Sunday, July 31, 2016

Indian Rivers Inter-Linking – PM Independence Day Speech

Govt must take steps to start inter-linking rivers in India. The main rivers in India Ganga – Yamuna – Brahmaputra – Indus River Basin- Narmada - Godavari – Krishna – Cauvery must be linked together through canals and some regions through National Highways through pipelines to pour into rivers. All possible combination must be used to complete.
Many think it is an impossible project but actually it is the most easiest project which has not been completed for politicians to play with people for politics. It is not that we cant fund the project. This will be the next key project to focus on as GST gets cleared. If states don’t co-operate consider nationalising rivers to speed up project.
You need to work with farmers, states, central govt, scientists, ISRO, public, media, NWDA, geologists, MET, Engineers who have constructed dams, Private firms which have machines, Farm community heads in all states, also teams from states which have already completed linking of rivers in their states.
The project will help avoid floods repeatedly happening in one part of India (Assam) and other part of India facing drought (along Vaigai River in Madurai). The rivers Ganga which is a perennial river will help irrigate the entire country. There have been several vision documents on connecting Ganga to Cauvery but no Govt even attempted to try this. May be govt’s will do only if Supreme Court tells to do. If Govt’s will do only if SC tells then why do we need Govt at centre or states
I want PM to intervene in this matter to clear 30,000 crores for this project over a period of 2 years. I don’t want funds to be given in one shot but encourage states like Andhra, Gujarat and Telangana which have completed linking rivers by at least 50% of cost. Rs.1 added to fuel cess will get do the project as vehicles contribute to global warming leading to El-Nino and La-Nina effects. States will also share some of the cost. We should not ask any country or Agency for funds for this project we do this ourselves. Also the money can be used to supply machines also instead of just giving cash which can be misused.
Prepare roadmap need separate committee for same similar to GST. I don’t know what Uma Bharati is doing in cabinet for Water Resources & NWDA with no major steps taken in last 2 year not a word has been talked about river interlinking. NWDA has already prepared so many case studies but on ground work not speeding up.
For Ganga cleaning the Ghats where dead bodies are thrown half burnt into Ganga. Some people do to get moksha. I know only ashes in small portion put in Ganga will give moksha some of the workers in a hurry do this to push half burnt into Ganga. But neither can UP govt nor PM can do anything. I am also a Hindu and I know the religious understanding in a better way but half-Hindus practice it wrongly by throwing half baked bodies. Sewer lines into Ganges can be processed but the population in Varnasi is too high.
For states like Tamil Nadu where not even one river has been linked as we have to depend on other states entirely for water. Even we connect by canals, we can take steps to prevent river water which suddenly gush in from other state from going waste to seas by stopping with dams or canals. UP complaining of drought is unfortunate in spite of having Ganges nearby they could have attempted something. Karnataka depends entirely on Cauvery and they stop all water necessary with dams and don’t give to any other state also. But if the rivers are nationalised and river flows are controlled by central govt then all states will get the water share without any issue. The local politics over rivers will also be eliminated. Some states trying to build dams within their states without even thinking about other states which are in down stream of the river which will suffer.
Our PM met all state chief ministers of states which are affected by drought. But never considered inter-linking of rivers in India in full speed by canals
I don’t want to use the word Economy with river inter-linking since agriculture is highest GDP contributor if u didn’t get it. I don’t want our fields to turn deserts in another 50 years due to lack of water. We don’t want lengthy press releases or news on this but real work to start and be completed in another 3 years. I cant wait till 2030 or next generation to see a developed country. We will make this country a developed country by 2020 the goalposts can be changed. They will remain we need to go fast.
Use of high end latest engineering machines to lay canals faster and wider will help complete the project in record time the initial step will be laying canal path to link rivers. When kings of several years old where able to use man power to widen river paths why cant we do with so many machines available. Where machines made only to bottle Coca-Cola from our ground water?. Those farmers who give their lands must be given more than the value quoted by land acquisition bills. The state and central govt must create joint task force for this if you depend on only state govt some states will not clear fast and will sleep over files.
