamuna – Brahmaputra – Indus River Basin- Narmada - Godavari – Krishna – Cauvery must be linked together through canals and some regions through National Highways through pipelines to pour into rivers. All possible combination must be used to complete.
Many think it is an impossible project but actually it is the most easiest project which has not been completed for politicians to play with people for politics. It is not that we cant fund the project. This will be the next key project to focus on as GST gets cleared. If states don’t co-operate consider nationalising rivers to speed up project.
You need to work with farmers, states, central govt, scientists, ISRO, public, media, NWDA, geologists, MET, Engineers who have constructed dams, Private firms which have machines, Farm community heads in all states, also teams from states which have already completed linking of rivers in their states.
The project will help avoid floods repeatedly happening in one part of India (Assam) and other part of India facing drought (along Vaigai River in Madurai). The rivers Ganga which is a perennial river will help irrigate the entire country. There have been several vision documents on connecting Ganga to Cauvery but no Govt even attempted to try this. May be govt’s will do only if Supreme Court tells to do. If Govt’s will do only if SC tells then why do we need Govt at centre or states
I want PM to intervene in this matter to clear 30,000 crores for this project over a period of 2 years. I don’t want funds to be given in one shot but encourage states like Andhra, Gujarat and Telangana which have completed linking rivers by at least 50% of cost. Rs.1 added to fuel cess will get do the project as vehicles contribute to global warming leading to El-Nino and La-Nina effects. States will also share some of the cost. We should not ask any country or Agency for funds for this project we do this ourselves. Also the money can be used to supply machines also instead of just giving cash which can be misused.
Prepare roadmap need separate committee for same similar to GST. I don’t know what Uma Bharati is doing in cabinet for Water Resources & NWDA with no major steps taken in last 2 year not a word has been talked about river interlinking. NWDA has already prepared so many case studies but on ground work not speeding up.
For Ganga cleaning the Ghats where dead bodies are thrown half burnt into Ganga. Some people do to get moksha. I know only ashes in small portion put in Ganga will give moksha some of the workers in a hurry do this to push half burnt into Ganga. But neither can UP govt nor PM can do anything. I am also a Hindu and I know the religious understanding in a better way but half-Hindus practice it wrongly by throwing half baked bodies. Sewer lines into Ganges can be processed but the population in Varnasi is too high.
For states like Tamil Nadu where not even one river has been linked as we have to depend on other states entirely for water. Even we connect by canals, we can take steps to prevent river water which suddenly gush in from other state from going waste to seas by stopping with dams or canals. UP complaining of drought is unfortunate in spite of having Ganges nearby they could have attempted something. Karnataka depends entirely on Cauvery and they stop all water necessary with dams and don’t give to any other state also. But if the rivers are nationalised and river flows are controlled by central govt then all states will get the water share without any issue. The local politics over rivers will also be eliminated. Some states trying to build dams within their states without even thinking about other states which are in down stream of the river which will suffer.
Our PM met all state chief ministers of states which are affected by drought. But never considered inter-linking of rivers in India in full speed by canals
I don’t want to use the word Economy with river inter-linking since agriculture is highest GDP contributor if u didn’t get it. I don’t want our fields to turn deserts in another 50 years due to lack of water. We don’t want lengthy press releases or news on this but real work to start and be completed in another 3 years. I cant wait till 2030 or next generation to see a developed country. We will make this country a developed country by 2020 the goalposts can be changed. They will remain we need to go fast.
Use of high end latest engineering machines to lay canals faster and wider will help complete the project in record time the initial step will be laying canal path to link rivers. When kings of several years old where able to use man power to widen river paths why cant we do with so many machines available. Where machines made only to bottle Coca-Cola from our ground water?. Those farmers who give their lands must be given more than the value quoted by land acquisition bills. The state and central govt must create joint task force for this if you depend on only state govt some states will not clear fast and will sleep over files.
See Gujarat completed long back, Andhra and Telangana also completed recently. The central govt must also foot some of the bills of the same. Also work with other states with high power committee setup similar to GST. See GST had committee since corporates and business are going to flourish. But for committee to speed up the project since it is for farmers. In case of farmers issue alone all give speeches but no work goes on ground or if some media before parliament session reports one of the hundred cases.
- Venkatasubramanian, Chennai

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