Sunday, October 30, 2022

Budget 2023 - India - Requests

List of requests for Budget 2023:

1. Adoption of QR code and card payments in all railway counters. All India travel card to be used across Indian railways, metros and suburban networks and airports and taxis and autos.

2. There should be overall guidelines or benchmarks and parameters for govt offices and the procedure to interact. For Example: The benchmarks for primary health centers across India should be fixed and the parameters improved on year on year basis.

3. RBI and banks should come forward and designate out of total loan book 2% based on BC, MBC, SC and ST and EWS (Economically Weaker Section). Banks must have 10% sub-classification for startups under priority sector lending for building silicon valleys in long runs. Startups can help solve problems under agriculture under priority sector lending.

4. Pension scheme for new categories:

A) Pension scheme for players and coaches who have represented India in international sports tournaments. Similar scheme can be incorporated by state govts based on central implementation. There should be different scales based on number of representations and winning percentages of the player.

B) Pension scheme for actors and artists and technicians who have been awarded national awards for cinema and arts. There should be different scales based on number of movies acted, number of awards earned. Similar scheme can be incorporated by state governments.

5. MSME should setup new businesses under micro-medium and small category. Every quarter they should be asked to train unemployed and interact with students through online courses. This will give rise to new businesses which are generally avoided by common public as Return on investment is initially very low for new areas.

4. Solar villages constructed every year under MNRE scheme at the rate of one village in every district in India. Common facilities like street lighting, primary health centres, free computer centre should be solar powered. At least 150 middle income houses should be selected and powered by solar.

3. Tax rebate must be given based on card or UPI based payments based on calculation done by banks. The total summary can be claimed at the end of the year as tax rebate at the rate of Rs. 1000 for every Rs. 50,000 transacted. Maximum of 2,000 per year. Instead of giving plain rebates this scheme is much beneficial for India.

2. Connecting east coast of india with west coast of India for shipment and faster movement of goods. Example: A shipment arrives in Mumbai can be shipped to Chennai  by train for further shipment. Extension of freight corridor to tamilnadu.

3. Budgetary allocation for river interlinking for projects under study to start work once study completed

4. Avoid nuclear plants in land locked areas

5. College and university degree programs for nuclear engineering, bio medical engineering and space engineering designed with help of govt departments

6. Ayurveda department in all hospitals and public health centers

7. E-learning for all Kendriya vidyalaya students by giving digital devices to school staff. Similar can be emulated based on success by state govts. Giving laptop and internet connection to KV staff to conduct classes or special sessions to reduce tuition dependency.

8. Unutilized air strips to be revived by defense forces and operating UDAAN flights at least once a week. Dornier aircrafts from HAL can be used by IAF to operate in these routes at least once a week.  Example: Chennai - Rameswaram and Bangalore - Pondicherry

9. Any one form of pension scheme (debt or NPS) should be taken by all working employees. NPS should be allowed to have more debt component for more acceptability. Any pension scheme (social security) deducted from basic pay similar to HRA must be made compulsory for ensuring social security in future.

10. Setting up of IT department and R&D department in all offices and accounts to integrate legacy systems and make new strides. Anyone investing in R&D will benefit the country in big way. R&D spending should be made compulsory. Example: Say the Electrical department of a college setups up R&D it will give more exposure to students and understand practical applications of many concepts. The royalty earned from R&D projects done several decades ago should be a major booster to take up R&D in all colleges and departments. The R&D done to find electricity or computer or aircraft are a major boon for the world. Major MNC adopt R&D as percentage of their revenue to create new products.

11. Commerce - All colleges should be asked to setup compulsory 2 startups per department every year. So the best students can try to setup a startup managed and funded partly by the college itself. A startup per department will translate to lakhs of startups across India having cascading effect across the country. The startup fund should be created at university level. Startups should be reviewed by banks and departments as well.

12. Regional language certification program in line of Hindi prachar sabha or IELTS for english has to be derived and conducted by state governments for the persons mother tongue or geographical location. This will ensure new generation learn these languages for long term benefits.

13. Indian cultural centres with space for all state govts should be setup across the world. These centres will help connect global audience to indian culture and conduct events regularly. 

14. Hydrogen based buses procured and subsidized by central govt for trial projects in highly polluted cities.

15. Compulsory plantation of new crops/plantations by farmers owning more than 10 acres other than just mere MSP based crops. They should aim to grow fruits and other plantations and crops as well.