See Gujarat completed long back, Andhra and Telangana also completed recently. The central govt must also foot some of the bills of the same. Also work with other states with high power committee setup similar to GST. See GST had committee since corporates and business are going to flourish. But for committee to speed up the project since it is for farmers. In case of farmers issue alone all give speeches but no work goes on ground or if some media before parliament session reports one of the hundred cases.
- Venkatasubramanian, Chennai

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Padma Vibhushan or Dadasaheb Phalke Award – Actor Nagesh (

An actor who has acted in more than 1000 films primarily in Tamil cinemas as comedian and other supporting roles
His best films include Server(waiter) Sundaram, PattanathilBhootham, EthirNeechal, KaadhalikkaNeramillai, Vietnam Veedu, Major Chandrakanth, Michael Madana Kama Rajan, Panchathanthiram, Vasool Raja MBBS which if watched by your jury to confirm the award
His comedy stood the test of time from black and white cinema to modern day cinema. He was worked with all leading actors and actresses in tamil cinema namely M.G.R, Sivaji Ganesan, Kamal Haasan, Rajinikanth including current chief minister of Tamil Nadu Selvi J. Jayalalithaa.
Similar to Nagesh, the most famous lady comedian of tamil cinema was Manorama - who played pair to Nagesh and several actors in many movies to deliver best comedy scenes which survive the test of time. She is currently has Padma Sri has 1,500 films to her credit.
There is generally a apprehension that Tamil stars are not given awards. If they are given also only for political reasons or personal closeness. The personalities mentioned above were masters of their art and deserve Padma Vibhushan or Dadasaheb Phalke Award be conferred posthumously on them. I am requesting for both since they complemented each other in acting. Humour is so costly nowadays with too much pressure.
Generally only lead actors are given major awards but comedians are key part of the movies who keep the audience engaged and revenue spinners for movie. But they are left out of major awards. So Government (state and central govt) & President must clear the request after due research. I can assure that no one will raise a flag as both Nagesh and Manorama deserve award. If considered will help a major initiative pending for decades and generations.
State govt must also supplement my effort by sending due supporting material in this regard.
The list should extend to, for their combined composition of songs for 1000 plus films.
Nowadays salary for actors and comedians run to several crores but those days talent only mattered in spite of low salary. Many of them died with low assets only their work of art remained back. Hope Govt will reward them with awards at least posthumously. You can verify the above people mentioned with veterans of film industry they will know irrespective of language.
If Govt forgets to clear at right time or postpones it will be great injustice to the field of Art.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Banking Reforms in Public Sector Banks - Real action needed not press release/News

In most PSB the process to update or get internet banking id & password or mobile banking id and password is like nightmare. We have to bank multiple times to get the details and requesting them by taking leave from work to approach them to get things sorted out. Example: Indian overseas bank
In case of new debit card pin the private banks send to the address of the customer directly if requested online or SMS instead of unwanted delay by asking to come to branch to do the process. In PSB’s they ask us to fill new forms and forms for everything but nothing get delivered as it gets stuck in the workflow for approval for days and days and no one sees. When all details of the customer are available in the banking system then why ask details again and again and waste time. The private banks charge fee for the service and quickly dispatch in less than 24 hours but in PSB it takes weeks to raise a request, then next time to check status and 3rd time to know if request has been approved and 4th time to get card. It takes easily weeks this is the speed of reforms which Govt wanted. IOB is a classic example of this problem also.
It is not that PSB want to be very secure it is that they are very slow in processing requests. In internet banking or by SMS private sector banks give option to request new debit card or debit card pin or internet banking password or mobile banking password but in PSB it is impossible to get the same or expect the same.
Most of the PSB ATM’s don’t work. Even RBI report mentioned the same, even if u ask common people they would say some day's it works some days it wont. Some days software issues, some days no cash or cash gets over, some day’s some other issue. So the problem of ATM is many fold. I do try to escalate to concerned authorities but I cant go on and on and escalate for each ATM I go is not operational since it works with multiple banks and agencies. Private sector banks at least 90% ATM work they should the commitment but PSB zero commitment or issue with multiple vendors they cant arm twist vendors as they will get into legal issues due to various rules of contract. All bank ATM outside and above the ATM machine the code must be printed and if not working a format must be given to send SMS. Each bank can have own system. Example: ATMCode to number. The team can remotely check if the case is genuine then can send team. 2) Also banks can identify ATM is not working if an ATM code has very limited transaction considering India ‘s population even a remote ATM will have one transaction every hour. The transaction in the sense money withdrawal not just entry. This in turn can be monitored by internal team which can pull reports daily and send nearest branch officials to check and then in turn contact vendor to rectify. PSB should create internal procedures to monitor. I don’t think anyone would have given so much detailed suggestion on this issue. It is not a small issue as PM or Arun Jaitley wont require to take money from ATM as all services are provided for them in-house but for a common man ATM is a lifeline of the day’s work and to run family. Immediately don’t start we are going cashless so dependency on ATM will go both are different issues.
The process to update change of address is the worst nightmare for any account holder in a public sector bank. We fill form and give but they say come tomorrow and it goes on and on to update details. IOB in ashok nagar, Chennai is the worst branch. Govt must request IOB to transfer all employees in that branch to different area and bring in new staff. The staff in the branch don’t do any work properly almost thousands are affected by their slow pace of work. Or ask IOB to put separate team in the branch from head office to stay in the branch and monitor their work for a week and enable speed up of work.
IOB has a twitter A/C but has never tweeted till now. Seriously they run bank or thinking it is a big joke. They lack vision for business also. Same with other PSB also other than SBI. The replies of SBI for RTI are so bad that they don’t give answer for any question.
PSB are denying credit cards to customers who have held accounts for very long and have salary account also. They say they have to check with CIBIL. How CIBIL will have entry if we don’t have history of any credit card or loans. For first time somebody has to give right. Retail credit in the form of credit cards will help pick up in demand easily. SBI rejected stating no entry in CIBIL. Hope you understand this vicious cycle of somebody has to give credit card to start entry in CIBIL also.
For the loans taken for farmers, students (education in India) the loan amount must be fixed at a maximum amount even if there is a default in payment. If you put interest over interest it wont be feasible to pay 6 lakhs due to increase in interest rate for a 3 lakhs loan since the interest keeps increasing.  If interest keeps increasing indiscriminately due to miss in payment public get frustrated and tend to avoid payment. Banks must have maximum payable amount fixed in starting. Leads to going to money lenders.
Govt has to make all claims of HRA through banking channel to prevent fake receipts. The claim of HRA above 5,000 per month must be brought under banking system. The person who is in rent can pay to house owner by bank system. The HRA claimer can download receipt from internet banking of the bank and submit for HRA claim. Also income tax similar to how it loads TDS in the income tax website of bank. The same can help load HRA automatically. The Income tax must slowly move towards automatic loading compared to self form filing. Also many house owners who earn lakhs by just earning from rent don’t pay tax or give pan card details to the rented person. Tax evasion will go.
Form loans must be completely automated and repeated details must be stored in the A/C itself. Approval must be less than 48 hours. Documentation must be made simple.

TN Budget Suggestions for Consideration

This is my first request of suggestions to TN Govt through twitter. Hope the same will be considered. Pls create separate twitter A/C TN CM CELL monitored by TN CM CELL & IAS
5 crores for tree plantations across the state in towns and cities with only Indian trees like neem tree, coconut tree, mango tree, etc,. along state highways, streets in residential areas, all areas which have been created as corporations Example: Old Mahabalipuram Road (Rajiv Gandhi Road) from Madhya Kailash to Kelambakkam and current metro route from Airport to CMBT. Crotons if planted will not give shade and are not native. Another 2 crores to increase forest cover in western Ghats and areas which are affected by development work
10 crores for placing of dustbins in roads in which buses ply every 100 metres in all corporations within TN. Fine of Rs.50 for anyone who is putting waste in road or any place like tourist spots, bus stands, bus stop, schools, residential areas, colleges, beaches, bus routes, etc,. Fine on smoking in common areas is not implemented
25 crores for recycle waste in all dumping yards across the state this will be a good start to carry forward year on year. Since central govt not using its Swachh Bharath cess for all states and only spent for putting ads. Perungudi dumping yard near Velachery is giving great sense of fear on how the environment has been damaged terribly. If recycling not done the entire marsh will go off and when rain comes it will fill the homes with water I cross the area for past 8 years and the size of perungudi yard growing big because no recycling done for tonnes and tonnes of plastic. I can understand we need space to dump all waste but dumping alone wont be enough we need to recycle. Why were plastic roads project stopped?
Efforts to build relations with tamil communities across the world with opening of centre for Tamils in all countries like USA, Britain, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Dubai, Saudi, China, Japan, Thailand, Germany, France to register their existing communities for business growth and also link to govt for any help during any crisis. There is lack of proper channels outside India to connect with TN Govt or to bring in new business projects from existing business owners outside India. An annual festive to bring in Tamils from across the globe and award them for meritorious contribution will be a good start. If TN govt can setup and AIADMK can separately create their offices outside India also. Many tamilians are facing lack of availability of Indian food abroad if TN Govt through these channels can sell Indian food items like pulses, vegetables, etc,. By discussing with communities will help TN farmers also they should be sold at profit no subsidy expected only availability is the key or setup Indian restaurants abroad by providing tax relief. Govt must not spend out of its own pockets but through community collaboration must create. MEA wont interfere we hope just informing central govt prior will help. TN can earn from the forex if implemented properly
TN Govt must allot 250 crores to sign up JV with Indian Railways as soon as possible to share 50% of the total cost of project. Help to Railways for land acquisition will help. If all states can accept to sign up JV with Railways TN Govt if it delays it will only reduce projects allotted since central govt will feel funds will remain dormant and wont be used. The freight corridor not extended to TN is a clear indication of JV not signed so central govt don’t want to take risk so they have avoided TN. If TN budget 250 crores for this year is allotted and signing up JV for projects will be good start. Will help completion of doubling project up to Kanyakumari.
TN Govt not helping with land acquisition of 500 metres to complete Velachery to St. Thomas mount has left Railways in a position that it feels uncomfortable to get any help from TN Govt in future for projects also. TN govt not in good rapport with Railways has led to delay in new projects since TN Govt doesn’t want to share cost.
Allot the extra space requested for building APJ memorial . It must be world class. DRDO wants 8 more acres. Please try your best and separate IAS team to help DRDO on the same till the memorial is completed. Govt should come forward and give 20 crores for the cost of the building as a token of appreciation to the effort APJ has done for the country
TN Govt cannot continue to run with no taxation policy in budget. Instead of raising bus fares, milk rates govt must focus on taxes which no shop in TN pays around 90% shops don’t pay tax, no tax for sewage to lay sewer lines across TN in all districts and in Chennai. Compulsory implementation of Rain Water harvesting. Higher property tax for those who own more than one house no politician or opposition can question because more than one house govt has right to tax more. Running more A/C buses will give govt good revenue run these buses at profitable rates with proper maintenance. No new A/C buses were purchased in last 10 years.
Japan investors are delayed due to Chennai to Bangalore corridor alternatively they can be provided space in Guduvanchery to Thiruporur road which can accommodate more companies and help build to world class and more job employment. This will also lead to Chennai city expanding to new areas.
Low voltage issue is very high in most areas of Chennai. Need to allot 50 transformers to improve quality of power.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Aviation Policy – Regional Connectivity Scheme - Transit within India - Reduce Cost

Congrats to Aviation minister Gajapathi Raju, Mahesh Sharma and Choubey and his team for doing a great job for aviation policy. The entire team seems to be over sincere in their efforts. Ensure you send a copy to all global aviation companies across the globe and respond immediately to their queries and invite them to fly to India. At least ask them to start with one flight, Chinese, American and European airlines must be your primary request since it will bring tourists.
RCS failed to bring a policy to help with connecting with top 25 tourist destinations in India and focussing on its nearest airport. Example: Many from north India want to visit tourist spots in Tamil Nadu like Ooty or kodaikanal or Kanyakumari. The nearest airport is Madurai but there is no direct flights from Kolkata or Delhi to Madurai. So if they take transit flights from Kolkata to Chennai and then to Madurai it will cost around 9,000 a middle class cant afford. What is the solution that RCS gives for such problems of transit flights within India so people waste 2 days in train itself to reach these places due to high cost of airfares? Will RCS solution of Govt reduce it to Rs.3,500-4000 maximum
In case a state govt doesn’t come forward to take part in RCS the central govt should not drop the RCS concept for the state nor stop development of airports in the state. Generally few states might be apprehensive but Central govt must continue with the scheme by putting in the share of central govt and airport operators even if state govt don’t reduce VAT. The end focus are the public if a state govt doesn’t come forward also the scheme must start but keep engaging with the concerned state govt regularly by letters and talks to bring them on board. The main focus is don’t leave out any state because a state govt didn’t come forward. I see in the entire RCS it is mentioned that a share of cost is with state govt.
If the RCS flights just connect to the nearest state capital the cost of transit flights within India will be high. For example if Pondicherry is brought under RCS then the Pondicherry to Chennai flight will be Rs.2500 with check in and check out at airport to be 3 hours but if we go by bus it costs Rs.150 in less than 4 hours. The RCS should focus on connecting to major metros across the country like if Pondicherry connects to Mumbai it will be useful and also save costs in transit flights like going from Pondicherry to Chennai and from there to Mumbai it will cost around Rs.7000 which will make it unviable and again Pondicherry airport will be in closing stage. The same case will happen to all. Hence RCS must focus on connecting at least twice a week to Mumbai or Delhi or Kolkata away from the nearest metro. For this route if RCS is cheap it will help for the 2 and half hour journey with funding with central govt and state govt. The RCS route must not be decided by Govt, Aviation Ministry, state govt, passenger associations and airlines together.
The landing charges in destination airports also must not be collected for airports from which flights depart. If a flight starts from Pondicherry to Mumbai. There should not be any landing charges in Mumbai also. The actual cost is at destination airport only.
Please do discuss with all airline operators and each state govt on the RCS since they will be the core to the growth of traffic. Releasing policy is easy but Choubey and team with minister must talk to each state govt directly and know their comments for the success of the scheme.
Allow foreign airlines to connect directly to airports which are unused to promote more growth in traffic.
Will Air India intend to connect the routes even if any airline doesn’t come forward to connect those routes? Will Air India make attempt to start flights in low cost model without any food included in fares to try new routes once a week. Anyway passengers will buy inside aircraft if needed.
The viability gap funding can be raised by a) Taking 5% of the basic fare of international flights or maximum of Rs.300 to contribute to VGF of RCS routes. International travellers must first line of target to get funding b) Taking 2% of basic fare of domestic flights or maximum of Rs.200 to VGF c) AAI increasing the charges for international flights by Rs.50 as flat rate only for international flights in airport development charge and this excess must be moved to separate fund to develop old airports and must not be put in general funding of AAI.
Under RCS routes at least once a week – one route must be to state capital, one must be to nearest state capital outside state, one must be either Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai or Kolkata out of these any 3 farthest routes must be connected, once must be to top 25 tourist destination in India. Will central govt create corpus of Rs.500 initially
The flights across any part of India should max out to Rs.4000 by Govt asking Air India to operate low cost model flights to new routes,